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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
icon4.gif   Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Wed Mar 24 17:48:28 2004 
I am trying to use the Elog Utility to import a few thousand entries. So 
far I have run into a few problems.

a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
moved my server to port 80.

b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
spaces. Please refer the the following example:

elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
Change Description"

This line executes fine. Except only Hostname, Manufacturer, Memory and 
text are populated in the record. All the rest of the fields are blank.

c) the only way I was able to get the transaction to work was by reducing 
the size of the log book to a single word (ie WSC2).

Do I have to reduce all my attributes to single words? Or am I missing 
something simple to use as a delimiter for entry??

Thanks in advance

    icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Thu Mar 25 18:20:15 2004 
> I am trying to use the Elog Utility to import a few thousand entries. So 
> far I have run into a few problems.
> a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
> use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
> moved my server to port 80.
> b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
> spaces. Please refer the the following example:
> elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
> Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
> Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
> a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
> Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
> Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
> Change Description"
> This line executes fine. Except only Hostname, Manufacturer, Memory and 
> text are populated in the record. All the rest of the fields are blank.
> c) the only way I was able to get the transaction to work was by reducing 
> the size of the log book to a single word (ie WSC2).
> Do I have to reduce all my attributes to single words? Or am I missing 
> something simple to use as a delimiter for entry??
> Thanks in advance
> -Charles-

As a followup, this occurs not only in the Linux environment, but also under 
Windows XP. I get the same results...

       icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 26 09:37:08 2004 
> a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
> use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
> moved my server to port 80.

That problem has been fixed in revision 1.16 from Feb. 19th. Please get the
newest version from release 2.5.2 issued today.

> b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
> spaces. Please refer the the following example:
> elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
> Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
> Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
> a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
> Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
> Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
> Change Description"

There was also some bug which has been fixed, plus you need following syntax:

elog -h ... -p 8080 -a "Station Number=CC001" ...

note the "" are around the whole attribute=value string, not only the attribute.
          icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Sat Mar 27 18:52:16 2004 
> > a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
> > use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
> > moved my server to port 80.
> That problem has been fixed in revision 1.16 from Feb. 19th. Please get the
> newest version from release 2.5.2 issued today.
> > b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
> > spaces. Please refer the the following example:
> > 
> > elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
> > Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
> > Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
> > a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
> > Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
> > Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
> > Change Description"
> There was also some bug which has been fixed, plus you need following syntax:
> elog -h ... -p 8080 -a "Station Number=CC001" ...
> note the "" are around the whole attribute=value string, not only the attribute.


Thank you for the updates!!!

everything works great... -p 8080 and all my attribs get set. 

The only part that does not work is -l "Log Book" the -l variable has to stay as 
one word. If I submit 2 words (in quotes) it only looks for a logbook of the first 
word and fails.

             icon2.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Mar 28 12:45:45 2004 
> The only part that does not work is -l "Log Book" the -l variable has to stay as 
> one word. If I submit 2 words (in quotes) it only looks for a logbook of the first 
> word and fails.

I fixed that as well, please obtain the updated version at

Let me know if you cannot compile the C file and need an executable.
icon3.gif   Quick search mode with Mozilla based browsers, extremely useful!!!, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 24 21:25:34 2004 keymark.gifresult.gif
It is not usual for me to pester people with tips around elog, but this
one was so helpful for me that I would like to share it.

The Mozilla based browsers, such as Netscape or Firefox
( offer the possibility of
so-called "keymarks" or "bookmark keywords". This are bookmarks to which a
keywork can be added, making them a very powerful search tool for elog. This
can be explained most easily in an example:

Add following bookmark to your Browser:

Name: ELOG search
Keyword: el

I attached a screendump of how this looks under Firefox. Now you can type

el <keyword>

in your URL address bar, and the elog forum is automatically searched for
that keyword (see second attachment), since the "%s" in the URL is
automatically replaced with your keyword. This works of course also with
your personal logbooks. The switch "sall=1" causes elog to search for the
string in the main text body and in all attributes.

The URL bar can be activated with CTRL-L, so the key sequence

CTRL-L el <keyword>

is all you need to search a ELOG logbook, even without touching the mouse.
icon3.gif   Suggestions for developing new CSS files, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 24 20:23:47 2004 editcss.gif
The elog daemon uses cascading style sheets (CSS) to format its output, such
as font family, size and color. Some people started to develop new themes
(skins) and posted them at the contributions logbook (such as

From my onw experience, I know that this can be a difficult job, since it
means to change the "default.css" file and reloading a page over and over
again. I recently discovered a way to do this much easier: The Mozilla based
browsers (such as firefox, have an
extension called EditCSS (
which shows the CSS file on the left side of the browser and the web page on
the right side. Changes in the CSS editor are immediately reflected in the
browser window. This way one can change certain entries in the CSS file and
immediately see its consequences. Development of new skins should therefore
become much more easier.
icon8.gif   System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Sat Feb 28 16:46:41 2004 Replay_Error_ELOG_auf_Wind_2k3_Server.jpg
Since I'n not a programmer I's like to be very carefulls with bug  
reports, but after testing for a while, I belive this my be a bug or  
something else:  
I have 2 systems running ELOG 2.5.1:   
1. uSE Linux 8.2, KDE 3.2 = NO problems at all! ELOG work's in every  
function quiet well!  
2. The Internet Server (of my friend): Windows 2003 Server, All MS paches  
installed, Running IIS 6.0 Port 80) and ELOG 2.5.1 (Port 8080) under  
FireDeamon 1.6GA (actual release) as a Service (Deamon).   
Problem under Win 2k3:  
This works very well, even with several users on the system and on ELOG  
as long as there is not msg. threaded! Is a Msg. Treaded ELOG produces  
the msg. showen in the attached Jepg-file below on Win 2k3.  
The problem occurs as soon as Elog would change to the threaded display 
or by clicking "Repaly" in the menu. Rights etc. are aleady checked on 
the file system and are looking well. Everithing will work well as 
nothing is thraded or testing locally under Linunx. 
Does anybody  
have an idea??? It my by a bog on Elog as well as from Microsoft or a  
problem produced by a dummy user (me...!). Since Linux don't have the  
problem and the same cfg-file and log-files are working well if I don't  
use mode=threaded as well as Display mode = threaded I believe it my be a  
realchance not to be the personal factor of the dummy user...   
ThankX for every hint!  
    icon2.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 1 08:26:32 2004 
All I can offer is send me your config file for the problematic logbook, and 
I will try to reproduce the error.
       icon5.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Mon Mar 1 18:04:08 2004 
hello stefan 
sorry for the delay, was out of the office today. i had tested the same config 
and logbook under a "pseudo" win nt installation (suse linux 8.2 with vmware 
4.01 (virtaual pc simualtion) and a nativ win nt 4.0 sp6a: there is no 
problem! as well as this configuration works under linux as daemon. 
the problem only ocures on win 2003 server. I d'dn't test it under xp, 2000, 
2002 beause i don't have any of this systems. but it looks that no one else 
has this problem. would be helpfull to know if there anybody out in 
cyberspase using elog 2.5.1 with win 2000 or 2002 or even better with win 
2003 server? or do you have a 2003 server at psi? 
for me it looks like a incompatibility of a stack, boffer overrun or somethin 
in the memory. for me it really only occurs under win 2003. thats what i'm 
wondering. the system memory test of the server was ok (no virus, non 
controller problem or something, else, checked the hole stuff agian, just to 
be really shure!) , other apps don't have any problmes (it isonly iis 6 and 
mercure mail server runnig on this system with about 20gb free disk and about 
500mb ram totally and a pentium 4). 
if you think you have a chance to reproduce the problem i can zip the config 
file and the log for you. but in my opinion, you will need a win 2k3.  
i'd chdcked the file system rights again to be shure that they are ok. also 
i'd checked that elog run as a system service under win 2k3. it should have 
all rights. changing to run eleog with administrator rights didn't change 
would be great to find out what's happen. in the mean time i let it untreaded, 
hoping no one will click treaded view...  ;-)  for security, the servie is 
configured to restart if it hangs and to boot the system in an emergency, but 
it shouldn't happen evry hour... 
> All I can offer is send me your config file for the problematic logbook, and  
> I will try to reproduce the error. 
          icon2.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 2 09:29:38 2004 
> the problem only ocures on win 2003 server. I d'dn't test it under xp, 2000, 
> 2002 beause i don't have any of this systems. but it looks that no one else 
> has this problem. would be helpfull to know if there anybody out in 
> cyberspase using elog 2.5.1 with win 2000 or 2002 or even better with win 
> 2003 server? or do you have a 2003 server at psi? 
> for me it looks like a incompatibility of a stack, boffer overrun or somethin 
> in the memory.

I agree. It's most probably a stack overflow problem. The stack size must be less 
on a win 2003 server compared to a xp machine. I know that the threaded display 
requires some more stack space than the other displays. But unfortunately I have 
no win 2003 server here to try.
             icon2.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Tue Mar 2 12:23:09 2004 
> I agree. It's most probably a stack overflow problem. The stack size must be 
> on a win 2003 server compared to a xp machine. I know that the threaded display  
> requires some more stack space than the other displays. But unfortunately I have  
> no win 2003 server here to try. 
since the new server isn't standing here in my office i can not test if older elog 
versions don't have the problem too. but if your idea of stack or buffer overflow 
is right, i guess that hoping of the helpfull ms pach or a update of the compiler 
will be the only what we could do  :-(  it's always the same using software fom a 
company named "kleinstweich"...  ;-( 
is there a posibility in elog to switch off the threaded view or to say what kind 
of views are allowed? this would be helpfull in this case as well as it may be  a 
nice feature for other users too. elog is very powerfull, fo some users i think 
too powerfull with to many possibilities. i think about something like you made in 
the menu / guest menu option or maybe a flag to say "don't" make threaded dispaly 
possible", like e-mail formating or something else? 
                icon2.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 5 21:44:28 2004 
> since the new server isn't standing here in my office i can not test if older elog 
> versions don't have the problem too. but if your idea of stack or buffer overflow 
> is right, i guess that hoping of the helpfull ms pach or a update of the compiler 
> will be the only what we could do  :-(  it's always the same using software fom a 
> company named "kleinstweich"...  ;-( 

;-))) like that one...

I tried to reduce the memory consumption in the threaded display, can you please try 
the modified version under
                   icon2.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELOG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Sat Mar 6 14:25:17 2004 ELOGD040306_Threaded_Error_ELOG_auf_Wind_3k3_Server.jpg
> > since the new server isn't standing here in my office i can not test if older elog  
> > versions don't have the problem too. but if your idea of stack or buffer overflow  
> > is right, i guess that hoping of the helpfull ms pach or a update of the compiler  
> > will be the only what we could do  :-(  it's always the same using software fom a  
> > company named "kleinstweich"...  ;-(  
> ;-))) like that one... 
> I tried to reduce the memory consumption in the threaded display, can you please try  
> the modified version under 
just was back from work today! i have installed the new elogd.exe file (after a 
backup!  :-)  ) and restarted the service. there are basicalle two news, a really good 
one an a bad one: 
1. the bad: clicking for a threaded display of the logs will still produce an porobem 
as shown in the screendump of the win 2k3 remote controle console (jpeg-attachement). 
2. the really good one: the BIG difference to the original 2.5.1 elogd.exe are two 
2a) the elgog.exe no more hangs! after a while it comes back to the view before 
clicking threaded view. while trying to dispaly the thread it seems to hang, but just 
semms! (white browser, nothing to see) 
2b) after quitting the error it's bossible to use eleg as normal. no restart of the 
service is more needed. before, a restart of the service has to be done because elogd 
was hanging compleatly. 
as you tought, it looks like a stack problem ore someting else. sorry, didn't had 
time enough to find out detailed information of 2k3. also develeoper network from ms 
dosn't bring detailed information about memory handling to the public guys  like me. 
the other solution my be, as i wrote, to have a switch for switching of threaded 
display, even a treaded view may be very helpfull in an discussion forum. maybe the 
compiler may coming up with a new version or ms will make a pach, for someting 
absolutly different of course  ;-)  , solving this probleme... 
                      icon2.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELOG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Raj on Wed Mar 10 06:56:19 2004 
Run into the same error on a windows XP & 2000 machine. Totally shuts down the elogd.exe 
when THREADED is selected. Have not tried your modified version after reading the posted 
results. Will run with summary view until fixed. Wish I could help but I'm not a 
programmer. Let me know if you want to test any new elogd.exe's.
                         icon3.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELOG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 16 09:50:58 2004 
> Run into the same error on a windows XP & 2000 machine. Totally shuts down the elogd.exe 
> when THREADED is selected. Have not tried your modified version after reading the posted 
> results. Will run with summary view until fixed. Wish I could help but I'm not a 
> programmer. Let me know if you want to test any new elogd.exe's.

This problem has been fixed now, it was a programming bug. New version under
                            icon14.gif   Re: System Error / Hangs with ELOG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Tue Mar 16 20:27:56 2004 
Many Thank's to Stefan for his work!!! He's doing a great job and is offering a better 
service than most comercial programs! Thank you very much Stefan!!! 
The new elogd.exe is now runniung 24h on my Windows 2003 Server without any problems. I made 
a little "stress" test too and there wasn't any problems at all. Also threaded view is 
working stable now. 
Is seems, that the new eleogd.exe uses a litle bit less of system rescources especially in 
theraded view mode. 
System specification for test: Pentium 4 2,4GHz, ASUS Motherboard, 480 MB RAM, SWAP File 1,1 
GB, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 5.2 including all paches until 15.3.04, IIS 6.0, 
Mercure Mail Server 4, McAffee Virus Scan & Firewall, ELOG 2.5.1 with new eleogd.exe runnig 
as service (system righs) with FireDaemon Lite 1.6GE. 
Please note that this problem has been occured under windows (reported for XP, 2000, 2003 
Server) only. Windows NT 4.0 is working well without the new eleodg.exe as well. 
> This problem has been fixed now, it was a programming bug. New version under 
icon5.gif   Elog as a service, posted by Torsten Hinsche on Mon Mar 8 16:55:21 2004 
Is there any possibility to start elogd as a service under NT/2000/XP 
having local service as its user? Yes, I've read the documentation. Maybe 
things have changed.
    icon2.gif   Re: Elog as a service, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 8 17:24:14 2004 
> Is there any possibility to start elogd as a service under NT/2000/XP 
> having local service as its user? Yes, I've read the documentation. Maybe 
> things have changed.

What do you mean by "local service as its user"? If you install elogd as a 
service with FireDaemon or via SRVANY.EXE, you use the "Services" section 
under Computer Management ("Verwalten") to configure the elogd service. 
Although the documentation says that one should use the "This account" with 
the appropriate password, it is possible to use the "Local System account" 
as well. But I'm not 100% sure what implications this has for the ownership 
of the logbook database files, but it should be ok in most cases.
icon13.gif   Type date and conditional attributes, posted by Ralph Bearpark on Fri Mar 5 15:34:30 2004 

Attributes = Category, Status, Started, Finished, Activity, Headline
Type Started = date
Type Finished = date
Options Status = 1-To Do{1}, 2-Opened{2}, 3-Closed{3}, 4-Suspended{4}
{2} Preset Started = $date
{3} Preset Finished = $date
{4} Preset Finished = $date

There seems to be no setting of Date format (or Time format?) that gives a
meaningful value to attributes Started or Finished.  Even "Date format = %s"
- which gives number of seconds since 1970 - gives bad results.

In single entry view, elog returns an unformatted date value for "Type =
date" attributes - even when it has been manually entered with the date picker.
    icon14.gif   Re: Type date and conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Mar 6 12:47:34 2004 elog.gif
> BUG#1

Has been fixed. New version under CVS.

> BUG#2
> In single entry view, elog returns an unformatted date value for "Type =
> date" attributes - even when it has been manually entered with the date picker.

Can't reproduce that. Used your config, got the display attached.
       icon14.gif   Re: Type date and conditional attributes, posted by Ralph Bearpark on Mon Mar 8 09:52:14 2004 
> > BUG#1
> Has been fixed. New version under CVS.

Thanks for that, Stefan.

> > BUG#2
> > In single entry view, elog returns an unformatted date value for "Type =
> > date" attributes - even when it has been manually entered with the date picker.
> Can't reproduce that. Used your config, got the display attached.

Nor can I in the new version.  Forgive me if I don't investigate further. ;-)
icon1.gif   Instant Edit Link, posted by Raj on Fri Feb 27 03:48:05 2004 
How I can dynamically create a link when a new submission is entered that 
will have a value of <ELOG_URL$message id?=Edit>
I want the users to be able to go straight from the main page to an edit 
page. This would skip 1 step to get to the edit page.
Is this possible. 
If that link could use one of the icons for the src image that would be 
    icon2.gif   Re: Instant Edit Link, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 27 09:15:07 2004 moz.gif
I have added that functionality according to your request. In elogd.cfg, you 
can specify

List Display = ID, Edit, Delete, Date, Author, ... <other attributes>

which gives you two colums, one to edit and entry and one to delete one. See 
the attached picture. I presume that's what you want. This works on the 
newest version

and you need the two icons

to be put under your elog/themes/default/ directory. Or you wait for the 
next official release (;-)
       icon5.gif   Re: Instant Edit Link, posted by Raj on Sun Feb 29 18:31:47 2004 
I have done all that you suggested and all I get is the Message ID # that takes 
me to the message.
I even upgraded to the 2.5.1 version. Then I placed the elogd.c in the SRC 
folder. Also placed the images in the themes folder.
When I edit the List Display line it throws all my columns off by 1.
No luck so far. 
Any suggestions?

Thanks for such a quick reply!

> I have added that functionality according to your request. In elogd.cfg, you 
> can specify
> List Display = ID, Edit, Delete, Date, Author, ... <other attributes>
> which gives you two colums, one to edit and entry and one to delete one. See 
> the attached picture. I presume that's what you want. This works on the 
> newest version 
> and you need the two icons
> to be put under your elog/themes/default/ directory. Or you wait for the 
> next official release (;-)
          icon2.gif   Re: Instant Edit Link, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 1 08:29:19 2004 
> I even upgraded to the 2.5.1 version. Then I placed the elogd.c in the SRC 
> folder. Also placed the images in the themes folder.

As I wrote, you have to get the latest elogd.c, revision 1.272 and *COMPILE* it 
(or wait for the next official release). If you cannot compile elogd.c, let me 
know and I can send you the executable.
             icon3.gif   Re: Instant Edit Link, posted by Raj on Fri Mar 5 17:26:29 2004 
I must have misunderstood what you meant. That aside, I don't know how to compile 
the elogd.c so any help would be appreciated. I would like to learn how to also.

> > I even upgraded to the 2.5.1 version. Then I placed the elogd.c in the SRC 
> > folder. Also placed the images in the themes folder.
> As I wrote, you have to get the latest elogd.c, revision 1.272 and *COMPILE* it 
> (or wait for the next official release). If you cannot compile elogd.c, let me 
> know and I can send you the executable.
icon5.gif   top text/bottom text, posted by Val Schmidt on Mon Mar 1 16:49:34 2004 

I have a quick question regarding how to display text using the "Top text" 
feature in the elogd.cfg file.  I've made an entry that looks like the 

Top text = <h1>TEXT TO DISPLAY</h1>

But instead of getting just "TEXT TO DISPLAY" I get something like this:

----begin page ---
/usr/local/elog         "TEXT TO DISPLAY" of page 

----end page ---

...that is, on the far left at the top of the page in unformatted text 
is "/usr/local/elog/" prepended to the text I want do display. 

I don't know if this is a bug, or (more likely) something misconfigured in 
my setup. But any help that could be provided would be most greatful.


    icon2.gif   Re: top text/bottom text, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 1 16:58:36 2004 
This was a bug which only occurs under certain conditions, that's why nobody 
has seen it yet. I fixed it, the new version is available under CVS:
       icon2.gif   Re: top text/bottom text, posted by Val Schmidt on Mon Mar 1 17:26:34 2004 
> This was a bug which only occurs under certain conditions, that's why nobody 
> has seen it yet. I fixed it, the new version is available under CVS:


I'm inclined to wait until you release a new rpm with the changes, as I'm 
likely to mucky things up by trying to upgrade from the cvs archive rather than 
using the rpm mechanics. 

But glad to hear it's fixed.  

By the way, ELOG is a fantastic tool. I'm very thankful for all the effort gone 
into it. I do wish there were standard sql hooks, as I'm a bit fearful of how 
it will scale. But the front-end, which is often most neglected, is well 
thought out.  Thanks so much, Val
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6