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    icon14.gif   Re: New ELOG version with HTML Editor, posted by An Thai on Tue Nov 13 17:59:35 2007 

Congratulation Stefan and Co.!

I think Elog is the first Weblog which supports this feature.

The new integrated HTML WYSIWYG editor is great. Now, my colleagues who are in finance department and don't have good IT-skill will be very happy about this feature.

Thank you for your support and effort.  

    icon2.gif   Re: How to make Subst run?, posted by Robert Heine on Mon Sep 6 16:18:41 2010 
Thank you Andreas!

So I will generate the preset entry in a shell script.

And now to something completely different:
Is there a way to make the elogd options -x and -install work together?


icon3.gif   elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang, posted by eric wooten on Fri Jul 25 02:02:48 2003 
elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
-a Status=operational

doing anything wrong here?
    icon3.gif   Re: elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang, posted by eric wooten on Fri Jul 25 02:03:37 2003 
Note: When I hit ctrl-break, it exits to cmd prompt, and the entry appears 
in the logbook.... ?

> elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
> -a Status=operational
> doing anything wrong here?
    icon3.gif   Re: elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang, posted by eric wooten on Fri Jul 25 02:07:08 2003 
opps nevermind, i didn't realize I had to put something in for the ending 
body text.  Anyway to skip that part?

> elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
> -a Status=operational
> doing anything wrong here?
    icon2.gif   Re: elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 25 08:51:22 2003 
> opps nevermind, i didn't realize I had to put something in for the ending 
> body text.  Anyway to skip that part?
> > elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
> > -a Status=operational
> > 
> > doing anything wrong here?

Due to frequent requests, the elog utility reads the message body text from the 
console (stdin), if it's missing on the command line (like in your case). Under 
Linux, you can then pipe some text into elog

cat message.txt | elog -h ...

or under Windows

type message.txt | elog -h ...

If you enter the text directly, you have to finish it with Ctrl-Z / Return
(Windows) or Ctrl-D (Linux). If you do not want any text, you can write

elog -h .... -a Status=operational " "

to submit an empty text (well, almost empty, contains single blank).
icon5.gif   using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ??, posted by eric wooten on Sat Jul 26 20:11:01 2003 
Is this possible?  If so, could you provide an example:

I'm trying to find a way that when you do a search, that you can filter 
entries using ( = , <>, AND) on one or more attributes.
ex:  Find all workstations for this subnet, but exclude a particular one.
Thats the basic idea.

Can it be done? If so, how?

    icon2.gif   Re: using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ??, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Jul 27 16:09:09 2003 
> Is this possible?  If so, could you provide an example:
> I'm trying to find a way that when you do a search, that you can filter 
> entries using ( = , <>, AND) on one or more attributes.
> ex:  Find all workstations for this subnet, but exclude a particular one.
> Thats the basic idea.
> Can it be done? If so, how?

No, it cannot be done right now, but it's on the wishlist since some time. 
So I added your vote there.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6