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ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68502   Thu Dec 15 11:12:09 2016 Question stefano bonaldostefano.bonaldo.13@gmail.comBug reportMac OSX3.1.2elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute


I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.

For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:

Can you please help me?

Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:

port = 8080

[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date

Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date

  66697   Thu Jan 28 19:21:39 2010 Question stefan harjesstefanharjes@yahoo.deInfoLinuxlatesthandwriting

I write my lab journal with pen and though of getting a linux supported tablet. Has anybody ever used ELOG and did input using a tablet?


  69018   Tue Sep 24 20:06:26 2019 Question stalinstalin@hotmail.caQuestionWindows3.1.2How to export and import all the threat from old elog server to the new elog server

Hi Team,

Can you please guide me how to export and import the documents from the one elog to the another elog server also I like to know how to backup the server.



  436   Mon Sep 29 15:30:16 2003 Question sridhar   Re: problems by defining the password file
> i work on Windows2000
> part of my elog.cfg:
>     Passwort file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
>     Self register = 1
>     Guest user commands = config, admin, logout
> file system:
>     - i created an emty file with name passwd.txt
> problem:
>     - if i use the link "Register as new user" on login, it does not work.
>     - if i login as guest user and choose the menu config, it only 
>     display  the attributes Login_name, Full_name and Email.    
>     So i kann not create user.
> what should i do ?
> what are my mistakes ?
> Can you attache as sample password file ?

Dear Friend!,

Only mistake in your file .cfg is   spell mistake "Passwort" in "Passwort 
file = c:\elog\passwd.txt" line. It should "Password file" t=d. 

try some thing like below,

Theme = default
Comment = Financial Accounting Bug posting 
Attributes = Resource, Project Name, Task Desc, SDT, EEDT, ACDT, Percent WC, 
Options Type = Masters, Transactions, Reports
Options Category = Bug, New Feature, Client Requirement, Change
Required Attributes = Author, Type, Bug
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type
Password file =D:\Program Files\ELOG\logpwd.txt
;Self register = 0
Self register = 1

Admin user =sridhar
Menu commands = Back, Login, New, Edit, config, Delete, Reply, Find, Help, 
Guest user commands = config, admin, Login, logout
  66009   Wed Oct 22 12:44:48 2008 Entry soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.5Elogd crashes



I am experiencing trouble with Elog crashing. I think it crashes during input operations (new entries are being added).

Are there any preferred methods to troubleshoot this ? Any log files I could look at ?

For now, I let "monit" supervise the process and restart it if it crashes. But I would like to get to the root cause of the problem.

Soren Poulsen


  66011   Thu Oct 23 08:12:06 2008 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.5Re: Elogd crashes

Dear Stefan,

Thanks for your reply.

I started running elog in February and it never failed. Then it started failing regularly towards the end of September. There were no system changes until then, except the daily automatic Yum updates (SLC4). Then I upgraded to the latest version (tar ball of 2.7.5). Then yesterday it crashed again. I saw that it crashed around the time when a user was doing something - inputting new data. I can monitor when it crashes and correlate it with user activity. But it is not easy to reproduce since I don't know exactly what the user is typing.

It would be necessary to record the user input forms and then replay them against a known server state. But that is not so easy.

I will think about doing something else - maybe running inside a debugger as you suggest.


Stefan Ritt wrote:


soren poulsen wrote:


 I am experiencing trouble with Elog crashing. I think it crashes during input operations (new entries are being added).

Are there any preferred methods to troubleshoot this ? Any log files I could look at ?

For now, I let "monit" supervise the process and restart it if it crashes. But I would like to get to the root cause of the problem.

Soren Poulsen



Dear Soren,

sorry for the trouble, but it's very hard to diagnose this remotely. This forum here runs fine for many months, so in principle Elog should be stable (at least the current version 2.7.5). If you have an older version, please upgrade. If you have a way to reproduce the problem reliably, you can send me your config file and explain step-by-step how you make Elog crash. Then I can try to reproduce it here. Otherwise the only chance I see is to run elog from inside the debugger, and once it crashes record the stack trace and send it to me. If you don't know how to use the gnu debugger, I'm sure you find someone at CERN who knows. 

Best regards,



  66341   Mon May 4 11:22:40 2009 Question soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.5-2172Using preset text files


I am trying the Preset text option from the documentation: like:

Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = Network check{1}, System check{2}

{1} Preset text = network.txt
{2} Preset text = system.txt

I have two questions:

1. Where are the preset text files searched from ? I guess I could put them in the logbook (and specify a relative path like in this example) but it appeared only to work when I specifiy an abcolute path. That is even better in my case.

2. How do I specify line feeds in the file ? I tried Linux and Windows new line characters - but I always end up with just  one line in my e-log. I would really like a multi-line form.



  66342   Mon May 4 11:25:15 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.5-2172Re: Using preset text files

soren poulsen wrote:


I am trying the Preset text option from the documentation: like:

Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = Network check{1}, System check{2}

{1} Preset text = network.txt
{2} Preset text = system.txt

I have two questions:

1. Where are the preset text files searched from ? I guess I could put them in the logbook (and specify a relative path like in this example) but it appeared only to work when I specifiy an abcolute path. That is even better in my case.

2. How do I specify line feeds in the file ? I tried Linux and Windows new line characters - but I always end up with just  one line in my e-log. I would really like a multi-line form.



 Dear Soren,


Just use HTML (and call the file network.html to remember).


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