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Entry  Sat Oct 22 13:24:20 2022, Phan Van Chuan, Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin DRS4V51.png
    Reply  Mon Oct 24 12:50:24 2022, Stefan Ritt, Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin 
Message ID: 895     Entry time: Sat Oct 22 13:24:20 2022     Reply to this: 896
Author: Phan Van Chuan 
Subject: Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin 

Dear Stefan,
We are using DRS4 evaluation board version 5.1 and firmware version 30000 (as the picture attached). Now, I am in need one channel with length 2048 bin. However, I can't find the resistors R99, ... ,R106 on the hardware of evaluation board; it seems my DRS4 evaluation board doesn't use 2048 bins per channel.
Our question is, can we repair this hardware to read 2048 bins/channel? if that is possible please let me know what to add on hardware/software of DRS4 evaluation.
Best regards.
Phan Van Chuan.

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