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ID Date Icon Author Author Emailup Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  66   Wed Jul 10 22:19:47 2002 Warning momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  a bug and a question
   If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  
   Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
    <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>

but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

  68   Thu Jul 11 15:59:17 2002 Warning momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  entry number not updated properly after deleting
    If you delete a message from the middle of a logbook that contains a 
bunch of messages, the message numbers do not get updated properly.  For 
instance, if you have 20 messages in the logbook, and delete number 15, 
entry numbers 16 through 20 all do not get subtracted by one; their numbers 
stay the same with #15 just missing in the middle.  

  85   Thu Jul 25 19:17:13 2002 Warning Momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  elogd.cfg cannot be saved
    In the newest version of eLog, I was having trouble saving the 
configurations once I change them through the web interface.  I can change 
them and save them fine if I do it in notepad; but that way you have to 
restart the elogd server.  I think this is a bug on the new version unless 
I am doing something wrong.  Also I was wondering if you were going to add 
any of the wish list items on version 2.0.6 (Conditional attributes seems 
to have the most votes and would be an extremely helpful feature!! :-).  
Thank You.

  87   Tue Jul 30 17:33:24 2002 Question momsheikh25@hotmail.comQuestion  Scroll box for attributes
   If you have the text box turned off so you only enter attributes, is it 
possible to have a couple of attributes that have small scroll through text 
boxs of a couple of lines rather than just one line?   Like not as big as 
the regular text box but something small to be able to post a couple of 
lines in and if it gets bigger then you scroll down.  For instance if you 
are posting a problem and a solution just have one small text box for the 
problem and one for the solution.

  68573   Tue Feb 7 18:54:00 2017 Reply Stefan Rittnder stefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxcommit a6e5962Re: Is it possible change content of the notifying mail content (attachements...) ?

Please look in the manual under "Email Format" and "Use Email Subject".

Christine Quicot wrote:

Hello all,

I would like to configure the email that is sent to notify users, when an entry is submitted:

- Is it possible to attach to the mail the files attached to the entry ?

- Is it possible to configure a string (with entry keywords) that will appear in the mail content instead of the default content ?


Thank you!




  69764   Thu Mar 21 15:23:52 2024 Question Nina Bondarenkonina.bondarenko@uu.seQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Installation with amp on Rocky Linux

Hello all,

I am installing elog on an Rocky Linux instance. Have dependensy problem. 

rpm -Uvh elog-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm 

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64


Any clues from developers to resolve it and keep the software working. Thank you in advance!

Bests, Nina

  69636   Tue Jan 31 17:40:22 2023 Warning Frank HeyrothnoBug reportLinux3.1.5-1*.cxx files missing in elog-3.1.5-1.tar.gz
I downloaded the last elog-3.1.5-1.tar.gz to install elog.

All *.cxx files are missing.
  146   Wed Oct 30 19:46:56 2002 Question Philipp RuecklnoneQuestion  elog reaction is very slow
I am running Elog V2.1.3 on Solaris 8 and I was very pleased about this 
tool.But now I have a problem: Sometimes it takes a lot of time submitting 
an entry into a logbook, up to 3 minutes. This behaviour does only occur 
sometimes. Did anyone of You experience something like this?
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886