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    icon2.gif   Re: html code in reply window, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jul 31 17:22:23 2008 

Tom Plancon wrote:


Recently upgraded to 2.7.3 and I'm seeing html code filling up the reply window. Before I would just see [quote] and [/quote] around the original entry. Did I miss something in the upgrade? Thanks!

 Probably you did not install the FCKeditor. Just try a reply to this message, and you will see the many formatting icons on top of the page coming from that HTML editor. Without the editor, you will only see the plain HTML. You can switch back however to the old behavior by selecting the ELCode encoding. You can make this permanent with the "Default encoding =0" option.

icon5.gif   deadc0de, posted by Niklas on Fri Aug 1 13:47:58 2008 



my ELOG sometimes dies with "deadc0de", do I have too large ELOG config or logbook? Or is it simply a bug?

What can I do to solve this problem? "ulimit"? Or some trace output from elog?


BR, Niklas

    icon2.gif   Re: deadc0de, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 4 09:00:43 2008 

Niklas wrote:

my ELOG sometimes dies with "deadc0de", do I have too large ELOG config or logbook? Or is it simply a bug?

What can I do to solve this problem? "ulimit"? Or some trace output from elog?

 This seems an internal memory allocation problem. Can you reproduce the error? Can you reproduce it with the minimal configuration file coming with the distribution? If you know how to run a program inside the debugger, you can send me a stack trace when the problem occurs and I can check it.

icon4.gif   Using the command line tool to edit, posted by T. Ribbrock on Thu Aug 7 10:12:25 2008 

I intend to create a script that updates one of our elog logbooks based on mails it receives. I was hoping to be able to do this using the "elog" command line tool. Adding a new entry works fine, as does "replying" to an existing entry. The only thing I cannot get to work is editing an existing entry. All entries ahve several attributes and I intend not to use the "message" itself. I tried the following (on the machine this elogd is running on):

  1. Create a new entry with Attribute1 set to "value":

    elog -a 'Attribute1=value' -x -h localhost -l 'LOGBOOK' -p 8080 -u USER PASSWD

    This works - the entry gets created and is displayed properly.
    NOTE: I found that this does not work if LOGBOOK has any spaces in it - I would get error messages where the logbook was not found.
  2. Edit this entry to set a second attribute:

    elog -e 1 -a 'Attribute2=something' -x -h localhost -l 'LOGBOOK' -p 8080 -u USER PASSWD

    The result was: Error transmitting message. Running the same command with -v gives me a whole bunch of text with at the end this message (I've stripped the HTML): "This entry has in meantime been modified by someone else. Submitting it now would overwrite the other modification and is therefore prohibited." However, I know for certain that this entry is not being editied by anyone at that moment, so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here...

Also, I have a second, related question: Editing by the ID of the entry seems to be the only way of editing an entry - this makes it a bit difficult for me, as all entries already have a unique ID (which is defined as one of the attributes) that is non-numerical and not sequential. What is the easiest way to retrieve an ID from the command line (basically something like: "What ID has the entry with Attribute1==NAME?")? Is it possible at all? Otherwise, I would not be able to automatically edit the entries, as I don't know which is which... :-}

icon5.gif   2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type", posted by dale cooper on Fri Aug 8 00:44:26 2008 

hello all,

#1 i love ELOG : excellent app! i would like to ask/present a question here -- I have a couple of TYPE's defined as;

       Options Type = Day Shift, Swing Shift, Night Shift
What I'd love to be able to do, is depending on what TYPE was selected during the creation of a NEW ENTRY in the ELOG "shift log" I'd love to display in the LIST VIEW (full, summary, or threaded views) different color's based on which TYPE was selected...

for example, if someone chose "Day Shift" that would be listed with a GREEN background, if someone chooses "Swing Shift" that gets a BLUE background, and so forth... I am wondering how one would go about implementing this?

second question... instead of listing the column named TYPE, can I just change it somewhere in the config to "SHIFT" so that in the list view, and even when in the NEW ENTRY form, I'd like it to show "Shift" instead of TYPE --- really I am just wondering if I can change the verbage that ELOG is using for the term TYPE? Is that doable?


Thanks for the app, I look forward to any reponses! I been editing the CSS, and once done think I'll add it to yr Config Examples, as I don't see many CSS themes there...


    icon2.gif   Re: 2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type", posted by Yoshio Imai on Fri Aug 8 14:20:27 2008 

dale cooper wrote:
I'd love to display in the LIST VIEW (full, summary, or threaded views) different color's based on which TYPE was selected...

You can achieve this by using a "style" directive for this attribute. E.g. if your attribute is called "Shift" and entries with value "Day" should be green, value "Swing" should be blue, you should add
Style Shift Day = background-color:green
Style Shift Swing = background-color:blue
(and so on) to the config file.

really I am just wondering if I can change the verbage that ELOG is using for the term TYPE? Is that doable?

As long as I am not missing a key point in your problem, you should be able to define the names of your logbook attributes simply with the "Attribute" directive. So, if you want the users to enter the shift and the name of the shift leader, you would put a line
Attributes = Shift, Shift leader
Options Shift = Day, Swing, ... <and so on>
Options Shift leader = Mike, Edward, John, ... <and so on>
and the logbook display should correctly show "Shift" and "Shift leader" in the header line of each entry ...
    icon2.gif   Re: Using the command line tool to edit, posted by Yoshio Imai on Fri Aug 8 14:27:03 2008 

T. Ribbrock wrote:
NOTE: I found that this does not work if LOGBOOK has any spaces in it - I would get error messages where the logbook was not found.

You might try to escape the space in the form
elog -a 'Attribute1=value' -x -h localhost -l 'LOG\ BOOK' -p 8080 -u USER PASSWD

T. Ribbrock wrote:
What is the easiest way to retrieve an ID from the command line

I don't know if this helps you (depends on how much the application that edits the entry communicates with the application the generates the entry), but the elog client should output something like
Message successfully transmitted, ID=12345
which you could e.g. redirect into a file that the editing application then reads to determine the ID.
    icon2.gif   Re: Using the command line tool to edit, posted by T. Ribbrock on Fri Aug 8 14:50:56 2008 

Yoshio Imai wrote:

T. Ribbrock wrote:
NOTE: I found that this does not work if LOGBOOK has any spaces in it - I would get error messages where the logbook was not found.

You might try to escape the space in the form
elog -a 'Attribute1=value' -x -h localhost -l 'LOG\ BOOK' -p 8080 -u USER PASSWD

I forgot to mention that I tried both 'LOG\ BOOK' and 'LOG%20BOOK' - neither worked. Running elog with -v seemed to indicate in both cases that the correct logbook could not be found.

Yoshio Imai wrote:

T. Ribbrock wrote:
What is the easiest way to retrieve an ID from the command line

I don't know if this helps you (depends on how much the application that edits the entry communicates with the application the generates the entry), but the elog client should output something like
Message successfully transmitted, ID=12345
which you could e.g. redirect into a file that the editing application then reads to determine the ID.

Good point, thanks - I'll have to generate some kind of mapping table (ID<->Attribute) when the logbook gets populated, but that should be possible. It would be very cool, though, if elog was able to identify an entry by attribute value - maybe something for a day when Stefan gets bored... Wink

However, none of this will have any relevance unless I can solve the non-working "edit" function... Frown
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6