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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  69708   Thu Nov 2 11:46:42 2023 Reply Stefan RittNo, stefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.3Re: Restricting entries view by user

No, this is not possible with the current version of Elog, so indeed everybody needs their own logbook.


Leonardo Tacconi wrote:

Good morning,

I would like to ask you whether it is feasible to establish a logbook that limits access to entries, enabling each user to view only their own.
Although creating a logbook per user is an apparent solution, it does not meet my requirements.

Thank you in advance.



  69707   Thu Nov 2 11:38:36 2023 Question Leonardo Tacconileonardo.tacconi@unifi.itQuestionWindows3.1.3Restricting entries view by user

Good morning,

I would like to ask you whether it is feasible to establish a logbook that limits access to entries, enabling each user to view only their own.
Although creating a logbook per user is an apparent solution, it does not meet my requirements.

Thank you in advance.


  69706   Tue Oct 24 08:12:38 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxlatestRe: Cannot send Emails

ELOG has not change in the last years in that respect, but I know that mailer get more and more picky about encryption etc. So you probably have to convince your mailer to accept the pw as it comes from ELOG, or do not require a pw for that specific client.


John wrote:

Hello, my sending of emails was working a while back but I have not checked on it in a few months and found out I am getting authentication errors sending to my MTA (mailer). I was using a base64 to encode the pw but now my mailer ( rejects it. Has anything changed over the last couple of years with Elogs code that would be affecting this? I just upgraded (Linux) and changed my testing grounds to non-production and the same problem exists. Thing is I CAN send using other programs, but not with Elog. It is impertive I figure this out or have a work around.. but a 'work around' does not seem like a possible  task since all the work (forums and such) will be via my Elog server.

Thanx, John


  69705   Mon Oct 23 20:35:54 2023 Question Johnjohn@secondcomingtechnologies.comQuestionLinuxlatestCannot send Emails

Hello, my sending of emails was working a while back but I have not checked on it in a few months and found out I am getting authentication errors sending to my MTA (mailer). I was using a base64 to encode the pw but now my mailer ( rejects it. Has anything changed over the last couple of years with Elogs code that would be affecting this? I just upgraded (Linux) and changed my testing grounds to non-production and the same problem exists. Thing is I CAN send using other programs, but not with Elog. It is impertive I figure this out or have a work around.. but a 'work around' does not seem like a possible  task since all the work (forums and such) will be via my Elog server.

Thanx, John

  69704   Mon Oct 23 16:15:06 2023 Reply Stefan RittUsestefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.4Re: read-only elog server


Menu commands = List, Find, Help

to remove all command which let you create or edit entries (New, Reply, Edit, ...) 

Then do the same with "List menu commands = ..."


Germano Massullo wrote:

Good day. I am writing this post to ask how I can turn an elog website into a read-only version that will stay online for historical documention purposes.

I tried to search on Elog documentation but I had no success

Thank you and have a nice day


  69703   Mon Oct 23 15:20:32 2023 Question Germano Massullogermano.massullo@cern.chQuestionLinux3.1.4read-only elog server

Good day. I am writing this post to ask how I can turn an elog website into a read-only version that will stay online for historical documention purposes.

I tried to search on Elog documentation but I had no success

Thank you and have a nice day

  69702   Wed Oct 11 23:09:36 2023 Reply Laurent Jean-Rigaudlollspam@free.frQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-2e0f4719Re: Fail to upload enclosure in ELOG

Ok, i reply to myself as i could resolve the problem by changing the alpine Linux image to Debian light.

After debugging, the problem seems to be the compilation option used for alpine packets, which is not fully compatible when running on NAS Intel cpu.

The problem disappeared with Debian light, which should be less "aggressive" for optimization. I think the core is generated during imagemagick lib call (png, jpeg,pdf, ...).



Laurent Jean-Rigaud wrote:


I currently testing last ELOG version from git in a docker with LDAP activated ( The goal is to use it on Synology NAS server, associated with local LDAP server.


The reverse proxy is done by embedded DSM nginx, according to FDQN associated to ELOG service ( In Docker, URL is set to

All is good, but when I post any enclosure in any elog post, the elogd exits and docker is automatically restarted. The browser shows an error 405 generated by nginx server.


Do you have any idea of the cause of this problem  ?


Thanks for help.



  69701   Mon Oct 9 16:43:06 2023 Cool Celeste Torkzabantorkzaban at iqo.uni-hannover.deQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.3-793Re: link to attachment within html editor

thank you!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can always insert the full link to the attachment like this one:

But you can also use elog:69699/1 as shown here. Unfortunately you can do that only after the entry has been submitted, so you know the ID number of that entry. Once you have it, edit the entry and put it in.



Celeste Torkzaban wrote:

I like the ELcode feature that lets you easily make an internal link to an attachment in the same post. However, I wasn't able to get this to work in the html editor, even though it's possible to use the ELcode format to link to another post in the logbook. When I type in elog :/1 in the html editor (without the space) and submit (even with an attachment present), it weirdly gets changed and shows up as 61/1 in the submitted elog, without any hyperlink. As far as I know we're using the standard elog code and only modified css parameters. Is there another syntax to link to attachments in html?
Testing it out here: 69699/1  (elog :/1 without the space turned into 69699/1)



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6