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Entry  Thu Jun 18 17:33:05 2015, Gregor Kramberger, drs 5.03 and windows 8.1 
    Reply  Fri Jun 19 12:32:10 2015, Gregor Kramberger, drs 5.03 and windows 8.1 
Message ID: 433     Entry time: Thu Jun 18 17:33:05 2015     Reply to this: 434
Author: Gregor Kramberger 
Subject: drs 5.03 and windows 8.1 

I have problems with driver installation on windows 8.1 (software version 5.03). I have sen that that has been an issue before (driver signing) and I would like to know if this has been solved. We run several DRS4 evaluation boards on different PCs all running Win7 without any problems. Therefore we are almost confident that it is related to Win 8.1. Thanks.


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