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icon5.gif   Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Jun 25 20:09:21 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 7 16:00:10 2004 
       icon3.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Jul 9 19:17:03 2004 
          icon2.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 12 10:36:22 2004 
             icon14.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Mon Jul 12 11:03:10 2004 
Message ID: 583     Entry time: Mon Jul 12 11:03:10 2004     In reply to: 582
Icon: Agree  Author: Ulrich Trüssel  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.5.3 
Subject: Re: Formatting parameters for attributes 
Thank you Stefan!

1. Will help in the real hard cases!

2. Great! Specially editing adresses or some stutus overviews will be easier with a compleate

> > 1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position of the attribut fields if they are in
> > the same line? As. ex. if one attribute is empty or contain a very short value it may
> > be possible that the position of the following atrributes in the line are moving to
> > the left, if the value is very long, they move to the right side. This make it
> > sometime not easy to read the informations, specially if the user browses trough some
> > entries, the picture the eyes are scanning is changing.
> Yes there is a possibility. In the format option, you can specify two CSS names, one for the
> attribute and one for it's value. The default ones are "attribname" and "attribvalue". Just
> make new ones by copying these two, renaming it to something like xxxname and xxxvalue where
> "xxxx" is the name of the attribute. You find that in the file themes/default/default.css.
> They contain a field called "width:" which can be changed:
> .typename {
>   width:150px;             <-- must be changed
>   background-color:#CCCCFF;
>   border:1px solid #0000FF;
>   border-top:1px solid white;
>   border-left:1px solid white;
>   padding:3px;
> }
> By having separate classes for all attributed, you can change their width separately,
> accomplishing hopefully what you need.
> > 2. Did I understand you right, that tis will not work while editing? I would like to
> > put this to the wish list for a uppcoming version (not very importand, but VERY nice
> > to have), that it may be possible to use Format in the new and edit mode too, because
> > it is somtimes more comfortable to have some attributes grouped locically in one line
> > or to have a overview over all attributes on one screen without scrolling while editing.
> I will put this on the wishlist.
> Stefan
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