Thanks again, this is very useful, just another question did you put any other passive elements in the circuit for inverting the signal or just simply swaped the transformer connections?
Chris Thompson wrote: |
The coilcraft part number is: JA4220-ALB. Iordered two of them and they were sent as free samples. You might want to buy some slightly bigger ones. I found them so small it was very hard to solder the coax cable to the connectors. Since I got them, I managed to damage one as they are quite fragile! In the confirmation email I got there was some contact info which may be useful for you: "For help, contact Victoria Berner at 847-516-5551 " BTW every time I use this forum I'm told that my password is not valid. Each time I reset it according to the "Lost pasword preceedure. Then I can log on again. Its quite annoying.
Abaz Kryemadhi wrote: |
Hi Chris,
I am looking at Sensl SiPMs as well, can you send the part number from Coilcraft?
Chris Thompson wrote: |
I needed a fast pulse inverter in order to feed signals from the recent SensL SiPMs into a conventional CFD which only accepted negative signals. I got a very small ferite torridal transformer from Coilcraft and wired up to invert signals then inserted into in 50 ohm coax cable and it works fine. These things cost only a few cents each!
Abaz Kryemadhi wrote: |
Thanks, that looks just fine.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Here is one (SI 100):
Abaz Kryemadhi wrote: |
Ok, thanks! do you know an easy in-line inverter like mini-circuit or digikey? Can also redesign the detector I gues to produce positive signals, just it might be easier if there was a simple inverter if you are aware of? thanks Abaz
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
No. You have to use an inverter for one of your signals.
Abaz Kryemadhi wrote: |
I would like to be able to trigger in this fashon: channel 0 > 0.1 and. channel 1< -0.1, because I have a positive and a negative signal. Can DRS4 (5) Eval board do this kind of trigger?