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icon5.gif   From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by David Wallis on Tue Oct 20 15:08:17 2020 
    icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by David Wallis on Tue Oct 20 17:50:50 2020 
       icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 20 18:02:42 2020 
          icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by David Wallis on Tue Oct 20 18:26:26 2020 
             icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 20 18:40:05 2020 
             icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by David Wallis on Tue Oct 20 20:44:03 2020 
                icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by David Dunne on Wed Oct 21 03:08:21 2020 
                   icon2.gif   Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed", posted by David Wallis on Wed Oct 21 15:14:13 2020 
Message ID: 69241     Entry time: Tue Oct 20 18:26:26 2020     In reply to: 69240     Reply to this: 69242   69243
Icon: Reply  Author: David Wallis  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.4-ba8 
Subject: Re: From command line: "command Submit not allowed" 

Hmmm... I added "New" to the Guest menu list, and the button showed up for a guest user. But when I submitted the new ticket, I got the message Error: Command "Submit" is not allowed for user ""

Stefan Ritt wrote:

"submit not allowed" you typically get if there is a "guest menu" for read-only access and you are not logged in. I never tried the elog program with PAM authentication, but you said that your turned authentication off. What I would do is to strip down your elogd.cfg to a very simple form until the elog utility works, then figure out which configuration makes the trouble.


David Wallis wrote:

Update: I tried switching the logbook to no authentication reqiured, and still get the "command Submit not allowed" response.

David Wallis wrote:

I'm running  Elog version V3.1.4-ba84827 on Red Hat Linux 7.9. As part of migrating from an older in-house logbook to Elog, I need to upload all the old logbook entries. However, when I attempt to do that with the "elog" command line tool, I'm getting the error "command Submit not  allowed.

I read through a similar report from 2015 (entry #68149), but none of the potential causes seem to be at play here. The logbook is using PAM authentication, and I can log in to the web interface using the same credentials I'm using from the command line. The other case mentioned a dis-allowed encoding format, but my logbook is configured to allow all formats.


This is the command line I'm using:

/usr/local/elog/bin/elog -v -h -p 8081 -l On_Call -x -n 2 -a Date='10/19/2020 01:02' Author="David Wallis" Title='Test Upload' Status='Open' System='On-Call' -u 'wallis' '*****'  "This is a test message"




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6