I have a very similar problem, the command line doesn't work but the oscilloscope program does! Tried to fix it using Zadig driver update. Using Windows 7....
DRS command line tool, Revision 21435
Type 'help' for a list of available commands.
USB successfully scanned, but no boards found
No DRS Boards found
For completion, I just tested that the test program gives the same error message
C:\Program Files (x86)\DRS\bin>.\drs_exam.exe
USB successfully scanned, but no boards found
No DRS4 evaluation board found
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
"dynamic" or "static" does not matter, as long as you don't use your program on another computer. I have no more idea about the "no board found" problem. It works ok on all computers I tried at our lab.
Lev Pavlov wrote: |
Hello. When compiling drs_exam, do you need to use a "static "version of usblib or a "dynamic" version?"The problem with "no board found" is not solved. Thanks for your help.