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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
IDup Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1797   Wed Apr 5 22:48:49 2006 Reply Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.1-1684Re: Triggering Re: Triggering $shell question

Steve Jones wrote:
Should this work? rev1684 now allows $shell to pass attribute contents to the shell command and whenever a new entry is submitted or when one Edits/Replys the Subst is triggered, but I would like to be able to trigger this whenever a new value in the options pulldown is selected (assume Risk2 and Risk3 are identical to Risk1). Being able to trigger a regular Preset works fine (like {1} preset Date = $date ) but I would like to trigger the Subst. Maybe a better question, what actions (Subst, Preset, Change, Execute, etc.) I've tried Subst and Preset but not much luck.

# Define Risk1
Options Risk1 = 10{30}, 20{31}, 30{32}, 40{33}, 50{34}, 60{35}, 70{36}, 80{37}, 90{38}, 100{39} 
{30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39} Subst TotalRisk = $shell(gawk 'BEGIN{ print $Risk1 + $Risk2 + $Risk3 }' )

Hmm, maybe I can answer my own question - until the form is saved with the new value selected the old values still exist. I guess what I really need is to trigger the $shell anytime a save happens or logentry is pulled in for edit. I think I do the latter with Subst on edit/Subst on Reply, but how on any save?

. . . Except that when I change an options field that has a dependencies, doesn't the javascript force a server-side revalidation?
  1799   Thu Apr 6 20:24:06 2006 Question Yoshio ImaiQuestionLinux2.6.1-1671elog client authentication and attachment comment
Hi again!

I have two questions, one concerning authentication methods for the elog client. Until revision 1642, it was possible to submit entries to a password-protected logbook using the elog client without supplying authentication information. With revision 1671 this is no longer possible. In principle this is good. However, many of our run control programs use the elog client (via rsh to the elog server computer) to submit automatic entries, which fails now. In order for this mechanism to work again, we would have to change the command-line call in the sources, including now the password in clear text. Since this can be considered a security issue, we would like to avoid it if at all possible. I guess my request would go in the direction of PAM support, but would it be possible to revert to the old behaviour as an option? (If you tell me where in the code to look, we could probably also comment out the respective lines ourselves so that you don't have extra work...)

The second remark is about attachment comments. When editing a logbook entry, the attachment upload buttons appear again, but without the comment. Shouldn't it be there, too?


  1800   Fri Apr 7 05:07:20 2006 Reply Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1668Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
BTW, Stefan, unless you can make the most recent version of a Windows eLog available I cannot test the most recent -- I do not have access to a Windows development environment. Solaris-Yes, Linux-Yes, Windoze-No.

There is a 2.6.1-4 version for Windows for download, which contains the most recent code.

Ok, I loaded the new Windows version ELOG V2.6.1-1681. The new version has the same behavior and it is entirely related to Top Group. With a simple Top Group setup things appear to work fine until one attempts to either create or delete a new logbook. There are other quirky things - I don't think Top Group is ready for really complex setups. In fact, this URL that is constructed by elog (http://localhost:8080/Engineering%20Compute%20Change%20Logs/Test/?cmd=Config) will cause elog to coredump but only with a very complex configfile. If I simply remove the "Top" from the "Group" directive I get the expected message "Error: logbook "Engineering Compute Change Logs" not defined in elogd.cfg
Please use your browser's back button to go back".

Another interesting point of reference - I went back to 2.5.9-4 (windows) and get the same behavior.

Now, making things really simple I added Top Group support to the demo that comes with the Windows install. This configfile:
port = 8080

Show top groups = 1
Top Group Demo Groups = demo, test7

[global Demo Groups]
Theme = default
Comment = General linux tips & tricks
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other
Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type


results in this redisplay after a new logbook create I have included in an attached screenshot. Please note that everything is generally not correct. So, even though eLog does not crash with this simple config it does support my observation that as I render the congfile more complex I corrupt eLog more until it finally crashes. Stefan, I would be interested in seeing how the above config runs on one of your windows systems.
  1801   Fri Apr 7 10:29:49 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.1-1671Re: elog client authentication and attachment comment

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Until revision 1642, it was possible to submit entries to a password-protected logbook using the elog client without supplying authentication information. With revision 1671 this is no longer possible. In principle this is good. However, many of our run control programs use the elog client (via rsh to the elog server computer) to submit automatic entries, which fails now. In order for this mechanism to work again, we would have to change the command-line call in the sources, including now the password in clear text. Since this can be considered a security issue, we would like to avoid it if at all possible. I guess my request would go in the direction of PAM support, but would it be possible to revert to the old behaviour as an option? (If you tell me where in the code to look, we could probably also comment out the respective lines ourselves so that you don't have extra work...)

There was a quite strong request to not allow unauthorized access via the elog utility. People were also able to submit entries with the "curl" program without supplying authorization. So I rather would not like to go back to the old version. But I would propose a different scheme: We could save the username/password in a file on the server, which is maybe readable only by the owner. Then one could call elog with
elog ... -u @filename

so that the user name and password gets retrieved from the file on the server. This way the password does not have to be passwd over the network. BTW, you also could use ssh instead of rsh to prevent password being sent over the network in plain text.


The second remark is about attachment comments. When editing a logbook entry, the attachment upload buttons appear again, but without the comment. Shouldn't it be there, too?

I'll have a look and fix it.
  1802   Mon Apr 10 05:34:40 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.6.1-1684TIMEZONE modifier?
We host eLog for a number of global sites. Our logbooks use datetime attributes but the timezones are wrong attributes that are either preset (like when a logentry is created) or if we fill in an attribute from an action (like when a logentry is closed). Any possibility of adding a timezone designator to FORMAT or does one already exist?

  1803   Mon Apr 10 20:08:02 2006 Reply Yoshio ImaiQuestionLinux2.6.1-1671Re: elog client authentication and attachment comment

Stefan Ritt wrote:
We could save the username/password in a file on the server, which is maybe readable only by the owner.

I have discussed it with the others, and it sounds like a good idea. There is only the debate whether it should be readable by the owner or by the root user of the elog server. I can't tell at the moment which is more favourable ...
  1804   Mon Apr 10 20:28:37 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.6.1-1684How can I configure to prevent empty entries?
I have accidentally created a couple of entries recently. It is pretty easy. I
fill in the header, type in a Subject, and then hit Enter, instead of TAB.
I have turned off the edit option intentionally.

I want to avoid this in the future. Is there a configuration option which would
confirm that the user before submitting an entry without a Body? I know I can require
attributes like Author and Subject. I am not sure I want to require a Body, in case
someone submits an entry with just an attachment (and a Subject).

Thanks, Alan
  1805   Tue Apr 11 08:09:56 2006 Question Hagelstein, Kayk.hagelstein@stadt.wedel.deQuestionWindows2.6.1-1681Problem with the "Forgot password?" option

I have a Problem with the "Forgot password?" option it doesn’t work with the “Top Group” option and the “Protect Selection page” option.

Is this a bug or a Problem in my Configuration?

The elog Version is V2.6.1-1681

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886