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icon3.gif   Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 14 21:47:47 2004 
Using the COMMENT feature to add guidance to an ATTRIBUTE works great, but
is it possible to add a TOOLTIP <ATTRIBUTE> = so as to save screen space? 
For a complex entry form it is desireable to try and have everything in a
single window and this, I think, would help.

    icon2.gif   Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 14 22:21:55 2004 
> Using the COMMENT feature to add guidance to an ATTRIBUTE works great, but
> is it possible to add a TOOLTIP <ATTRIBUTE> = so as to save screen space? 

Where should the tooltip appear? In the entry form or when an entry is
displayed, or even in the tabular listing? I can put a title arround the
attribut names such as

<div title="Please enter some subject here">Subject:</div>

which gets interpreted by most browsers as a tooltip. However it's not
apparent to the user that leaving the cursor on top of "Subject" opens a
tooltip, especially since the cursor is displayed as the text cursor (vertical
bar), not as an arrow over the attribute. Do you have a link to a public web
page which uses tooltips?

> For a complex entry form it is desireable to try and have everything in a
> single window and this, I think, would help.

Aiming for running elog on you PDA? Let me know if you succeed...
       icon2.gif   Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 14 22:54:43 2004 
> > Using the COMMENT feature to add guidance to an ATTRIBUTE works great, but
> > is it possible to add a TOOLTIP <ATTRIBUTE> = so as to save screen space? 
> Where should the tooltip appear? In the entry form or when an entry is
> displayed, or even in the tabular listing? I can put a title arround the
> attribut names such as
> <div title="Please enter some subject here">Subject:</div>
> which gets interpreted by most browsers as a tooltip. However it's not
> apparent to the user that leaving the cursor on top of "Subject" opens a
> tooltip, especially since the cursor is displayed as the text cursor (vertical
> bar), not as an arrow over the attribute. Do you have a link to a public web
> page which uses tooltips?
> > For a complex entry form it is desireable to try and have everything in a
> > single window and this, I think, would help.
> Aiming for running elog on you PDA? Let me know if you succeed...

In the Entry form I am thinking, as this is when most people need some help. 
Perhaps the user could be clued in with a "Mouse-over each attribute for Help"
COMMENT at the top.

As for the PDA, no, it's just that some people around here get confused if they
have to scroll down.  Not a big thing . . . ;-> Hmmm, PDA . . . 
          icon2.gif   Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jul 15 10:01:03 2004 
Ok, I added the option

Tooltip <attribute> = ...

I apply the HTML "title" tag to the whole table row, so the tooltip appears on the
whole line, not only the attribute name. I guess this is much more intuitive. Give
it a try. New version under CVS and available as a snapshot.
             icon14.gif   Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Aug 2 19:27:56 2004 
> Ok, I added the option
> Tooltip <attribute> = ...
> I apply the HTML "title" tag to the whole table row, so the tooltip appears on the
> whole line, not only the attribute name. I guess this is much more intuitive. Give
> it a try. New version under CVS and available as a snapshot.

I like the implementation, especially with the tooltip popping up anywhere in the
area.  Thanks.
icon4.gif   ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work, posted by Guenter Nowak on Fri Jul 30 02:03:59 2004 
according to the users guide,

should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work
    icon2.gif   Re: ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 30 09:15:39 2004 
> according to the users guide,
> should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work

Now it works. Updated elog version under CVS and as a snapshot (see Download Page)
    icon14.gif   Re: ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work, posted by Guenter Nowak on Fri Jul 30 12:26:10 2004 
> according to the users guide,
> should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work

icon4.gif   BUG?: Preset text = causes replication of text when re-editing a logbook entry., posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jul 16 19:06:35 2004 
With the "Preset text = " specified, when re-editing a logbook entry (say to
correct a spelling error) the text of the "Message" is replicated and placed
directly below the original text.

Commenting out the "Preset text = " line prevents this behavior.  this
occurs under both FireFox and IE6.0 clients.
    icon4.gif   Re: BUG?: Preset text = causes replication of text when re-editing a logbook entry., posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 21:39:21 2004 
> With the "Preset text = " specified, when re-editing a logbook entry (say to
> correct a spelling error) the text of the "Message" is replicated and placed
> directly below the original text.

That should be fixed since revision 1.370 from Jul 7th, 2004. Please update.
       icon14.gif   Re: BUG?: Preset text = causes replication of text when re-editing a logbook entry., posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 28 22:33:08 2004 
> > With the "Preset text = " specified, when re-editing a logbook entry (say to
> > correct a spelling error) the text of the "Message" is replicated and placed
> > directly below the original text.
> That should be fixed since revision 1.370 from Jul 7th, 2004. Please update.

icon4.gif   Date format problem in "Thread display = ", posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jul 16 16:53:01 2004 
I have an attributes defined as:

 - Attributes = Author, PlannedDate, FunctionalArea, Operation, Category,
HardwareName, Significance, EmailNotify, LastRevision, Subject

I have PlannedDate defined as:
 - Type PlannedDate = date

When I use the following statement:
 - Thread display = $subject, planned for $PlannedDate. Last revised:

I get the following in my THREADED logbook view:

"Adding new services, planned for 1090519200. Last revised: Thu Jul 15
18:03:52 2004"

Note that the ATTRIBUTE $PlannedDate prints as a (I am guessing) serialized
date and is not formatted.

I'm not sure if this is manifested elsewhere.
    icon2.gif   Re: Date format problem in "Thread display = ", posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 21:34:35 2004 
> I get the following in my THREADED logbook view:
> "Adding new services, planned for 1090519200. Last revised: Thu Jul 15
> 18:03:52 2004"

That should be fixed by the current version. Please update.
       icon14.gif   Re: Date format problem in "Thread display = ", posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 28 22:32:39 2004 
> > I get the following in my THREADED logbook view:
> > 
> > "Adding new services, planned for 1090519200. Last revised: Thu Jul 15
> > 18:03:52 2004"
> That should be fixed by the current version. Please update.

icon4.gif   Bugs in newer updates w/ Debian install?, posted by Todd Corsa on Thu Jul 22 16:50:19 2004 
I just updated ELOG using the latest elogd.c, and now my Quick Filters seem 
to stop working after the first or second filter attempt. I find that if I 
allow fewer quick filter options it seems to work more consistently. For 

Example 1-
Quick filter = Date
The date filter will work without a problem no matter how many times I use 

Example 2-
Quick filter = Date, Category, Status, Priority
The first filter I use will work, but upon trying a new filter, or just a 
new option in the same filter, all options return to "All Entries" and no 
filter options have any effect on the view.
If I exit the log book, and come back in, it works for the first filter 
attempt, then stops again.

This used to work fine prior to the update. I should also mention that the 
original installation of ELOG was from the Debian package. At that point, 
nothing was where the documentation said it should be (e.g. elogd.cfg was 
called elog.conf and was placed in the /etc/ directory). Everything worked 
fine, so I left it alone. When I recompiled with the newer elogd.c, 
anything that required a path was hosed, so I now have to specify the 
resource directory and the path to the conf file when starting ELOG. I 
don't know why this would affect the Quick Filter, and I'd assume that it 
would just stop working all together. Also, when I recompiled using "gcc -
O -o elogd elogd.c", I received the following warning:

elogd.c:546: warning: conflicting types for built-in function `logf'

Any suggestions?

    icon2.gif   Re: Bugs in newer updates w/ Debian install?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 21:49:32 2004 
> I just updated ELOG using the latest elogd.c, and now my Quick Filters seem 
> to stop working after the first or second filter attempt.

Can you try if you can reproduce the problem with the current version? I tried
your settings and could not reproduce it. I remember that I fixed some problems
with quick filters, but that was some time ago (Apr 04). If the problem
persists, can you send me your exact elogd.cfg?
       icon2.gif   Re: Bugs in newer updates w/ Debian install?, posted by Todd Corsa on Wed Jul 28 22:12:03 2004 
> > I just updated ELOG using the latest elogd.c, and now my Quick Filters seem 
> > to stop working after the first or second filter attempt.
> Can you try if you can reproduce the problem with the current version? I tried
> your settings and could not reproduce it. I remember that I fixed some problems
> with quick filters, but that was some time ago (Apr 04). If the problem
> persists, can you send me your exact elogd.cfg?

Recai Oktas replied to me and let me know that I needed to use dpkg to create the 
new Debian package instead of manually compiling it. I reverted to the original 
Debian package to get everything running normally again, but I haven't had a 
chance to try the upgrade again. As soon as I went back to the original elogd 
everything worked fine (no changes to the elog.cfg required). I'm assuming that 
the problem came from attempting to recompile a Debian package install manually. 
Sorry for the bug scare!

icon3.gif   WISHLIST: Type <attribute> = user, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jul 16 17:51:52 2004 
Something to add to the wishlist:

- Type <attribute> = user

This would define an attribute as being of the type "user" which is a list
of login id's as defined in a password file or on the "Login user =" line. 
In a dataentry form the presence of this ATTRIBUTE would result in a
picklist of loginid's and/or fullnames.
    icon2.gif   Re: WISHLIST: Type <attribute> = user, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 21:29:28 2004 
Acknowledged. Added your vote to the wishlist.
       icon14.gif   Re: WISHLIST: Type <attribute> = user, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 28 22:08:16 2004 
> Acknowledged. Added your vote to the wishlist.

icon4.gif   getcfg problem in v1.410: Truncation of long config strings, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 28 18:25:32 2004 
Just compiled 1.410 and have run into an issue that *may* have been
introduced in 1.393.

Config file directives such as "Welcome title" could be very long strings. 
After compiling 1.410, our "Welcome title" is truncated and, while I haven't
counted the actual chars, I suspect that the truncation happens at 1024
characters.  The procedure 'getcfg' has a declared passed paramater "int

I haven't looked to see if this effects any other large configuration
strings that are managed by "getcfg" but this procedure is perhaps the most
popular one by far in elog.
    icon2.gif   Re: getcfg problem in v1.410: Truncation of long config strings, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 21:54:36 2004 
> Just compiled 1.410 and have run into an issue that *may* have been
> introduced in 1.393.
> Config file directives such as "Welcome title" could be very long strings. 
> After compiling 1.410, our "Welcome title" is truncated and, while I haven't
> counted the actual chars, I suspect that the truncation happens at 1024
> characters.  The procedure 'getcfg' has a declared passed paramater "int
> vsize". 

Actually before 1.393 you got a buffer overflow if any string in the
configuration file was longer than 500 chars, so it's a miracle that your elogd
did not crash on the long Welcome Title. I added the "vsize" parameter to avoid
such crashes. To satisfy your need for a long Welcome title, I increased the
string size for that particular case to 10000 chars. Hope this is enough.
       icon14.gif   Re: getcfg problem in v1.410: Truncation of long config strings, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Jul 28 22:07:31 2004 
> > Just compiled 1.410 and have run into an issue that *may* have been
> > introduced in 1.393.
> > 
> > Config file directives such as "Welcome title" could be very long strings. 
> > After compiling 1.410, our "Welcome title" is truncated and, while I haven't
> > counted the actual chars, I suspect that the truncation happens at 1024
> > characters.  The procedure 'getcfg' has a declared passed paramater "int
> > vsize". 
> Actually before 1.393 you got a buffer overflow if any string in the
> configuration file was longer than 500 chars, so it's a miracle that your elogd
> did not crash on the long Welcome Title. I added the "vsize" parameter to avoid
> such crashes. To satisfy your need for a long Welcome title, I increased the
> string size for that particular case to 10000 chars. Hope this is enough.

Hmmm, it is a wonder.  Our welcome text was not significantly longer (about 20
chars longer) so perhaps . . . ?

Thanks, will recompile and report back.
icon14.gif   Fixed Attribute Reply , posted by Geo Geo on Fri Jul 16 06:20:40 2004 
Hi Stefan 
YOu have been a great help on the Elog problem solving .
I have another sort of bug , when i have a attribute type as date.
And i have fixed the attribute on reply , i actually get a string of 
number when i reply , and the date becomes not the orginal date in the 
first message.

So the way i work ard is that i did not place the date field in the fixed  
attribute reply which i will run the risk of pple modifying that entry .
Can this be fix?

    icon2.gif   Re: Fixed Attribute Reply , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 21:25:52 2004 
> Hi Stefan 
> YOu have been a great help on the Elog problem solving .
> I have another sort of bug , when i have a attribute type as date.
> And i have fixed the attribute on reply , i actually get a string of 
> number when i reply , and the date becomes not the orginal date in the 
> first message.
> So the way i work ard is that i did not place the date field in the fixed  
> attribute reply which i will run the risk of pple modifying that entry .
> Can this be fix?

Yes, I fixed this. Revision 1.412 under CVS, new snapshot for Windows at the
download page.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6