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icon5.gif   PostScipt Files shown as text., posted by Bryan Moffit on Fri Sep 3 20:17:12 2004 
At some point, in the last week or so, I upgraded the debian-unstable
version (r1459-1) of elog.  Now, PostScript files (as attachments) are
displayed (shown in ascii text, instead of just showing the link).  

Is there an option in the elog.cfg to only display certain files (like .gif
or .jpg).
icon5.gif   Q: On Solaris 8, eLog not honoring USR= and GRP= cfg file directives?, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Aug 11 18:12:35 2004 
I'm not sure if this is a configuration problem or a bug, but running
v2.5.4subver1.413, elogd runs as user ROOT (UID0) even though the following
is in the file:

Usr = nobody
Grp = essadm

All other directives added to the cfg file work, so I know eLog is reading
the cfg file.  

The elogd binary *is not* setuid 0.

    icon5.gif   Re: Q: On Solaris 8, eLog not honoring USR= and GRP= cfg file directives?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 12 21:37:29 2004 
> I'm not sure if this is a configuration problem or a bug, but running
> v2.5.4subver1.413, elogd runs as user ROOT (UID0) even though the following
> is in the file:
> Usr = nobody
> Grp = essadm
> All other directives added to the cfg file work, so I know eLog is reading
> the cfg file.  
> The elogd binary *is not* setuid 0.

I could not reproduce your problem with the current version (Revision 1.460)
under Linux. I guess you made sure that user "nobody" and group "essadm" exist.
Try to run elogd interactively, if you see any error message (without "-D"
flag). In the most recent version (1.460), I added some more debugging code
which tells you if elogd successfully fell back to another user, if you use the
"-v" (verbose) flag.

If all that does not help, I guess it's some peculiarity of Solaris. Maybe
someone else using Solaris has some idea. All elogd does is a call to 


I see no reason why this should not work on Solaris.
       icon14.gif   Re: Q: On Solaris 8, eLog not honoring USR= and GRP= cfg file directives?, posted by Steve Jones on Thu Aug 12 22:18:56 2004 
> > I'm not sure if this is a configuration problem or a bug, but running
> > v2.5.4subver1.413, elogd runs as user ROOT (UID0) even though the following
> > is in the file:
> > 
> > Usr = nobody
> > Grp = essadm
> > 
> > All other directives added to the cfg file work, so I know eLog is reading
> > the cfg file.  
> > 
> > The elogd binary *is not* setuid 0.
> I could not reproduce your problem with the current version (Revision 1.460)
> under Linux. I guess you made sure that user "nobody" and group "essadm" exist.
> Try to run elogd interactively, if you see any error message (without "-D"
> flag). In the most recent version (1.460), I added some more debugging code
> which tells you if elogd successfully fell back to another user, if you use the
> "-v" (verbose) flag.
> If all that does not help, I guess it's some peculiarity of Solaris. Maybe
> someone else using Solaris has some idea. All elogd does is a call to 
> setuser("<user>");
> I see no reason why this should not work on Solaris.

Ok, just checking.  I will fiddle around with running it interactively and see what
I get, plus I'll have a look at the setuser function under Solaris.

Just for grins, what version of compiler are you using under Linux?

Thanks again!
          icon2.gif   Re: Q: On Solaris 8, eLog not honoring USR= and GRP= cfg file directives?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 12 22:25:45 2004 
> Just for grins, what version of compiler are you using under Linux?

gcc 3.2.2 (from RedHat Linux 9.0)
             icon2.gif   Re: Q: On Solaris 8, eLog not honoring USR= and GRP= cfg file directives?, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Aug 16 21:48:49 2004 
> > Just for grins, what version of compiler are you using under Linux?
> gcc 3.2.2 (from RedHat Linux 9.0)

Well, I am running 2.95.3 - hmmm.  We have 3.3.2 - perhaps I'll try that and
see if there is a difference.
icon5.gif   Restricting viewing messages, posted by Jen Manz on Wed Aug 11 15:38:07 2004 Welcome_Login.txtelogd.txt
I am working on a logbook for a lab.  I have two questions...
First - Some of the logbook entries should not be viewed by certain users.  
What would be the easiest way to restrict viewing some entries?  

Second - I have a welcome page for the ELOG that lists some info about the 
ELOG.  When I start the ELOG, the user sees the login page.  After the user 
logs in, the welcome page appears listing the restrictions.  Right now, I 
have a hyperlink that takes the user to new, find, etc.  But I would like 
to take the user right to the logbook and not have to come back to the 
welcome page everytime.  How can I do this?

I have attached the code I have so far.  They are in .txt format for easier 

    icon2.gif   Re: Restricting viewing messages, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 11 16:02:52 2004 
> First - Some of the logbook entries should not be viewed by certain users.  
> What would be the easiest way to restrict viewing some entries?  

The easiest way is to define two logbooks, with two different password files.
The more restricted logbook contains only those users who are allowed to see the
restricted entries. Use the commands "Move to" to move entries between the two
logbooks (see documentation).

> Second - I have a welcome page for the ELOG that lists some info about the 
> ELOG.  When I start the ELOG, the user sees the login page.  After the user 
> logs in, the welcome page appears listing the restrictions.  Right now, I 
> have a hyperlink that takes the user to new, find, etc.  But I would like 
> to take the user right to the logbook and not have to come back to the 
> welcome page everytime.  How can I do this?

Right now you need an exteral page on a public webserver. This page contains
then links to your elog server. I the next version I will implement the
possibility to server *.html files directly through elog. You can then put your
welcome page under themes/default/Welcome.html, and access it through the
starting link:


You will only see the Welcome page once, since all links in elog will point back
to .../logbook/ and not to .../logbook/Welcome.html. The config option "Welcome
page = Welcome.html" you have to remove then of course. 
icon4.gif   THREAD DISPLAY = sucks up coded spaces, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Aug 6 22:35:10 2004 
I was trying to do some hard coded spaces using:

Thread display = For: $Date for Shutdown.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$DataCenter:
$short summary. Coordinator: $Shutdown Coordinator.

The spacing actually works mthe first time, but upon going back into editing
the config file, the coded spaces are gone, replaced with real spaces, and
when saved all real multiple spaces are, as one would expect, ignored.  The
spacing reverts back to normal.

I tried other html tags but these show up as literals.

    icon2.gif   Re: THREAD DISPLAY = sucks up coded spaces, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Aug 8 16:25:09 2004 
> I was trying to do some hard coded spaces using:
> Thread display = For: $Date for Shutdown.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$DataCenter:
> $short summary. Coordinator: $Shutdown Coordinator.
> The spacing actually works mthe first time, but upon going back into editing
> the config file, the coded spaces are gone, replaced with real spaces, and
> when saved all real multiple spaces are, as one would expect, ignored.  The
> spacing reverts back to normal.
> I tried other html tags but these show up as literals.

I fixed that in revision 1.448. The problem also showed up even in normal
logbook entry displays and in replies (before this fix, the &nbsp; in this text
whould not have shown up). Get the new version from CVS.
       icon14.gif   Re: THREAD DISPLAY = sucks up coded spaces, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Aug 10 20:11:38 2004 
> > I was trying to do some hard coded spaces using:
> > 
> > Thread display = For: $Date for Shutdown.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$DataCenter:
> > $short summary. Coordinator: $Shutdown Coordinator.
> > 
> > The spacing actually works mthe first time, but upon going back into editing
> > the config file, the coded spaces are gone, replaced with real spaces, and
> > when saved all real multiple spaces are, as one would expect, ignored.  The
> > spacing reverts back to normal.
> > 
> > I tried other html tags but these show up as literals.
> I fixed that in revision 1.448. The problem also showed up even in normal
> logbook entry displays and in replies (before this fix, the &nbsp; in this text
> whould not have shown up). Get the new version from CVS.

As always - fantastic!

icon3.gif   Login/Logout problem with elog and their solution, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 5 10:49:21 2004 
Hi everybody,

several people have reported of strange problems concering the login/logout
behaviour of elog. After editing elogd.cfg, they could not logout any more
from a logbook, or they were not able to log in. Here comes some
explanation. If you are not interested in the details, skip to the last section.

The login parameters (user name and password) are sored in cookies, which of
course have to be enabled for the elog site in your browser. Each cookie can
contain an optionsl "path=..." statement, which defines for which subtree in
the URL the cookie is valid. If you use a "global" password file (one where
the "password file = ..." statement is in the [global] section of
elogd.cfg), the elogd server stores a cookie with path "/", so it will apply
to the whole site and therefore to all underlying lobooks. If your password
file is defined in an individual logbook section, the elogd server stores a
cookie with path "/<logbook>", so that it applies only to the specific logbook.

The problem arises now if one moves the password file statement from the
global section to the logbook section or back. The browser might still have
old cookies, whic can override any newly set cookie.

Long story short conclusion: If you observe this behaviour, just delete all
cookies in your browser and you should be fine. I added some additional code
to version 2.5.4 which catches a few cases but unfortunately not all.
icon5.gif   User/Admin privlege question, posted by Ralph Kuehn on Thu May 20 00:55:51 2004 elogd.cfg_cpy

For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
what the problem might be? 

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

    icon2.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 21 14:43:09 2004 
> For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
> option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
> documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
> what the problem might be? 

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. This leaves few possibilites:

- any login user CAN change his/her full name, email address etc. but only admin
users can change ALL OTHERS as well. Admin users should see a "change elogd.cfg"
button on the config page, whil normal users will not

- are you sure you logged out as admin user and loggin in again as non-admin
user? Under some circumstances, the browser keeps old cookies which can confuse
things. Best is if you delete all browser cookies and try again (Tools/Internet
Options/Delete Cookies in IE).

- Stefan
       icon4.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Alexandre Camsonne on Fri Jul 2 15:18:20 2004 
I also have this problem, when a non admin user logs in he does not have access to
the config file but if he logs out he can then access the config file as non logged
I also tried to upgrade to version 2.5.3 but running under this version does not ask
for passwords so I reverted to 2.5.2.

Besides these few details, your software is great !

Thank you,


> > For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
> > option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
> > documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
> > what the problem might be? 
> Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. This leaves few possibilites:
> - any login user CAN change his/her full name, email address etc. but only admin
> users can change ALL OTHERS as well. Admin users should see a "change elogd.cfg"
> button on the config page, whil normal users will not
> - are you sure you logged out as admin user and loggin in again as non-admin
> user? Under some circumstances, the browser keeps old cookies which can confuse
> things. Best is if you delete all browser cookies and try again (Tools/Internet
> Options/Delete Cookies in IE).
> - Stefan
          icon2.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 7 17:43:22 2004 
> I also have this problem, when a non admin user logs in he does not have access to
> the config file but if he logs out he can then access the config file as non logged
> user.

If he logs out, how can he access a logbook at all? He should be presented a login
screen, nothing else...

> I also tried to upgrade to version 2.5.3 but running under this version does not ask
> for passwords so I reverted to 2.5.2.

Better first let's fix this problem. Under what circumstances does 2.5.3 not ask for
passwords? Maybe you can get the newest version from CVS (see download page) and try
again, I had problems when using the -DHAVE_CRYPT functionality, but I guess you did not
have that, do you?

So once you tried the latest snapshot, and still have problems, describe them carefully,
send me your configuration file, and I will have a look.

- Stefan
             icon2.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Alexandre Camsonne on Tue Aug 3 05:31:08 2004 logged.jpgnotlogged.jpgelogd.cfgnotloggedcfg.jpgnotloggedcfgg.jpg
Dear Stefan,
I eventually tried the latest version from the CVS. 
And it is odd because like when I tried version 2.5.3, it is like it ignores
the passwd file. I guess I must have a problem in my cfg file.
So I can't really test if 2.5.3 or 2.5.4 have the same problem.

Right now I'm still using 2.5.2 which works fine, if i log out and click on
the logbook tab. I get the page which ask for the username and password. The
thing is I don't get returned to the username/password when I hit log out. I
arrive in the state you can see in the unlogged.jpg.
From here if can go into all the logbooks as long as I don't hit the
logbooks tab and worse I can access to all the config files.

Is there something really badly configured in my config file ? I guess it is
not supposed to work that way.

Thank you,

                icon2.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 3 12:46:55 2004 
I just see your [global] part of elogd.cfg, could you send me the complete file?

What you also could try is to delete all cookies stored in your browser. The way
cookies are formed changed between 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, so the system could be
confused by old cookies.

- Stefan
                   icon2.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Alexandre Camsonne on Tue Aug 3 14:51:34 2004 
The elogd.cfg is attached in the previous message as attachement 3. Sorry it is a
little bit buried between pictures.
The reason I put the picture of the global elogd.cfg is to show that the not logged
user has access to elogd.cfg which is some kind of trouble...

> I just see your [global] part of elogd.cfg, could you send me the complete file?

Hi I tried to remove the cookies and it still did not ask for password under 2.5.4.
Has the password file format changed between 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 ?

> What you also could try is to delete all cookies stored in your browser. The way
> cookies are formed changed between 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, so the system could be
> confused by old cookies.
> - Stefan
                      icon3.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 3 16:34:23 2004 
Ok, now I see your problem. You defined a "Guest menu commands" which explicitly allows
not-authorized access (that's what it's for). If you only want to allow authorized
access, remove the "guest menu commands" from the logbook sections and also from the
[global] section.

Please note that if an option is not preent in a logbook section, it is looked for in
the [global] section. I see that most of your logbooks have similar settings. Just put
them into the [global] section, and override it in the logbook section if they are
                         icon7.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Alexandre Camsonne on Tue Aug 3 20:14:55 2004 
Thank you, I misunderstood how the "Guest menu commands" worked I thought I had to specify
a limited set of commands to actually limit guest users.

Thanks again for your wonderful work on this program too.



> Ok, now I see your problem. You defined a "Guest menu commands" which explicitly allows
> not-authorized access (that's what it's for). If you only want to allow authorized
> access, remove the "guest menu commands" from the logbook sections and also from the
> [global] section.
> Please note that if an option is not preent in a logbook section, it is looked for in
> the [global] section. I see that most of your logbooks have similar settings. Just put
> them into the [global] section, and override it in the logbook section if they are
> different.
icon4.gif   speeding up elog : gcc compile optimizations, posted by Fred Hooper on Tue Jul 27 18:33:52 2004 
Elog is a great program, but it can be slow.

I noticed that the gcc compiler options in the tarball Makefile were not
conducive to speed.  There, I tried changing the gcc options to:

CFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall

for version 2.5.3, the compile worked, and the program appears to work as
normal, but a bit faster.   I have not benchmarked it, but I think it should
offer a nominal increase in speed.

In particular, I removed the "-g" profiling option, which is not needed for
production code, and can be safely removed. In addition, I put in slightly
aggressive optimization settings, so if this doesn't work for you, you can
first try removing the -f setting, and then backing off the optimization to -O2.

Other may want to post other settings that work for them.
    icon4.gif   Re: speeding up elog : gcc compile optimizations, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 15:03:17 2004 
> I noticed that the gcc compiler options in the tarball Makefile were not
> conducive to speed.  There, I tried changing the gcc options to:
> CFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall

Thank your for this hint, I changed my Makefile for the production code. However, I
could not feel any difference between the two options. The real problem is the
function getcfg(), which gets called many thousand times internally and has to parse
elogd.cfg each time. Once I implement a hash table for that function, elogd should
become faster by at least a factor of two.
       icon4.gif   Re: speeding up elog : gcc compile optimizations, posted by Fred Hooper on Sat Jul 31 16:55:21 2004 
> > I noticed that the gcc compiler options in the tarball Makefile were not
> > conducive to speed.  There, I tried changing the gcc options to:
> > 
> > CFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall
> Thank your for this hint, I changed my Makefile for the production code. However, I
> could not feel any difference between the two options. The real problem is the
> function getcfg(), which gets called many thousand times internally and has to parse
> elogd.cfg each time. Once I implement a hash table for that function, elogd should
> become faster by at least a factor of two.

Yeah - What's up with that?

I have seen this discussed before - Seems like it should be a priority to get this
fixed, as doing a hash table is straightforward, and the speed increase should be pretty
health - there are several c libraries available - check out "man 3 hsearch" for the
POSIX hash table management that already available.  Other c library searches that you
could use include bsearch (binary tree), tsearch (tree searching), btree (b+ tree). 
However, the easiest and most obvious one to use for elog appears to be a simple hash
table search (hsearch).

Is there something else  which is making this difficult to do?
          icon4.gif   Re: speeding up elog : gcc compile optimizations, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 2 09:05:48 2004 
> Is there something else  which is making this difficult to do?

Not really, but hsearch() & Co. are not available under Windows, so I have to extract the
source code from the GNU C libarary or so. Since the last discussion I had lots of other
topics on my to-do list, such as mirroring and cloning, but the speed issue is getting more
and more up on the priority list.
             icon8.gif   Re: speeding up elog : gcc compile optimizations, posted by Drew on Tue Aug 3 16:59:36 2004 
> > Is there something else  which is making this difficult to do?
> Not really, but hsearch() & Co. are not available under Windows, so I have to extract the
> source code from the GNU C libarary or so. Since the last discussion I had lots of other
> topics on my to-do list, such as mirroring and cloning, but the speed issue is getting more
> and more up on the priority list.

Speaking of windows I'd like to note that when I moved my call tracking config from a slow BSD
system (PPro 200Mhz) to a faster windows system (P3 733M) I noted a huge slow down in the
interface.  Talking about perhaps 1-2 seconds before to 10-15 seconds after.  Using
sysinternals file monitor I see that elogd is hammering each log file in the directory.  Not
sure what else is going on.  309 log files - only 1.25Meg.  

Anything I can do short of pruning down the files?

[Edit:  In both cases above my default view is filtered and sorted - so that I only see things
with a specific status.  Taking away the filtering resolves this hit - but does not explain the
speed difference between platforms.]

icon4.gif   curly parenthesis problem , posted by Heiko Scheit on Tue Aug 3 15:44:07 2004 
Everything after curly parenthesis is ignored in attribute entry boxes 
like 'Subject' above

What I typed in the subject line was exatcly this:

  'curly parenthesis problem {abc}'
    icon2.gif   Re: curly parenthesis problem {smiley}, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 3 16:18:45 2004 
> Everything after curly parenthesis is ignored in attribute entry boxes 
> like 'Subject' above
> What I typed in the subject line was exatcly this:
>   'curly parenthesis problem {abc}'

Just don't use curly brackets (;-)

Nevertheless I fixed it in the current version (see subject)
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6