The locbus_addr is indeed 32 bits wide, since the firmware was originally derived from some firmware running in a VME crate, and the VME bus has 32 bits or addressing. So you will still find some "historic" remnants from that era. In the USB firmware, lcobus_addr[32:8] is always zero. Sorry for the confusuion.
chen wenjun wrote: |
Hi Stefan:
I'm still confused that althought the 8 bits buffer is enough,the FPGA receive the command through the uc_data_i register which is 16 bits wides.As we can see in the firmware, the locbus_addr is 32 bits wides. Does it means the locbus_addr[31:8] are always '0' because the address in buffer is only 8 bits. Does it means the usrbus_status_sel and usrbus_ram_sel are also '0' all the time .
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
The FPGA is very small, so it only has an address space of 256 bytes. Look at the definition in DRS.cpp
#define USB_CTRL_OFFSET 0x00 /* all registers 32 bit */
#define USB_STATUS_OFFSET 0x40
#define USB_RAM_OFFSET 0x80
The registers are 32 bits wide, but the addresses only run from 0 to 255, and thus a single byte is enough for addressing them.
chen wenjun wrote: |
recently,whtn I study the drs.cpp code ,I found that the buffer[1] is char but the addr and the base_addr are all unsigned int,isn't there any problem that the addr may be cut off to 8 bits? Also ,I found that the data fpga recieved from the usb is 16 bits,so how can fpga get the true 32bits address from the PC.