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Entry  Tue May 19 14:14:45 2015, Ilja Bekman, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
    Reply  Fri May 22 14:25:45 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  firmware.zip
       Reply  Tue May 26 11:27:27 2015, Felix Bachmair, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
          Reply  Fri Jun 5 12:07:38 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
             Reply  Fri Jun 5 13:15:35 2015, Felix Bachmair, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
                Reply  Fri Jun 5 13:29:55 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
                   Reply  Fri Jun 5 13:32:03 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
Message ID: 421     Entry time: Tue May 19 14:14:45 2015     Reply to this: 422
Author: Ilja Bekman 
Subject: DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
Hello, I'm using two DRS4 rev.5 boards for 8ch readout and triggering.

I needed to modify the trigger logic and implement some tweaks in the firmware, and noticed that 
the firmware source in drs-5.0.2 (and 5.0.3, SVN:5339) while still compiling fine with Xilinx ISE 10, stops
doing so in the ISE 14.7 (also already in 13.2)

While the Synthesis is running through (in the new ISE it complains about using more than 100% of resources.)
The Mapping fails due to constraints (firmware/ucf/drs4_eval5.ucf) complaining about an illegal IOSTANDARD
for P_IO_PMC_USR<55> (LVDS_25).

In the newer version the wild-cards (lines 67..69 ) are not properly dealt with, it seems, and if I move the
property by hand to all the wild-carded NETs it start to recognise the LVDS_25.
But after that Place&Route fails with messages about locked Banks due to incompatible VCCO.

I'm trying to adapt the ucf file and am reading about the changes in the ISE software and constraints files, but
want to ask if some of you guys have seen the same issue and resolved it out "officially".
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