Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Hermann-Josef Mathes wrote: |
is there any (obvious) reason why it is not possible (or not indended) to repeat the time calibration of a DRS4 eval board several times. I get the shown error message from the 'drscl' tool as well when I try to call the corresponding method in the support library:
mathes@ikauger5:~/src/DRS4> drs-4.0.1/drscl
DRS command line tool, Revision 20430
Type 'help' for a list of available commands.
Found DRS4 board 0 on USB, serial #2362, firmware revision 17662
B0> tcalib
Enter calibration frequency [GHz]: 5
Creating Timing Calibration of Board #2362
B0> tcalib 5
Creating Timing Calibration of Board #2362
Error performing timing calibration, please check waveforms
As I will be in holidays, the answer is not urgent.
-- Hermann-Josef
Ups, this is certainly a bug. Try to restart drscl between calibrations. Anyhow the calibration is poor (~20ps), so in a month or two we will have a much better one (~3ps), but that needs a new board (then will be called V5).
Hi Stefan,
thanks for the quick reply, I know that this solution works with drscl but not within my code.
I tried to track it down, but gave up very soon. Seems as if AnalyzeWF() which is called by CalibrateTiming() finds to much zero-crossings when it is called the second time.
-- Hermann-Josef |