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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry   , posted by on Fri Dec 3 08:43:49 2004 
God really STRANGE and problematic effect on 2.5.5-1 (can't remember it this
was with 2.5.5 or 2.5.4-X but i'm nearly sure it worked well):

Entering a date (Formate Bithday = date) may crash down the server:
Value is 22.2.2004: Everything is well
Value is 22.2.1962: Server crashes emmediatly (menas restarzing several
times, always the same problem)

I do not have time to check true all the years for finding out where the
problem may beginn, sorry. Also I was not able to check on other systems
right now. My system: Win XP Pro SP 1, IE 6 as well as Mozilla Calssic 1.7.3. 

Didn't check it under Linux right know in case of a lot work.

Clould you this fix please Stefan???  THANK'X!!!
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG-Server crashes after date entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Dec 5 13:09:12 2004 
'Date' attributes can only be between 1970 and 2037, since I use internally the
unix time format. I added a test so future versions will complain and not crash
when the date is outside that range.

If you need dates before 1970, don't use the 'Date' format, simply use strings.
icon5.gif   Attribute Negative Search, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:42:10 2004 
Is there any way to search for all attributes _except_ a certain value?
    icon2.gif   Re: Attribute Negative Search, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 24 13:55:22 2004 
> Is there any way to search for all attributes _except_ a certain value?

If you mean "search all attrubutes except one specific attribute" then the
answer is no.

> Can "Display" links work with multiple options? 
> "ABC | DEF" is currently one link.
> Ideally, it would be two links, each formatted per the "Display" string.

I don't understand your qyestion. You have an attribute with MOptions, so you
get "ABC | DEF" displayed in the list view. All links in each line point to
the individual entry, so what is the benefit of having two links for ABC and DEF?

> Is there a way to disable wildcard matching in searches?
> A search for "1" returns "1" and "10" and "11".  
> Is there a way to perform an explict match?
> Could there be a numeric match if the attribute type is numeric?

That should all be possible with the build-in regular expression. Just type


where "\b" means "word boundary". I agree that a numerical comparison for
numerical attributes would be better, I will put that on the to-do list.

> Could there be a multi-value option for free text fields, e.g. comma-
> separated?  This would allow multi-parent relationships between log items. 
> E.g. specifying 12, 15 as a value would create unique Display links 
> for "12" and "15", based on the Display specification for that attribute.
> This would be like "multiple fixed options", for the purpose of formatting.

Again, this is not clear to me. What do you mean by "display specification"?
Is it the "List display = ..." option or the "Format attribute = ..." option?
What is a "multi-parent relationship"? Why do you need multiple options for a
free text field? Why can't you use the MOptions specification?
       icon2.gif   Re: Attribute Negative Search, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 18:59:45 2004 
> > Can "Display" links work with multiple options? 
> >
> > "ABC | DEF" is currently one link.
> >
> > Ideally, it would be two links, each formatted per the "Display" string.
> I don't understand your qyestion. You have an attribute with MOptions, so you
> get "ABC | DEF" displayed in the list view. All links in each line point to
> the individual entry, so what is the benefit of having two links for ABC and DEF?

Display Subsystem = <a href="/LogBook1/?Subsystem=$Subsystem" style="color:

ABC and DEF links would perform filter searches of a _different_ logbook.   

Separate links would perform separate searches.

> > Is there a way to disable wildcard matching in searches?
> > A search for "1" returns "1" and "10" and "11".  
> > Is there a way to perform an explict match?
> > Could there be a numeric match if the attribute type is numeric?
> That should all be possible with the build-in regular expression. Just type
> \b1\b
> where "\b" means "word boundary". I agree that a numerical comparison for
> numerical attributes would be better, I will put that on the to-do list.

Thanks, this is very helpful.

> > Could there be a multi-value option for free text fields, e.g. comma-
> > separated?  This would allow multi-parent relationships between log items. 
> > 
> > E.g. specifying 12, 15 as a value would create unique Display links 
> > for "12" and "15", based on the Display specification for that attribute.
> > 
> > This would be like "multiple fixed options", for the purpose of formatting.
> Again, this is not clear to me. What do you mean by "display specification"?
> Is it the "List display = ..." option or the "Format attribute = ..." option?
> What is a "multi-parent relationship"? Why do you need multiple options for a
> free text field? Why can't you use the MOptions specification?

MOptions does not work because the options are not fixed.   The options can be any
numeric ID for items in a related logbook.

Consider the case of two logbooks, where we wish to associate items in the second
logbook with more than one item in the first logbook.  We could define separate
attributes for each "parent item", e.g. Parent1, Parent2, Parent3, then use a
"Display" spec to convert a numeric ID into a hyperlink to the first logbook's item.
  The exact relationship is not important, could be parent/peer/child - some generic

The benefit here would be the same as having separate links for MOptions attribute
          icon2.gif   Re: Attribute Negative Search, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Nov 25 08:42:07 2004 
> Display Subsystem = <a href="/LogBook1/?Subsystem=$Subsystem" style="color:
> saddlebrown">$Subsystem</a>
> ABC and DEF links would perform filter searches of a _different_ logbook.   
> MOptions does not work because the options are not fixed.   The options can be any
> numeric ID for items in a related logbook.
> Consider the case of two logbooks, where we wish to associate items in the second
> logbook with more than one item in the first logbook.  We could define separate
> attributes for each "parent item", e.g. Parent1, Parent2, Parent3, then use a
> "Display" spec to convert a numeric ID into a hyperlink to the first logbook's item.
>   The exact relationship is not important, could be parent/peer/child - some generic
> relationship.
> The benefit here would be the same as having separate links for MOptions attribute
> values.

Ah, now I'm getting your point. You want kind of relational database where a logbook
correspond to a table, using the entry ID as primary key. Well, elog was not designed
having that in mind, so its capabilities will always be very limited. A MySQL with
phpMyAdmin might be better for that.

But what you could do is to put manual links betweek logbooks. If you enter in an
attribute following text:

elog:Forum/816 elog:Forum/806

then you get two links to entries 806 and 816. Writing this is a bit more than just 
"816 | 806", but it's less than writing directly an HTML link.
icon4.gif   BUG: lost entry data, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:17:45 2004 
After THREE tries to enter a long detailed list of questions, all have been 
replaced by just one:  why do ELOG textareas and entry forms lose all data 
if the browser goes back/forward?  Or if a submission causes an error?  
Other forms in other applications don't have this kind of data loss.

Submitting this now before I lose it again.  Will submit rest of questions 
as separate entries.
    icon2.gif   Re: BUG: lost entry data, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 24 11:52:26 2004 
> After THREE tries to enter a long detailed list of questions, all have been 
> replaced by just one:  why do ELOG textareas and entry forms lose all data 
> if the browser goes back/forward?  Or if a submission causes an error?  
> Other forms in other applications don't have this kind of data loss.
> Submitting this now before I lose it again.  Will submit rest of questions 
> as separate entries.

Really strange. I tried with Mozilla Firefox and IE 6.0 and none of them lost
the entry data. What browser did you use? As far as I learned, data only
vanishes on pages which have an HTTP header containing "Expires: ..." with a
date in the past. But I made sure that the entry form does not contain this.

Please refreain in the future from sending many small entries. People being
registered with email notifications on the forum get flooded by notifications.
In worst case, write your posting using an editor and do copy-and-paste into a
single posting.
       icon2.gif   Re: BUG: lost entry data, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 19:05:53 2004 
> > After THREE tries to enter a long detailed list of questions, all have been 
> > replaced by just one:  why do ELOG textareas and entry forms lose all data 
> > if the browser goes back/forward?  Or if a submission causes an error?  
> > Other forms in other applications don't have this kind of data loss.
> > 
> > Submitting this now before I lose it again.  Will submit rest of questions 
> > as separate entries.
> Really strange. I tried with Mozilla Firefox and IE 6.0 and none of them lost
> the entry data. What browser did you use? As far as I learned, data only
> vanishes on pages which have an HTTP header containing "Expires: ..." with a
> date in the past. But I made sure that the entry form does not contain this.

IE 6.0.   

I am accessing an internal ELOG instance through an Apache reverse proxy on port
80, per the FAQ.  Just tested without the proxy and there is no data loss problem
with back/forward.  

When I access the ELOG forum, I am going through a forward proxy to the Internet,
which probably explains the data loss on error messages.

Will investigate proxy configuration regarding "Expires: " headers and post here
if I find a solution.

> Please refreain in the future from sending many small entries. People being
> registered with email notifications on the forum get flooded by notifications.
> In worst case, write your posting using an editor and do copy-and-paste into a
> single posting.

Sorry about that, will do.
icon4.gif   Konqueror and Calendar widget, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:44:09 2004 
Date selection from the calendar widget does not work in Konqueror.  

Clicking on a date results in year being populated, but month and day are 
    icon4.gif   Re: Konqueror and Calendar widget, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 24 14:19:01 2004 
> Date selection from the calendar widget does not work in Konqueror.  
> Clicking on a date results in year being populated, but month and day are 
> blank.

I use following Javascript to populate the date:

function submit_day(day)
  opener.document.form1.d3.value = "24";
  opener.document.form1.m3.value = "11";
  opener.document.form1.y3.value = "2004";

which workes everywhere except in Konqueror. If you tell me how to convince
Konqueror to accept this, I'm happy to put it into the elog code.
icon3.gif   New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 26 09:41:56 2004 
Version 2.5.2 of ELOG has been released today. It contains CSV (comma
separated values) import and export, as well as XML export (through the
"Find" page). Since these features are new, I would appreciate some feedback
on how this works in different environments. I made sure I can import data
from Excel and Outlook (like my address book), but I have no experience with
other applications.

As with the XML export, I'm not sure if the format I chose is a good one.
People working more with XML should tell me if it should be changed.
    icon3.gif   Re: New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Charles Duncan on Mon Mar 29 17:44:32 2004 
> Version 2.5.2 of ELOG has been released today. It contains CSV (comma
> separated values) import and export, as well as XML export (through the
> "Find" page). Since these features are new, I would appreciate some feedback
> on how this works in different environments. I made sure I can import data
> from Excel and Outlook (like my address book), but I have no experience with
> other applications.
> As with the XML export, I'm not sure if the format I chose is a good one.
> People working more with XML should tell me if it should be changed.

I was able to find the export feature under find. Could you let me know where 
the import feature is? Or how I turn it on.

       icon2.gif   Re: New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 29 18:06:46 2004 
> I was able to find the export feature under find. Could you let me know where 
> the import feature is? Or how I turn it on.

Oops, I frogot to document this, thank you for reminding me. You have to add the
"CSV Import" command manually to the list of menu commands, like:

Find menu commands = New, Find, Select, Config, CSV Import, Help

I was wondering if I should make this as the default, but many people maybe do not
have the demand of having CSV Import, so it might be annoying for them. What do
you think?
          icon2.gif   Re: New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Neil Swartz on Tue Nov 23 05:41:31 2004 
> > I was able to find the export feature under find. Could you let me know where 
> > the import feature is? Or how I turn it on.
> Oops, I frogot to document this, thank you for reminding me. You have to add the
> "CSV Import" command manually to the list of menu commands, like:
> Find menu commands = New, Find, Select, Config, CSV Import, Help
> I was wondering if I should make this as the default, but many people maybe do not
> have the demand of having CSV Import, so it might be annoying for them. What do
> you think?

I needed the export feature and could not find documentation on it in the latest 
version. I finally read the code and added Find Menu Text = <filename>
where filename had the tags XML, CSV1, and CSV2
This always exports all records. Shouldn't it just export the records appearing in 
the window?
Also, there is a CSV Import menu item, why isn't there CSV Export? Or just Export 
with radio buttons controlling the format.
(BTW, the XML export is not valid. Internet Explorer complains about the first line)

Great Software. Love it. Keep up the good work!
             icon2.gif   Re: New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 23 12:42:43 2004 
> I needed the export feature and could not find documentation on it in the latest 
> version. I finally read the code and added Find Menu Text = <filename>
> where filename had the tags XML, CSV1, and CSV2
> This always exports all records. Shouldn't it just export the records appearing in 
> the window?

Exporting workes as follows: Click on "Find", and switch the radio button to XML or CSV.
If you click on "Search", you will be prompted where to save the resulting "export.xml"
or "export.csv". I did this through the search page because you can then specify som
filters, in order not to export all records.

> (BTW, the XML export is not valid. Internet Explorer complains about the first line)

The XML charset in the first line was missing. I fixed that, new version under CVS. Or
you can manually change the first line to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
                icon7.gif   Re: New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Neil Swartz on Wed Nov 24 03:30:31 2004 
> > I needed the export feature and could not find documentation on it in the latest 
> > version. I finally read the code and added Find Menu Text = <filename>
> > where filename had the tags XML, CSV1, and CSV2
> > This always exports all records. Shouldn't it just export the records appearing in 
> > the window?
> Exporting workes as follows: Click on "Find", and switch the radio button to XML or CSV.
> If you click on "Search", you will be prompted where to save the resulting "export.xml"
> or "export.csv". I did this through the search page because you can then specify som
> filters, in order not to export all records.
> > (BTW, the XML export is not valid. Internet Explorer complains about the first line)
> The XML charset in the first line was missing. I fixed that, new version under CVS. Or
> you can manually change the first line to
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Thanks much!! I can't believe I missed seeing those options. Works great. (There is a 
danger to having the source code. You tend to read it instead of looking at the way the 
program works )

Is there any way to turn off the Text column at the right side of the list?
                   icon2.gif   Re: New ELOG version with XML and CSV import/export, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 24 11:45:07 2004 
> BTW,
> Is there any way to turn off the Text column at the right side of the list?

Summary lines = 0
icon3.gif   Multi-parent relationships between logbook items, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:50:27 2004 
Could there be a multi-value option for free text fields, e.g. comma-
separated?  This would allow multi-parent relationships between log items. 

E.g. specifying 12, 15 as a value would create unique Display links 
for "12" and "15", based on the Display specification for that attribute.

This would be like "multiple fixed options", for the purpose of formatting.
icon3.gif   Non-wildcard or numeric search for numeric attribute, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:48:17 2004 
Is there a way to disable wildcard matching in searches?

A search for "1" returns "1" and "10" and "11".  

Is there a way to perform an explict match?

Could there be a numeric match if the attribute type is numeric?
icon3.gif   Display links for multiple-option attributes, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:45:43 2004 
Can "Display" links work with multiple options? 

"ABC | DEF" is currently one link.

Ideally, it would be two links, each formatted per the "Display" string.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886