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Entry  Mon Mar 21 10:38:27 2016, Daniel Dribin, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  drs_settings.pngempty_drs.pngdrs_ofset.png
    Reply  Mon Apr 4 11:31:34 2016, Stefan Ritt, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
       Reply  Mon Apr 4 11:41:26 2016, Daniel Dribin, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
          Reply  Mon Apr 4 12:08:15 2016, Stefan Ritt, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
             Reply  Tue Apr 5 16:08:59 2016, Stefan Ritt, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
                Reply  Wed Apr 6 08:41:08 2016, Stefan Ritt, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  Screen_Shot_2016-04-06_at_8.40.35_.png
                   Reply  Wed Apr 6 09:43:52 2016, Daniel Dribin, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
                Reply  Wed Apr 6 09:01:28 2016, Martin Petriska, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
                   Reply  Wed Apr 6 09:46:10 2016, Daniel Dribin, DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  
Message ID: 505     Entry time: Wed Apr 6 09:01:28 2016     In reply to: 503     Reply to this: 507
Author: Martin Petriska 
Subject: DRS Oscilloscope freezing after a long run  


Stefan Ritt wrote:

I tried this night to run the board at a 10 Hz rate with an external pulser, without writing, and it did not freeze after ~14 hours of running on Mac OSX. This night I will try again with writing.


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Then it seems that there is some USB communication problem. I heard this also from other people, that the USB data transfer under Windows has sometimes problems. I develop and run the board under Mac OSX, and there the same software runs for days without problem. So I guess it's related to the underlying libusb lib which is used by the DRS oscilloscope, on which I have no influence. So the only advice I can give is to take shorter series of data. Anyhow the board is not considered a full DAQ system, just an "evaluation board" which means one can try the DRS4 chip and play with it. For serious business one should build own electronics with the chip. Anyhow we are currently developping an Ethernet board which allows much faster acquisition rates, so USB will be obsolete some day. Nevertheless I will try to reproduce your problem and see if I can do anything. At what trigger rate does it show up most prominently?


Daniel Dribin wrote:

Dear Stefan Ritt,

Yes I use Windows 7, If the DRS Oscilloscope program stays on for a couple of hours without saving the data, the problem will occur. It seems it happens more often when there is data writing and when the rate of events is slow, about 100 events per second, at high rates it almost doesn't happen. Can it be temperature related?


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dear Daniel,

sorry my late reply, I'm pretty busy these days. The behavior you report has not been seen before, but I guess no one tried to take such long runs of data yet. Can you confirm that the problem also occurs without writing data to disk, or is it disk-related? I guess you use it under Windows 7, right?


Daniel Dribin wrote:

Dear Stefan Ritt,

I am using a DRS4 v5 to do timing measurements of Positron lifetime. I use the DRS Oscilloscope with triggering on 2 channels when I have a coincidence. Attached is a picture with all the setting that I use. When I use the DRS4 for a long measurements of 5 million events for a couple of hours, the DRS Oscilloscope stops showing any signal .After the first restart of the program I get a strange signal which is at the bottom of the scope range of voltage picture below(in the picture I changed the vertical positions of the channels for better viewing). Only after a couple of DRS Oscilloscope restarts and USB reconnections do I get the results again.

I currently am using another DRS4 v5 and the same situation occurs again although with lower frequency.

What can I do to solve this problem?

thank you very much,







Hi I have also positron annihilation system based on DRS4v4 cards. Its running several weeks, sometimes months, without freezing in windows7 64bit system (Pentium Core Quad 2Ghz, 4GRam).  Problem was when widows was trying to install updates and restarted PC. In beginning I had some problem with memory leak in my application, but it was simple seen in task manager that application memory was rising and was need to find memory leak in application code. Now I remember card was sometimes freezing when room air conditioning with 2kW was starting and high electricity pulses were reason of USB problems, it helped to put air conditioner and PC in different power line input. Hope it help to solve zour problems.


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