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icon4.gif   Port specification with -p fails under RedHat Linux (2.0.4-1), posted by Joeri Mastop on Mon Jul 15 14:09:30 2002 

I noticed a strange behaviour with Elog 2.0.4 (i386 RPM) in Linux (RH 7.2). 
I started Elog out-of-the-box with portnumber 888 ('sbin/elogd -p 888').

It runs just fine, but appears to listen to port 8080, the default! It 
looks like the -p option on the command-line is ignored.

Anyone seen similar problems? 

icon4.gif   elogd.cfg cannot be saved, posted by Mo on Thu Jul 25 19:17:13 2002 
    In the newest version of eLog, I was having trouble saving the 
configurations once I change them through the web interface.  I can change 
them and save them fine if I do it in notepad; but that way you have to 
restart the elogd server.  I think this is a bug on the new version unless 
I am doing something wrong.  Also I was wondering if you were going to add 
any of the wish list items on version 2.0.6 (Conditional attributes seems 
to have the most votes and would be an extremely helpful feature!! :-).  
Thank You.

icon4.gif   Error while trying to change password (elogd 2.1.0), posted by Stefan Siegel on Mon Aug 12 11:01:51 2002 
When logging in with a username and password; then trying to logout or 
change password one gets the following message:

Error: Parameter value too big. Please increase VALUE_SIZE and recompile 
elogd ; Please use your browser's back button to go back 

(up to now I have not yet tried to recompile - may be it works then)


icon4.gif   Problem with konqueror and pulldown menu (in config menu), posted by Stefan Siegel on Fri Aug 16 10:14:19 2002 
Hi ,

currently I am running Elog 2.1.1; when using a konqueror browser (ver. 
2.2.1, kde 2.2.1) the admin user cannot access in the Config menu the Login 
infos for other users except himself. The pulldown menu "Select user" is 
shown, but when the admin selects another user the info fields (Login name, 
full name, email) are not updated. They still show the attribute values for 
the admin user himself.

Is there a solution available?
Thanks (also for this very useful tool) and regards,

icon4.gif   Error with not existing user name, posted by Stefan Siegel on Wed Sep 11 18:37:27 2002 

Elogd v. 2.1.2:

When trying to acces a password protected Log (global password file) with a 
non existing username one gets the response : cannot open file : <pw 

Better would be a message like: wrong user or password!


icon4.gif   Icons for sorted entries, posted by Stefan Siegel on Wed Sep 11 18:44:51 2002 

when do a search and then sorting the outcome of the search via clicking on 
an attribute (to sort it in descending or vice versa order) there should an 
icon be displayed (up.gif or down.gif). But the icons could not be found due 
to a wrong path to the gif files: 


Be aware of the two slashes!! Should only be one.

Best regards,

icon4.gif   weird date bug, posted by tony summerfelt on Tue Sep 17 17:23:35 2002 
i have a forum with one message. the forums is displayed with the search mode set to threaded.

the list shows this: 

posted by tony summerfelt on Tuesday, September 17/2002 -- 11:19 AM

but the entry date on the message is:

Sunday, September 01/2002 -- 01:47 AM 

the 'posted by' shows the current date/time everytime i look at the message.
    icon4.gif   Re: upgrading, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Nov 25 09:05:06 2002 
Ooops, I just realized that the Windows 2.2.3 distribution contained the old 
(2.2.2) executable for elogd.exe. I apologize for that. I have updated the 
elog223.exe distribution just now, so please download it again in order to 
get the new file.

- Stefan
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6