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Entry   Hilight code, posted by Daniel Sajdyk on Tue Sep 6 13:29:03 2016 

Hello :)

Is there any way to highlight code (for example php, SQL) in logs entries?

Best Regards

Daniel Sajdyk

Entry   Using an RSS reader on a pasword protected elog, posted by Jackie Schwehr on Wed Sep 28 10:27:24 2016 

I'm trying to set up a python rss parser to read the output from my collaboration's elog, however the elog is password protected and I cannot figure out how to have a python scrip get past the login screen.  Is there something obvious I'm missing that will allow a parser to submit a username and password? If that's too python-specific of a question for this audience, then what is the exact security method elog uses, so I can get information on that?  I've read through the documentation and either I don't know what I'm reading (likely) or I'm not looking in the right spot.

Entry   , posted by Tim Schelfhout on Mon Dec 5 13:06:21 2016 


I am using ELOG V2.9.2-2475.  I added some groups and restarted ELOG and all of a sudden it 

Entry   , posted by on Fri Mar 25 00:16:13 107 
Entry   , posted by on Fri Mar 25 00:16:13 107 
Entry   Pre-fill , posted by Dominic Schneider on Wed Mar 24 16:11:04 2021 

Hi all together,

I struggle a lot with the following problem:
I try to prefill certain attributes with the value of exactly the same attribute in the last entry made in the same logbook.

I know I have to go with Preset, tried a view hours and searched the forum but i didn't find a thing. Am I overlooking a flag, an option or whatever, or is there just not such a functionality (which I dont believe)?

I thought about:
Preset Test_Attribute = $Test_attribute
Preset Test_Attribute = Re:$Test_attribute
Preset Test_Attribute = $shell(Command to somehow get last entry and this attributes value)
Not succesful though.

I would be very thankful for help, thanks in advance.

Entry   , posted by Vinzenz Bildstein on Fri Apr 23 18:53:16 2021 
Entry   wrong server HTTP status code when login failed, posted by Chris Körner on Thu Oct 21 14:57:14 2021 


I am trying to access elog through a python client ( and found a strage strange behavior which may be related server side problem. The python script generates get/post messages via the python requests library. This works fine so far and I can view and post messages. However, if a wrong user/password is provided, the server still returns HTTP status code "200 OK", although login failed. Instead, it should return something like "401 Unauthorized". This behavior later causes problems since the python client thinks login was successful. After experimenting around I think this could be caused by a server side misconfiguration. Any ideas?

I am not sure if this imformation is important: We use LDAP as user/password provider for elog.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6