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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  67881   Tue May 5 12:17:24 2015 Agree Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' buttonOups, now I feel almost a little bit sorry
for asking 
  67898   Wed May 13 01:40:21 2015 Agree Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0-devRe: "Leave Page" pop-up when "Submit" entry> Thanks for the "boiling-down" of your config
file. That helped me to reproduce the error
quickly. It only occurs if you have a date/time
  68039   Fri Jul 3 21:26:32 2015 Agree Erkcan Ozcanerkcan@gmail.comInfoLinux3.1.0-5be245eRe: ELOG and Gmail?Using stunnel4 and the 3.1.0 version of elog,
I was able to use gmail smtp without the
use of iptables.
  68057   Thu Jul 23 08:19:38 2015 Agree Jan Henry Hetzelj.hetzel@fz-juelich.deInfoLinux3.1.0Re: Pasting pictures from clipboard does not work anymore (firefox 39)Hi,

following the author of imagepaste
one should upgrade the version of th CKEditor
  68405   Thu Aug 25 18:32:13 2016 Agree Darren Hollinrakehollinrakedp@gmail.comQuestionWindowsV3.1.1-3f311c5Re: elog client cmd line submission of attributes with spaces.Thanks for the response. You are indeed correct
that the issue disappears when I comment
out my required attributes line. If I just
  68410   Thu Sep 1 09:03:51 2016 Agree Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.1Re: Image source url missingThe conflicting option is "Preview
attachments". When this is turned off
(set to 0), images are not properly uploaded.
  68470   Wed Nov 30 02:29:36 2016 Agree Xuan Error: Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogdThanks for your advice! I've test that
dropping an image from my local disk into
the text box with Elog-3.1.2. It did
  68512   Fri Dec 16 14:44:19 2016 Agree Stefano Bonaldostefano.bonaldo.13@gmail.comBug fixMac OSX3.1.2Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attributeBug FIXED! Many thanks Stefan and my warmest
congratulations for the elog project.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6