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Entry  Tue Feb 27 13:17:00 2018, Steven Block, WIndows Connection problem with drs507 SOLVED 
    Reply  Tue Feb 27 13:29:47 2018, Stefan Ritt, WIndows Connection problem with drs507 SOLVED 
       Reply  Wed May 9 14:07:10 2018, Alec Shackleford, WIndows Connection problem with drs507 SOLVED 
          Reply  Mon May 14 09:21:29 2018, Alessio Berti, WIndows Connection problem with drs507 SOLVED 
Message ID: 657     Entry time: Tue Feb 27 13:17:00 2018     Reply to this: 658
Author: Steven Block 
Subject: WIndows Connection problem with drs507 SOLVED 

Hello All,

I too have been struggling with trying to get the drs4 (507) to work on my windows machine and I found it to be a problem with the libusb library. My solution is as follows and has worked on multiple PC's. I ran this solution after I first plugged in the drs4 and installed 507.

Go to http://zadig.akeo.ie/ and install the corresponding software.

After that, you will need to plug in the DRS4 to your computer. From there go to ‘Options’, and select ‘List all Devices’.

Finally, choose the DRS4 evaluation board from the list and press install driver and let it run. You should be fine after that. 



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