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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  44   Mon Jul 1 10:36:47 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Admin password
> I want to set up eLogs for a class w/out the need for passwords. But, at the
> same time, I don't want the students to change the config file. I tried
> setting up a global password, but am having some difficulty with the syntax
> I suppose I could remove the config command from the menu and edit the file
> using Pico, but that would require a better memory than I have...
> ******************
> usage: elogd [-p port] [-h hostname] [-D] [-c file] [-r pwd] [-w pwd] [-a
> pwd] [-l logbook]
>        -p <port> TCP/IP port
>        -h <hostname> TCP/IP hostname
>        -D become a daemon
>        -c <file> specify configuration file
>        -v debugging output
>        -r create/overwrite read password in config file
>        -w create/overwrite write password in config file
>        -a create/overwrite admin password in config file
>        -l <logbook> specify logbook for -r and -w commands
>        -k do not use keep-alive
> [root@eMonster elog]# elogd -a youtheman
> Must specify a lookbook via the -l parameter.

Nearly correct, just follow the note: specify a logbook via the -l parameter.
So if you logbook is called "linux", you enter

elogd -a youtheman -l linux
  43   Mon Jul 1 10:32:28 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: last?? links in threaded mode
> The mode (i.e. summary, threaded, full) should be kept for the
> last??? and past??? links on a page.
> For instance:
> The last20 link on this page should also be in threaded mode.

Has been fixed. Will be included in next version.
  42   Mon Jul 1 10:31:31 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: strage colors when only 'cmd=Search' is given as command
> Try this URL

Ok, has been fixed. Will be included in the next version.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6