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icon5.gif   Edit of multiple posts, posted by Finn Junker on Fri Oct 11 14:16:58 2019 Udklip1.JPGUdklip_2.JPG
    icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Oct 15 10:37:29 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Finn Junker on Thu Oct 17 14:57:25 2019 
          icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Oct 18 08:50:27 2019 
             icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Finn Junker on Fri Oct 18 09:40:54 2019 elog.txt
                icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Oct 18 23:22:50 2019 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Finn Junker on Mon Oct 21 10:46:43 2019 
                      icon2.gif   Re: Edit of multiple posts, posted by Finn Junker on Tue Oct 22 12:47:06 2019 
Message ID: 69047     Entry time: Fri Oct 18 08:50:27 2019     In reply to: 69045     Reply to this: 69048
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Re: Edit of multiple posts 

Hi Finn,

I don't know if this was intended, but at least I know a possible solution: with the command
"Show Attributes Edit = "
you can limit the attribute list shown in the edit form to those that are not Locked.
I haven't tried, but I guess that should work.
Finn Junker wrote:

Hello Andreas

OK, I did install a version of ELOG with a minimum of settings and the edit of multiple settings works fine. I've tracked the issue to "Locked Attributes = Bruger".

If one or more of the attributes are locked i get the error "Error: Attribute option - keep original values - not existing". I'm not trying to change the locked attribute, but it seems when one is locked multiple editing is not possible.

Is that intended to work this way?

Kind Regards Finn

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I use editing of multiple entries frequently and it works fine for me.

To understand your problem I would suggest that you try a minimal configuration. If you have a test logbook with just one or two fields and it still does not work, then post the config here that people can reproduce your problem - and hopefully find a fix.

Cheers, Andreas

Finn Junker wrote:

Hello Elog Forum

There is i ELOG the function to edit multiple posts eg. to change the staus from "ongoing" to "finished" -> in danish translation "igangværende" and "afsluttet", see the attached pictures.

When I select multiple post and want to edit them to status "afsluttet" i get the "udklip_2.jpg" entry form and change only the status to "afsluttet" (Finished)

The result is a error informing that the attribut "gem oprindelige værdier" does not exist. As a test i changed the text in the translation file from "Keep origianl values = gem oprindelige værdier" to "Keep origianl values = Keep origianl values" but the result is the same error: Attribut Keep original values does not exist.

Is there a solution to this or is or is mutiple editing of post not allowed?

Kind Regards Finn




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