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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  69765   Thu Mar 21 19:30:49 2024 Reply Laurent Jean-Rigaudlollspam@free.frQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: Installation with amp on Rocky Linux

Hi Nina,

The RPM is built with Kerberos (libber*), LDAP (libldap*) and SSL (libssl*) options. These libs are missing on your system, and rpm command does not take care of dependencies.

 Try to install with yum : yum install elog-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm

Normally the missing rpm files should be dlded from RL repo if your host can access to them...



Nina Bondarenko wrote:

Hello all,

I am installing elog on an Rocky Linux instance. Have dependensy problem. 

rpm -Uvh elog-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm 

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64


Any clues from developers to resolve it and keep the software working. Thank you in advance!

Bests, Nina


  69764   Thu Mar 21 15:23:52 2024 Question Nina Bondarenkonina.bondarenko@uu.seQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Installation with amp on Rocky Linux

Hello all,

I am installing elog on an Rocky Linux instance. Have dependensy problem. 

rpm -Uvh elog-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm 

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64 is needed by elog-3.1.5-1.el7.x86_64


Any clues from developers to resolve it and keep the software working. Thank you in advance!

Bests, Nina

  69763   Tue Mar 19 16:58:52 2024 Reply V3.1.3-Re: Problem in logging with LDAP and passwd
Hi Stefano,

I also tried to set up LDAP authentication and password file-based authentication using the same settings as yours, which is not working as expected. It does work only with the LDAP authentication and not with the password file now. If I remove the LDAP-based parameters from the configuration file it works then password files start working.

I think multiple ways of authentication do not work concurrently.

Is that issue still existing for you or is it resolved?



> Dear experts,
>    I have a logbook which has authentication as follow
> Authentication = LDAP, File
> Password file = PASSWD.file
> LDAP server = ldaps://it-ldap-XXX.XXX.XX:1636
> LDAP userbase = ou=people,ou=RGY,o=XXX,c=XX
> LDAP login attribute = uid
> LDAP register = 0
> Self register = 0
> Allow password change = 0
> Some of the my user (but not all) have issue in accessing this protected elogbook.
> The ldap password is correct (we checked).
> What I see in the log is as follow:
> 22-Feb-2021 11:25:51 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
> 22-Feb-2021 11:25:59 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
> The user USERNAME is present in PASSWD.file.
> For other user, for which the login works, I do see an (attempt) and then (success)
> we tried the standard stuff: clear cache/cookies and with different browser. We also tried to remove the user from PASSWD.file and 
> create it again, but nothing has worked.
> Any suggestion how I can debug this problem?
> Thanks in advance,
>   Stefano
  69762   Fri Mar 15 05:13:42 2024 Smile Andreas Warburtonandreas.warburton@mcgill.caBug reportMac OSX3.1.5Re: Runaway bogus attachment counts in Summary view attachment column

Thanks a lot Stefan, for fixing this so quickly! I'm now running 3.1.5 fe60aaf0, with the phantom-attachment-count issue in the Summary view now resolved.  Cheers, Andreas W.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The problem with the attachment paperclips has been fixed in the current version.


Andreas Warburton wrote:

On a new MacBook Pro (Silicon M3), I installed version 3.1.5 build 23df00d9.  The application appears to work normally, except that, after a short while, the indicated attachment count (paperclips in the attachment column of the Summary view) starts to increment fairly rapidly with each time that I visit the page.  Attachment counts appear even for records that don't have any attachments.  When I access records individually, either those with or without real attachments, everything looks OK.  Any insights as to what might be causing this, and how to correct?



  69761   Thu Mar 14 21:21:33 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportMac OSX3.1.5-23df00d9Re: Runaway bogus attachment counts in Summary view attachment column

The problem with the attachment paperclips has been fixed in the current version.


Andreas Warburton wrote:

On a new MacBook Pro (Silicon M3), I installed version 3.1.5 build 23df00d9.  The application appears to work normally, except that, after a short while, the indicated attachment count (paperclips in the attachment column of the Summary view) starts to increment fairly rapidly with each time that I visit the page.  Attachment counts appear even for records that don't have any attachments.  When I access records individually, either those with or without real attachments, everything looks OK.  Any insights as to what might be causing this, and how to correct?


  69760   Tue Mar 12 09:20:14 2024 Angy Celeste Torkzabantorkzaban@iqo.uni-hannover.deBug reportWindowsELOG V3.1.3-793Record date isn't set to current date when replying to elogs


I started using the record date feature in one logbook, since we plan to copy over old entries Joplin/Onenote. When starting a new entry, I see that the record date is automatically set to the current date, but when I reply to an elog, the record date is automatically set to the record date of the elog I'm replying to. Is there a way to fix this?


  69759   Tue Mar 12 09:12:32 2024 Angy Celeste Torkzabantorkzaban@iqo.uni-hannover.deBug reportLinuxELOG V3.1.3-793Draft saved after ~15 minutes, then anything entered a few hours later is ignored


I've noticed that many times, I start an elog and continue editing adding to a few hours later, then I submit and it deletes everything I entered after the last time a draft was saved. I paid more attention and saw that it saves a draft after about a few minutes, and if I wait too long before submitting, it doesn't let me re-save the draft. My workaround is to copy all text before I submit, so if it ignores whatever I entered after the last saved version, I can edit it and paste it back in. Is there a setting someplace that I can change to fix this problem?


  69758   Sun Mar 10 04:25:43 2024 Reply Andreas Warburtonandreas.warburton@mcgill.caRequestMac OSX3.1.5Re: Suggestion to update Mac OS X instructions in ELOG Administrator's Guide

Here's a more complete/correct set of the updated commands:

sudo launchctl enable system/ch.psi.elogd
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist 

sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist
sudo launchctl disable system/ch.psi.elogd


Andreas Warburton wrote:

The section of the ELOG Administrator's Guide describing how to build and install ELOG on a Mac OS X system has worked well for me for several years, even though there have been warnings that the "load" and "unload" subcommands of the "launchctl" command have been deprecated for some time.  After trying my luck again on a new Mac with the latest operating system, I encountered errors of the type "Load failed: 5: Input/output error" when attempting to follow these instructions.

After a bit of searching around, I used information at the page to deploy the more current subcommands as follows:

sudo launchctl enable system/ch.psi.elogd
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist 

sudo launchctl disable system/ch.psi.elogd

Once the above can be verified, perhaps the instructions in the Administrator's Guide can be updated accordingly.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6