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icon4.gif   xmalloc error when filling entries and chaning page, posted by Antonio Iuliano on Wed Dec 12 10:44:57 2018 elogd.cfg

Dear ELOG experts,

the ELOG server on our lab crashes  continuosly, when we add a new entry or even if we click the arrows to navigate between entries. Following the FAQ on the website, I have used gdb and found the following error:

xmalloc: not enough memory

[Inferior 1 (process 23271) exited with code 01]

It should be then some allocation issue when we try to access to the entries, but I could not figure the nature of the issue. I was, however, able to reproduce it with a fresh ELOG installation and the same configuration file (ELOG cloned from git and installed today)

Could you please give me any suggestion? I attach here the configuration file we use.

Best regards,

Antonio Iuliano

icon4.gif   wrong version number in spec file, posted by Achim Dreyer on Mon Apr 9 19:58:51 2012 

localhost$ svn diff elog.spec

Index: elog.spec
--- elog.spec (revision 2446)
+++ elog.spec (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Name:       elog
 Summary:    elog is a standalone electronic web logbook
-Version:    2.8.1
+Version:    2.9.1
 Release:    1
 License:    GPL
 Group:      Applications/Networking
Entry   wrong server HTTP status code when login failed, posted by Chris Körner on Thu Oct 21 14:57:14 2021 


I am trying to access elog through a python client ( and found a strage strange behavior which may be related server side problem. The python script generates get/post messages via the python requests library. This works fine so far and I can view and post messages. However, if a wrong user/password is provided, the server still returns HTTP status code "200 OK", although login failed. Instead, it should return something like "401 Unauthorized". This behavior later causes problems since the python client thinks login was successful. After experimenting around I think this could be caused by a server side misconfiguration. Any ideas?

I am not sure if this imformation is important: We use LDAP as user/password provider for elog.

icon5.gif   wrong server HTTP status code when login failed, posted by Chris Körner on Thu Oct 21 15:17:52 2021 


I am trying to access elog through a python client ( and found a strage strange behavior which may be related server side problem. The python script generates get/post messages via the python requests library. This works fine so far and I can view and post messages. However, if a wrong user/password is provided, the server still returns HTTP status code "200 OK", although login failed. Instead, it should return something like "401 Unauthorized". This behavior later causes problems since the python client thinks login was successful. After experimenting around I think this could be caused by a server side misconfiguration. Any ideas?

I am not sure if this imformation is important: We use LDAP as user/password provider for elog.

icon4.gif   wrong handling of attachment names, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Wed Mar 23 11:29:51 2005 
When an attached image name contains a space in its filename and attachment
display is enabled elog builds a wrong url to the image:

instead of the correct one:

The more annoing thing is that elogs hangs on this. a strace shows a select
on fd n°3 and 5 that loops forever (returning a timeout error):

send(4, "<141>Mar 23 11:36:25 elogd[22189"..., 35, 0) = 35
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN}, NULL, 8) = 0
select(1024, [3 5], NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3 5], NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)

May be the better solution is, after fixing the bug for backward
compatibility with already uploaded images, to implement a forced characters
substitution at upload time, replacing spaces and every character not in a
"allowed chars" list with an underscore
icon5.gif   write access for elogd, posted by Dave Becker on Thu Aug 19 06:21:38 2004 
Newly installed elog gives this response when I try to submit a new record:

New entry cannot be written to directory "./logbooks/Linux/" 
Please check that it exists and elogd has write access

I started the daemon.  I've not yet assigned passwords -- just checking
things out.  How can I create this access to my own directory?
icon1.gif   wrapping of text in edit field, posted by Willem Koster on Fri Nov 1 13:33:01 2002 
I noticed a long url got hard-wrapped when I entered a long one, I patched 
the source code. I don't know if this was done intentionally, otherwise you 
might want to change this also.

diff elogd.c 
<     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=soft name=Text>", width);
>     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=hard name=Text>", width);

BTW, why is the editor window 20 rows by 76 columns ?
(20 is fixed in the source code, but 76 is the width-variable that is set 
hard to:

  /* set textarea width */
  width = 76;

Now I don't like both parameters. 20 is too long for my display (1024x768) 
and 76 is too short. Something dynamically would be cool, but a parameter 
somewhere in a config file would also be acceptable. (just a thought, makes 
it easier to upgrade)
icon5.gif   wrapping long lines in config file, posted by W.Koster on Fri Jun 12 16:59:18 2009 

I was wondering, is it possible to wrap lines in the config file ? 

I have to add a dropdown lost which is kinda long and typing everything on one line will make ik kinda unreadable.
Somehow wrapping the line so each entry will get on a separate line would make it much better readable. (which
makes less errors).

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6