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icon5.gif   Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Wallis on Tue Oct 30 22:47:15 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Oct 31 12:14:41 2012 
       icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Wallis on Wed Oct 31 16:08:40 2012 
          icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Oct 31 16:22:57 2012 
             icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Wallis on Wed Oct 31 18:04:47 2012 
                icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Oct 31 18:26:49 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Oct 31 17:20:14 2012 
       icon2.gif   Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment, posted by David Wallis on Wed Oct 31 18:51:31 2012 
Message ID: 67372     Entry time: Wed Oct 31 18:26:49 2012     In reply to: 67371
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment 

David Wallis wrote:

David Pilgram wrote:

David Wallis wrote:

David Pilgram wrote:

David Wallis wrote:

I'm running elog 2.9.2 on a Red Hat 6.3 server. This installation has been running for some time on a Solaris server, and was recently moved to the RHEL server.

When a user tries to upload a .bmp attachment, the upload never completes, eventually timing out with a proxy error. At that point, the elogd process stops responding to requests and needs to be restarted. Nothing is in the log file other than a "Listening" message when elogd starts up. Png and pdf attachments seem to work fine. I was able to convert an image from .bmp to .png and upload, but that's not practical for my user.

ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 is installed on the server. Everything else seems to be working normally.

Is this a known problem, or have I missed something that needs to be installed on the RHEL server?

When I saw this problem come in, I was reminded of problems I have of elog crashing.  So I tried attaching a .bmp file to an entry.  In my case it did not crash, but it did not run ImageMagick either - it just gave a link as it it were a zip or tar file - that is to say no .png image had been generated and shown.   As I've never attached a .bmp file before, I don't know whether elog allows for them to be processed and a thumbnail made, a quick look in the documentation didn't enlighten me, but then I didn't look for that long either.  (I'm running 2.9.2 svn 2475, under Slackware 13 which is a version post some image processing issues I reported to Stefan - might that explain why in my case?). 

I have found that sometimes elog will crash, but effectively after it has done the action - so if it crashes when asked to move files from one logbook to another, you find the entries have been moved.  In my case, I believe the crashes are due to memory issues, nothing I can state for certain.

It would possibly help Stefan and Andreas if you can tell whether the .bmp file appears in the relivent logbook directory (usually a subdirectory of ....../logbooks) - it will have been renamed as yymmdd_hhmmss_{filename}.bmp - except, of course, the date and time will be showing not these symbols - and if the entry with which you have tried to attach this .bmp file been written - using a text viewer on the file yymmdda.log (obviously the day will be today, i.e. the one just updated as you tried the entry.   I have come across orphan attachment files in directories in my time, possibly from when elog crashed part way through an action.

(If I am stating the obvious, apologies, I don't know your level of experience with elog or linux, so trying to cover all possible levels)

 Thanks for the info, David.

I do not see any *.bmp files in the logbook directory when this happens. The hang happens when the "Upload" button is hit, so there is no logbook entry yet either.

 Hi David,

Which svn version of elog are you running - what does it say at the very bottom of the page (this forum says ELOG V2.9.0-2435); there *is* and issue about loading files and thumbnails with svn 2473, but it may also be in one or two prior to that (I found it with 2473, anyway).  Also, is elog running (taking CPU time) and not responding to anything after you try this (and you have to kill the daemon and restart), or crashing out at that point? I've had both behaviours at one time or another, for reasons I now understand, not related (I think) to this one, but the more evidence, the better chance that someone will find the problem.



 I'm running ELOG V2.9.2-2455. 


The elogd process continues to run, but no longer responds to requests.If, for example, I open a new browser tab and try to load the logbook, I eventually get a timeout. There is no ImageMagick "convert" process running.

2455 is before the image handling issue came about, so it's nothing to do with those changes.

I see Andreas also finds that ImageMagick is apparently not invoked by elog to make a thumbnail of a .bmp file.  I tested it with a 5MB and a 0.5MB .bmp file this morning, so I don't really think it's the size of the file that is causing the problem - or that is my first guess, anyway.   But I suppose it is worth asking, what is the size of the .bmp file(s) you are trying to attach?  Just a thought, there is a parameter in the Global section of the elog.cfg - "Max Content Length".  I forget the default, I had to increase it when I wanted to attach a huge pdf file, wonder if that might be the issue (I had an error message come up with the pdf file, I wonder...)

The elog daemon can get stuck running like mad and not responding to anything.  One example I know is if you erase an elog entry (e.g. delete one file in the logbook directory, I'm not talking about using elog's own delete facility) the indexing of the entries is broken, and elog cannot handle that, it just gets stuck, consuming loads of CPU time doing I don't know what. 

I've got to go and do something in real life now, but I may get a chance to 'play' later, see if I hit any point that the experts can then work through

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6