ID |
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Subject |
Tue Jul 27 17:56:56 2004 |
| Ulrich Trüssel | | Bug report | Windows | 2.5.3 snap | List Dispaly produces wrong output in 2.5.3 built 23.7.04 (snapshot) |
I did not have the following problem in any snapshot before 23.7.04 .
Actually I do not have a possibility to test the snapshot under an other
system than win xp pro sp 1 (fully pached).
Using my logbooks as well as the demo logbook works well under older
snapsgots of 2.5.3 as well as long as the "List Display = <attributes>" is
not used!
Using "List Display = <attributes>" produces an ususal output with the text
field content in the first row and a row title of the first 3 letters.
Attributes = Customername, Customeraddres
List Display = Customername, Customeraddres
If no record is in the logbook, only the "Cus" is dispalyed! Removing "List
Display = <attributes>" produces a normal output with same logbook!
By the way: Thnak's for the Format in the entry/edit view!!! |
Wed Jul 28 14:14:05 2004 |
| Stefan Ritt | | Question | Windows | 2.5.3 | Re: Author field on reply |
> I followed copied the example config provide to run on my server .
> Apparently , the author field was blank when i do a reply .
> I was hoping to get it to be the actual reply author.
> Just like the way the forum is done up.
> Please help ..
This (new) behaviour came from the request that some people id *NOT* want to
have the new author on the reply, but the *ORIGINAL* (they used an attribute
"Origial author" which should not be replaced on a reply). Therefor I added a
new option to resolve that. So please use
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
if you want to have the attribut "Author" replaced by the current one both on
new entries and on replies. |
Wed Jul 28 14:17:25 2004 |
| Stefan Ritt | | Bug report | Windows | 2.5.3 snap | Re: List Dispaly produces wrong output in 2.5.3 built 23.7.04 (snapshot) |
> Using "List Display = <attributes>" produces an ususal output with the text
> field content in the first row and a row title of the first 3 letters.
I fixed that problem. Please get the snapshot from July 28th 14:16. |
Wed Jul 28 16:13:04 2004 |
| Ulrich Trüssel | | Bug report | Windows | 2.5.3 snap | Re: List Dispaly produces wrong output in 2.5.3 built 23.7.04 (snapshot) |
Thank you very much Stefan!!!
Also the horizontal alignement with "Format = 1" looks much better as before
with standard css files! Really great work!
> > Using "List Display = <attributes>" produces an ususal output with the text
> > field content in the first row and a row title of the first 3 letters.
> I fixed that problem. Please get the snapshot from July 28th 14:16. |
Wed Jul 28 21:25:52 2004 |
| Stefan Ritt | | | Windows | 2.53. | Re: Fixed Attribute Reply |
> Hi Stefan
> YOu have been a great help on the Elog problem solving .
> I have another sort of bug , when i have a attribute type as date.
> And i have fixed the attribute on reply , i actually get a string of
> number when i reply , and the date becomes not the orginal date in the
> first message.
> So the way i work ard is that i did not place the date field in the fixed
> attribute reply which i will run the risk of pple modifying that entry .
> Can this be fix?
Yes, I fixed this. Revision 1.412 under CVS, new snapshot for Windows at the
download page. |
Wed Aug 11 15:38:07 2004 |
| Jen Manz | | Question | Windows | | Restricting viewing messages |
I am working on a logbook for a lab. I have two questions...
First - Some of the logbook entries should not be viewed by certain users.
What would be the easiest way to restrict viewing some entries?
Second - I have a welcome page for the ELOG that lists some info about the
ELOG. When I start the ELOG, the user sees the login page. After the user
logs in, the welcome page appears listing the restrictions. Right now, I
have a hyperlink that takes the user to new, find, etc. But I would like
to take the user right to the logbook and not have to come back to the
welcome page everytime. How can I do this?
I have attached the code I have so far. They are in .txt format for easier
Thanks! |
Attachment 1: Welcome_Login.txt
<h1>Welcome to the PEBL Logbook</h1>
<li><a href="?cmd=new">Enter</a> new entry in the logbook
<P ALIGN=CENTER>Information included herein is controlled.</P>
Attachment 2: elogd.txt
logbook tabs = 0
port = 8080
Admin user = jmanz
Logfile = c:\Program Files\ELOG\logbooks\PEBL_Log
Logging level = 2
Welcome page = Welcome_Login.html
Theme = default
Comment = PEBL Logbook
Attributes = Author, Material Group, Type, Category, Subject
Find Menu commands = New, Reply, Find, Logout, Help
Options Material Group = Computers, Consoles, Other
ROptions Category = Hardware, Software, Both, Neither
Preset Category = Hardware
Required Attributes = Author, Material Group, Type, Category
Preset Text = Restricted Info
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Attachment comment=Use "Browse" to select the attachment and "Upload" to save the attachment. Repeat for multiple attachments.
Message comment = Restricted Info
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date
Entries per page = 100
password file = c:\Program Files\ELOG\elog.pwd
Self Register = 1
Login expiration = 0
Protect Selection page = 1
Suppress Email to users = 1
Suppress default = 2
Restrict Edit = 1
Locked Attributes = Author
Preset Author = $short_name
Subst on reply Subject = Re: $subject
Wed Aug 11 16:02:52 2004 |
| Stefan Ritt | | Question | Windows | | Re: Restricting viewing messages |
> First - Some of the logbook entries should not be viewed by certain users.
> What would be the easiest way to restrict viewing some entries?
The easiest way is to define two logbooks, with two different password files.
The more restricted logbook contains only those users who are allowed to see the
restricted entries. Use the commands "Move to" to move entries between the two
logbooks (see documentation).
> Second - I have a welcome page for the ELOG that lists some info about the
> ELOG. When I start the ELOG, the user sees the login page. After the user
> logs in, the welcome page appears listing the restrictions. Right now, I
> have a hyperlink that takes the user to new, find, etc. But I would like
> to take the user right to the logbook and not have to come back to the
> welcome page everytime. How can I do this?
Right now you need an exteral page on a public webserver. This page contains
then links to your elog server. I the next version I will implement the
possibility to server *.html files directly through elog. You can then put your
welcome page under themes/default/Welcome.html, and access it through the
starting link:
You will only see the Welcome page once, since all links in elog will point back
to .../logbook/ and not to .../logbook/Welcome.html. The config option "Welcome
page = Welcome.html" you have to remove then of course. |
Mon Sep 13 20:44:35 2004 |
| Christopher Jones | | Question | Windows | 2.5.4-2 | Use Email From not Working as Before... |
We just recently upgraded from an older version of Elog to the latest and
greatest, 2.5.4-2. Everything is workinly nicely, except the "Use Email
From" option does not seem to work as before. We have the option set so
that all e-mail that is sent should be from a single address, but instead it
just ignores that address and uses the e-mail address of the user currently
logged in.
I have this set in the global section of the elogd.cfg:
Use Email From = elog@****.com
Please let me know if this is the intended function or if it may possible be
a bug.
Chris |