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Entry  Thu Mar 31 19:30:26 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
    Reply  Thu Mar 31 19:35:06 2016, Stefan Ritt, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
       Reply  Thu Mar 31 19:44:38 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
          Reply  Thu Mar 31 20:34:25 2016, Stefan Ritt, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
             Reply  Thu Mar 31 20:38:05 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
                Reply  Thu Mar 31 20:48:00 2016, Chris Thompson, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
                   Reply  Fri Apr 1 01:30:40 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
                      Reply  Fri Apr 1 22:09:07 2016, Chris Thompson, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
                         Reply  Sat Apr 2 17:22:34 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
                            Reply  Sun Apr 3 22:10:19 2016, Chris Thompson, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal Pulse_inverter.jpg
                               Reply  Sun Apr 3 22:34:28 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 
Message ID: 494     Entry time: Fri Apr 1 22:09:07 2016     In reply to: 493     Reply to this: 497
Author: Chris Thompson 
Subject: Trigger on the And of a positive and negative signal 

The coilcraft part number is: JA4220-ALB. Iordered two of them and they were sent as free samples. You might want to buy some slightly bigger ones. I found them so small it was very hard to solder the coax cable to the connectors. Since I got them, I managed to damage one as they are quite fragile! In the confirmation email I got there was some contact info which may be useful for you: "For help, contact Victoria Berner at 847-516-5551  vberner@coilcraft.com "  BTW every time I use this forum I'm told that my password is not valid. Each time I reset it according to the "Lost pasword preceedure. Then I can log on again. Its quite annoying.

Abaz Kryemadhi wrote:

Hi Chris,

 I am looking at Sensl SiPMs as well,  can you send the part number from Coilcraft?



Chris Thompson wrote:

I needed a fast pulse inverter in order to feed signals from the recent SensL SiPMs into a conventional CFD which only accepted negative signals. I got a very small ferite torridal transformer from Coilcraft and wired up to invert signals then inserted into in 50 ohm coax cable and it works fine. These things cost only a few cents each!

Abaz Kryemadhi wrote:

Thanks, that looks just fine.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Here is one (SI 100): https://www.picoquant.com/products/category/accessories/adapters-splitters-cables-various-accessories-for-photon-counting-setups

Abaz Kryemadhi wrote:

Ok, thanks!  do you know an easy in-line inverter like mini-circuit or digikey?    Can also redesign the detector I gues to produce positive signals, just it might be easier if there was a simple inverter if you are aware of? thanks Abaz

Stefan Ritt wrote:

No. You have to use an inverter for one of your signals.


Abaz Kryemadhi wrote:

I would like to be able to trigger in this fashon:  channel 0 > 0.1 and. channel 1< -0.1,  because I have a positive and a negative signal.  Can DRS4 (5) Eval board do this kind of trigger?










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