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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  801   Sat Nov 20 19:44:57 2004 Entry Ognyan Kulevogi@fmi.uni-sofia.bgRequestAll Partial Bulgarian translation
Hi, we are using ELOG for keeping track of a server maintainance.  I've
translated some of ELOG's strings.  The file is attached.  There will be
more translations, when I get inspired again ;-)
  806   Wed Nov 24 00:42:10 2004 Question Rich Persauddev2id at yahoo dot comRequestAll2.5.4-6Attribute Negative Search
Is there any way to search for all attributes _except_ a certain value?
  808   Wed Nov 24 00:45:43 2004 Idea Rich Persauddev2id at yahoo dot comRequestAll2.5.4-6Display links for multiple-option attributes
Can "Display" links work with multiple options? 

"ABC | DEF" is currently one link.

Ideally, it would be two links, each formatted per the "Display" string.
  809   Wed Nov 24 00:48:17 2004 Idea Rich Persauddev2id at yahoo dot comRequestAll2.5.4-6Non-wildcard or numeric search for numeric attribute
Is there a way to disable wildcard matching in searches?

A search for "1" returns "1" and "10" and "11".  

Is there a way to perform an explict match?

Could there be a numeric match if the attribute type is numeric?
  810   Wed Nov 24 00:50:27 2004 Idea Rich Persauddev2id at yahoo dot comRequestAll2.5.4-6Multi-parent relationships between logbook items
Could there be a multi-value option for free text fields, e.g. comma-
separated?  This would allow multi-parent relationships between log items. 

E.g. specifying 12, 15 as a value would create unique Display links 
for "12" and "15", based on the Display specification for that attribute.

This would be like "multiple fixed options", for the purpose of formatting.
  814   Wed Nov 24 13:55:22 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.5.4-6Re: Attribute Negative Search
> Is there any way to search for all attributes _except_ a certain value?

If you mean "search all attrubutes except one specific attribute" then the
answer is no.

> Can "Display" links work with multiple options? 
> "ABC | DEF" is currently one link.
> Ideally, it would be two links, each formatted per the "Display" string.

I don't understand your qyestion. You have an attribute with MOptions, so you
get "ABC | DEF" displayed in the list view. All links in each line point to
the individual entry, so what is the benefit of having two links for ABC and DEF?

> Is there a way to disable wildcard matching in searches?
> A search for "1" returns "1" and "10" and "11".  
> Is there a way to perform an explict match?
> Could there be a numeric match if the attribute type is numeric?

That should all be possible with the build-in regular expression. Just type


where "\b" means "word boundary". I agree that a numerical comparison for
numerical attributes would be better, I will put that on the to-do list.

> Could there be a multi-value option for free text fields, e.g. comma-
> separated?  This would allow multi-parent relationships between log items. 
> E.g. specifying 12, 15 as a value would create unique Display links 
> for "12" and "15", based on the Display specification for that attribute.
> This would be like "multiple fixed options", for the purpose of formatting.

Again, this is not clear to me. What do you mean by "display specification"?
Is it the "List display = ..." option or the "Format attribute = ..." option?
What is a "multi-parent relationship"? Why do you need multiple options for a
free text field? Why can't you use the MOptions specification?
  816   Wed Nov 24 18:59:45 2004 Reply Rich Persauddev2id@yahoo.comRequestAll2.5.4-6Re: Attribute Negative Search
> > Can "Display" links work with multiple options? 
> >
> > "ABC | DEF" is currently one link.
> >
> > Ideally, it would be two links, each formatted per the "Display" string.
> I don't understand your qyestion. You have an attribute with MOptions, so you
> get "ABC | DEF" displayed in the list view. All links in each line point to
> the individual entry, so what is the benefit of having two links for ABC and DEF?

Display Subsystem = <a href="/LogBook1/?Subsystem=$Subsystem" style="color:

ABC and DEF links would perform filter searches of a _different_ logbook.   

Separate links would perform separate searches.

> > Is there a way to disable wildcard matching in searches?
> > A search for "1" returns "1" and "10" and "11".  
> > Is there a way to perform an explict match?
> > Could there be a numeric match if the attribute type is numeric?
> That should all be possible with the build-in regular expression. Just type
> \b1\b
> where "\b" means "word boundary". I agree that a numerical comparison for
> numerical attributes would be better, I will put that on the to-do list.

Thanks, this is very helpful.

> > Could there be a multi-value option for free text fields, e.g. comma-
> > separated?  This would allow multi-parent relationships between log items. 
> > 
> > E.g. specifying 12, 15 as a value would create unique Display links 
> > for "12" and "15", based on the Display specification for that attribute.
> > 
> > This would be like "multiple fixed options", for the purpose of formatting.
> Again, this is not clear to me. What do you mean by "display specification"?
> Is it the "List display = ..." option or the "Format attribute = ..." option?
> What is a "multi-parent relationship"? Why do you need multiple options for a
> free text field? Why can't you use the MOptions specification?

MOptions does not work because the options are not fixed.   The options can be any
numeric ID for items in a related logbook.

Consider the case of two logbooks, where we wish to associate items in the second
logbook with more than one item in the first logbook.  We could define separate
attributes for each "parent item", e.g. Parent1, Parent2, Parent3, then use a
"Display" spec to convert a numeric ID into a hyperlink to the first logbook's item.
  The exact relationship is not important, could be parent/peer/child - some generic

The benefit here would be the same as having separate links for MOptions attribute
  818   Thu Nov 25 08:42:07 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.5.4-6Re: Attribute Negative Search
> Display Subsystem = <a href="/LogBook1/?Subsystem=$Subsystem" style="color:
> saddlebrown">$Subsystem</a>
> ABC and DEF links would perform filter searches of a _different_ logbook.   
> MOptions does not work because the options are not fixed.   The options can be any
> numeric ID for items in a related logbook.
> Consider the case of two logbooks, where we wish to associate items in the second
> logbook with more than one item in the first logbook.  We could define separate
> attributes for each "parent item", e.g. Parent1, Parent2, Parent3, then use a
> "Display" spec to convert a numeric ID into a hyperlink to the first logbook's item.
>   The exact relationship is not important, could be parent/peer/child - some generic
> relationship.
> The benefit here would be the same as having separate links for MOptions attribute
> values.

Ah, now I'm getting your point. You want kind of relational database where a logbook
correspond to a table, using the entry ID as primary key. Well, elog was not designed
having that in mind, so its capabilities will always be very limited. A MySQL with
phpMyAdmin might be better for that.

But what you could do is to put manual links betweek logbooks. If you enter in an
attribute following text:

elog:Forum/816 elog:Forum/806

then you get two links to entries 806 and 816. Writing this is a bit more than just 
"816 | 806", but it's less than writing directly an HTML link.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6