Hello Elog Forum
There is i ELOG the function to edit multiple posts eg. to change the staus from "ongoing" to "finished" -> in danish translation "igangværende" and "afsluttet", see the attached pictures.
When I select multiple post and want to edit them to status "afsluttet" i get the "udklip_2.jpg" entry form and change only the status to "afsluttet" (Finished)
The result is a error informing that the attribut "gem oprindelige værdier" does not exist. As a test i changed the text in the translation file from "Keep origianl values = gem oprindelige værdier" to "Keep origianl values = Keep origianl values" but the result is the same error: Attribut Keep original values does not exist.
Is there a solution to this or is or is mutiple editing of post not allowed?
Kind Regards Finn