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icon5.gif   If a Required Attribute starts with a number – No CKEditor, posted by David Dunne on Fri Nov 27 06:53:54 2015 
Hello, Is the below an issue or am I doing something incorrectly? Creating an attribute starting with a number and then including that attribute in the Required Attribute list prevents access to the CKEditior. This appears to be the case at least with FreeBSD (10.2 Rel) using Elog V3.1.0 and Windows 7 with Elog V3.1.1-3f311c5. The problem can be recreated using the Elog supplied sample config and adding the necessary attribute, sample config showing below. While attribute 7SWM is part of the Required Attributes the CKEditor fails to appear, remove 7SWM from the Required Attributes list and the CKEditor returns. [global] port = 8080 [demo] Theme = default Comment = General Linux Tips & Tricks Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject, 7SWM Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other Options 7SWM = Name-1, Name-2, Name-3 Extendable Options = Category Required Attributes = Author, Type, 7SWM Page Title = ELOG - $subject Reverse sort = 1 Quick filter = Date, Type Thank you, David Dunne
    icon4.gif   Re: If a Required Attribute starts with a number – No CKEditor, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Dec 11 14:30:10 2015 
Hi David,
I can confirm a bug: changing the encoding does not work if you have a required attribute starting with a digit. The following minimal config reproduces the bug:
Default encoding = 1
Attributes = 7SWM 
Options 7SWM = Name
Required Attributes = 7SWM

Whatever you choose as a default encoding you'll be stuck with. If you remove the "Required Attributes" it works again.

The workaround is very simple: do not use any attributes that do start with a digit :-)

Cheers, Andreas

David Dunne wrote:
Hello, Is the below an issue or am I doing something incorrectly? Creating an attribute starting with a number and then including that attribute in the Required Attribute list prevents access to the CKEditior. This appears to be the case at least with FreeBSD (10.2 Rel) using Elog V3.1.0 and Windows 7 with Elog V3.1.1-3f311c5. The problem can be recreated using the Elog supplied sample config and adding the necessary attribute, sample config showing below. While attribute 7SWM is part of the Required Attributes the CKEditor fails to appear, remove 7SWM from the Required Attributes list and the CKEditor returns. [global] port = 8080 [demo] Theme = default Comment = General Linux Tips & Tricks Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject, 7SWM Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other Options 7SWM = Name-1, Name-2, Name-3 Extendable Options = Category Required Attributes = Author, Type, 7SWM Page Title = ELOG - $subject Reverse sort = 1 Quick filter = Date, Type Thank you, David Dunne


    icon6.gif   Re: Announcement of RSS feeds, posted by Marc Neiger on Mon Nov 15 13:10:12 2004 ELOG_Forum.htm
Hi Stefan,

The parsing now seems OK, IE downloads the XML and the RSS reader of Avant 
accepts the feed. 
I still have a problem however : below the header, only the first 3 items 
are displayed and it seems only partially.
I included the HTML result so you can "visualize" what's going on (this may 
also be on the avant browser side !).


> The problems came from the French accents and the German umlauts. I 
changed the XML
> charset, so this should be fine now. New version is under CVS.
    icon2.gif   Re: Announcement of RSS feeds, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Nov 15 15:43:37 2004 sharpreader.gif
> I included the HTML result so you can "visualize" what's going on (this may 
> also be on the avant browser side !).

I believe it is on the avant browser side. Below is the same shown in the
SharpReader browser, where everything is displayed correctly.
icon5.gif   Import log, posted by bob on Tue Apr 24 11:00:56 2007 
it is possible to import the file *.log of Elog towards another Elog?
thank you
    icon2.gif   Re: Import log, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 24 12:26:32 2007 

bob wrote:
it is possible to import the file *.log of Elog towards another Elog?
thank you

There are three methods:

  • Copy over the *.log files from one Elog to the other. Make sure not to have entries with the same ID twice then.
  • Set-up mirroring between two servers. This ensures a 1:1 copy of the server
  • Export entries in CSV format (comma-separated-values) via 'Find', 'Mode = CSV', and do a 'CSV import' on the other side.
    icon2.gif   Re: Import log, posted by bob on Tue Apr 24 14:43:07 2007 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

bob wrote:
it is possible to import the file *.log of Elog towards another Elog?
thank you

There are three methods:

  • Copy over the *.log files from one Elog to the other. Make sure not to have entries with the same ID twice then.
  • Set-up mirroring between two servers. This ensures a 1:1 copy of the server
  • Export entries in CSV format (comma-separated-values) via 'Find', 'Mode = CSV', and do a 'CSV import' on the other side.

thank you,
but the last method (simplest for me) does not import the comment.
it's a pity...
    icon2.gif   Re: Import log, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 10 13:03:51 2007 

bob wrote:
thank you,
but the last method (simplest for me) does not import the comment.
it's a pity...

Ok, I implemented the XML import which also includes the text body. However there are currently two limitations:

  • If you want to import entries which contain replies, it only works if import them into an empty logbook, where the imported entries can obtain the same entry IDs as in the original logbook.
  • The names of possible attachments are correctly imported, but not the files themselves. These you have to copy by hand.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6