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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  68222   Tue Jan 12 21:19:25 2016 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.1Re: drag and drop attachments not working with web server authentication

No. What the thread says is first try this forum, see if you can drag and drop here. If not, you have a problem on your browser. If yes, you have somewhere some old JavaScript file around. Might be in the cache of your browser.

Devin Bougie wrote:

Thanks, Stefan.  I read that before asking my question, but didn't see a resolution in that thread.  I am already at 3.1.1, and I am testing on a clean installation.  Are you saying that the solution is in the development branch after the release of 3.1.1?


Thanks again,



  68223   Tue Jan 12 21:31:42 2016 Reply Devin Bougiedevin.bougie@cornell.eduBug reportLinux3.1.1Re: drag and drop attachments not working with web server authentication

Yeah, I had tried that and it did work in your demo forum.  It just didn't work in mine with authentication = webserver, even with a clean browser profile.  

However, after playing with the config and a few restarts, everything now seems to be working properly.  Really not sure what changed, but thanks for helping.


  127   Tue Sep 10 17:22:17 2002 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: documentation fro elconv
> Hi,
> is there a documentation for the elconv tool available?
> Regards,
> Stefan

I have asked Fred Pacquier who maintains the web pages to put something on, 
but he hasn't replied.

Basically you simply run "elconv" in the directory where all the *.log files 
live. The only option is the "-v" flag for verbose output. If you have 
several directories with log files, you run it once in each directory.
  69202   Mon Aug 17 13:27:09 2020 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestWindows2006Re: do some changes on .CFG

This has nothing to do with the ELOG package, but only with your local configuration of that specific logbook.
You should contact your local ELOG administrator.

Or you might want to rephrase you question: do you want to have this text added in the text field when selecting the field specifier?
How that can be done depends on your specific configuration. Since you are apparently already using a form in the text field, it might be tricky.

Lahreche Abdelmadjid wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to have "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031" when I select it.

I don't found where can I make this change

thank you.




  69203   Tue Aug 18 11:28:58 2020 Reply Lahreche Abdelmadjidabdelmadjid.lahreche@yahoo.comRequestWindows2006Re: do some changes on .CFG

Thanks, but I'm the Admin of local ELOG.

usually I can make a lot of changes on my files .CFG But this time no way.

when I select one of the choice i've a text who appear with the right text (code), but only with this choice "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031"

the text appeared is false.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

This has nothing to do with the ELOG package, but only with your local configuration of that specific logbook.
You should contact your local ELOG administrator.

Or you might want to rephrase you question: do you want to have this text added in the text field when selecting the field specifier?
How that can be done depends on your specific configuration. Since you are apparently already using a form in the text field, it might be tricky.

Lahreche Abdelmadjid wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to have "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031" when I select it.

I don't found where can I make this change

thank you.





  69204   Wed Aug 19 15:22:58 2020 Question Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestWindows2006Re: do some changes on .CFG

How are we supposed to give you a hint when you don't post your configuration?

Lahreche Abdelmadjid wrote:

Thanks, but I'm the Admin of local ELOG.

usually I can make a lot of changes on my files .CFG But this time no way.

when I select one of the choice i've a text who appear with the right text (code), but only with this choice "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031"

the text appeared is false.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

This has nothing to do with the ELOG package, but only with your local configuration of that specific logbook.
You should contact your local ELOG administrator.

Or you might want to rephrase you question: do you want to have this text added in the text field when selecting the field specifier?
How that can be done depends on your specific configuration. Since you are apparently already using a form in the text field, it might be tricky.

Lahreche Abdelmadjid wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to have "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031" when I select it.

I don't found where can I make this change

thank you.






  66469   Tue Jul 28 11:04:01 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsv2.7.42111Re: display GMT time instead of local time in Entry time/ Last edit field

Dan Duong wrote:

Hi all,

I have set my PC in Time Zone GMT+10:00 but I get GMT time in Entry time/Last edit field.

I have installed in another PC. Which has Time Zone GMT+10:00 but I still get GMT time in Entry time/Last edit field.

Please help. Thank you very much.


That's strange. I use the C function localtime() to obtain the local time from Windows. The documentation says that this function checks the Windows control panel  and returns the proper local time. So far, nobody complained so I guess only you have this problem (anybody else to correct me???). The only hint I found is to set the environment variable TZ. So open a DOS box and enter

set TZ=AST+10

then start elogd.exe interactively in that dos box and see if you get something else.

  66476   Wed Jul 29 04:56:27 2009 Reply Dan DuongDan.Duong@team.telstra.comQuestionWindowsv2.7.42111Re: display GMT time instead of local time in Entry time/ Last edit field

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dan Duong wrote:

Hi all,

I have set my PC in Time Zone GMT+10:00 but I get GMT time in Entry time/Last edit field.

I have installed in another PC. Which has Time Zone GMT+10:00 but I still get GMT time in Entry time/Last edit field.

Please help. Thank you very much.


That's strange. I use the C function localtime() to obtain the local time from Windows. The documentation says that this function checks the Windows control panel  and returns the proper local time. So far, nobody complained so I guess only you have this problem (anybody else to correct me???). The only hint I found is to set the environment variable TZ. So open a DOS box and enter

set TZ=AST+10

then start elogd.exe interactively in that dos box and see if you get something else.

 I did as instructed but time was 20 hours behide

I have entered    set TZ=AST-10   I got the correct time. I think my elog files have been changed by someone. elogd file is running in DOS box now. Please help how to run elog as normal or correct elog files. Which file I should check. Is it elconv.c file? Thank you Stefan.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886