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IDdown Date Author Subject Text Attachments
  909   Fri Jun 28 23:33:51 2024 Patricia LecomtiError when running drsoscSalut !

Je vois que tu rencontres un petit
problème avec ton installation. Le
  908   Tue May 21 18:13:08 2024 Rebecca HicksError when running drsoscHi, I'm a student trying to figure
out the DRS4 board. I cloned the github repo,
but when I run drsosc, I get an error: Gtk-Message:
  907   Thu Feb 22 10:37:03 2024 Stefan RittSimulation of FPGAThe Cypress has its own firmware, contained
in the distribution under firmware/CY7C68013A/drs_eval.c.
There you can see how the data is fetched.
  906   Thu Feb 22 01:21:11 2024 Rod McInnisSimulation of FPGAHello:

A bit of background:  I am
working on a project that is utilizing the
  905   Wed Oct 25 19:52:33 2023 John WestmorelandWaveDREAM DesignStefan,

Oh, didn't realize that.

  904   Wed Oct 25 19:47:23 2023 Stefan RittWaveDREAM DesignNo. This is a proprietary design.

  903   Wed Oct 25 19:44:25 2023 John WestmorelandWaveDREAM DesignHello All,

Are there any design resources
available for the WaveDREAM PCBA's?
  902   Wed Sep 13 13:18:45 2023 Stefan RittInput range switch added in Version 2.1.3To achieve an input range of -1V to 0V,
you need an external buffer which can shift
this range into the DRS4 range of -0.5V to
  901   Tue Sep 5 03:28:52 2023 Matias HenriquezInput range switch added in Version 2.1.3Hello,

It is not quite clear to me yet
how the input range is only determined by
  899   Mon Jun 12 14:22:04 2023 Stefan RittDifferent sampling rates in multi-board configurationNo, that's unfortunately not possible.


  898   Fri Jun 9 04:11:40 2023 Javier CaravacaDifferent sampling rates in multi-board configurationHello,

Is it possible to have different sampling
rates in multi-board configuration? I tried
  897   Mon Feb 6 13:28:28 2023 Stefan RittDRS4 installation via tar in ubuntu not workingI fixed the described error. Can you try
the new version from https://bitbucket.org/ritt/drs4eb/commits/80b3af753ed32eb365725f0f3244a4109347c01b

  896   Mon Oct 24 12:50:24 2022 Stefan RittChannel Cascading Option in the 2048-binThe board is delivered in one or the other
mode and not meant to be changed by the user,
since this requires very delicate soldering
  895   Sat Oct 22 13:24:20 2022 Phan Van ChuanChannel Cascading Option in the 2048-binDear Stefan,
We are using DRS4 evaluation board
version 5.1 and firmware version 30000 (as
  894   Mon Oct 17 16:29:37 2022 Sebastian InfanteDRS4 installation via tar in ubuntu not workingHello i cant install any the last versions
that i downloaded from the dropbox, i can
untar the file called drs-5.0.6 and when
  893   Tue Sep 27 15:20:55 2022 Stefan RittRequired Firmware for DRS4 Evaluation Board Version 2.0Sorry, got the wrong link. Here the right
one: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/clqo7ekr0ysbrip/AACoWJzrQAbf3WiBJHG89bGGa?dl=0

If you untar the archive, you will
  892   Tue Sep 27 10:52:41 2022 Kunal ShindeRequired Firmware for DRS4 Evaluation Board Version 2.0I checked the link you provided but it
seems that the link doesnt exist please send
me valid one.
  891   Tue Sep 27 10:37:11 2022 Stefan RittRequired Firmware for DRS4 Evaluation Board Version 2.0You find each software version at the usual
download location at

  890   Tue Sep 27 10:17:58 2022 Kunal ShindeRequired Firmware for DRS4 Evaluation Board Version 2.0Hi, I am working on an old DRS4 board Version
"2.0" with firmware revision "13191",
I was unable to find this specific firmware
  889   Wed Sep 7 10:13:41 2022 Prajjalak ChattopadhyayRegister status after resetWhat are the default register statuses
after DRS4 gets reset?
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