ID |
Date |
Icon |
Author |
Author Email |
Category |
OS |
ELOG Version |
Subject |
Mon Jul 14 16:23:26 2008 |
| Don Perrea | | Question | Windows | 2.7.4 | TCK-##### stopped Working | |
Mon Jul 14 16:25:21 2008 |
| Don Perrea | | Question | Windows | 2.7.4 | TCK-##### stopped Working | We have been successfully using the TCK-##### for several months and suddenly today it has stopped incrementing. We were at ticket # 40 and this morning any new tickets come up as 12 and never increment? We have tried restarting the elog service. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank You
Don |
Tue Jul 29 17:50:51 2008 |
| jh | | Bug report | Windows | 2.73-1.exe | Elogd.exe crashes almost everyday | My Elog running on windows 2003 sp1 is crashing with this error " Faulting application elogd.exe, version, faulting module elogd.exe, version, fault address 0x00061330." the version of elogd.exe is has a built date of 2/22/2008. Will upgrading to the latest windows binary resolve this issue? Thanks!!
Thu Aug 7 10:12:25 2008 |
| T. Ribbrock | | Question | Linux | 2.7.4-2111 | Using the command line tool to edit | I intend to create a script that updates one of our elog logbooks based on mails it receives. I was hoping to be able to do this using the "elog" command line tool. Adding a new entry works fine, as does "replying" to an existing entry. The only thing I cannot get to work is editing an existing entry. All entries ahve several attributes and I intend not to use the "message" itself. I tried the following (on the machine this elogd is running on):
- Create a new entry with Attribute1 set to "value":
elog -a 'Attribute1=value' -x -h localhost -l 'LOGBOOK' -p 8080 -u USER PASSWD
This works - the entry gets created and is displayed properly.
NOTE: I found that this does not work if LOGBOOK has any spaces in it - I would get error messages where the logbook was not found.
- Edit this entry to set a second attribute:
elog -e 1 -a 'Attribute2=something' -x -h localhost -l 'LOGBOOK' -p 8080 -u USER PASSWD
The result was: Error transmitting message. Running the same command with -v gives me a whole bunch of text with at the end this message (I've stripped the HTML): "This entry has in meantime been modified by someone else. Submitting it now would overwrite the other modification and is therefore prohibited." However, I know for certain that this entry is not being editied by anyone at that moment, so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here...
Also, I have a second, related question: Editing by the ID of the entry seems to be the only way of editing an entry - this makes it a bit difficult for me, as all entries already have a unique ID (which is defined as one of the attributes) that is non-numerical and not sequential. What is the easiest way to retrieve an ID from the command line (basically something like: "What ID has the entry with Attribute1==NAME?")? Is it possible at all? Otherwise, I would not be able to automatically edit the entries, as I don't know which is which... :-} |
Mon Oct 13 15:24:29 2008 |
| T. Ribbrock | | Bug report | Linux | 2.7.5-2130 | Options selections wipes locked date entry | I have two logbooks running, one for current accounts and one for non-active ones. The idea is to move an entry from one logbook to the other once an account becomes non-active. Both logbooks share some attributes (e.g. the name of the account, its creation date, ...), but both also have some uniqe attributes.
While I was playing with this set-up, I ran into a problem:
- Move an existing entry from current to non-active.
- "Type" and "Status" have options. "Created" and "Archived" are in date format.
- "Created" and "Type" are supposed to be locked in non-active. This works.
- "Archived" and "Status" are empty, as they do not exist in current. This also works.
- Depending on the "Type", only certain of the additional attributes are shown on edit. This works as well.
- I would also like "Status" to have some influence on how certain other attributes are preset and/or shown. This is where the problem starts...
- Edit the entry in current.
- As expected, "Created" and "Type" are shown as locked.
- As soon as I change the selector for "State", the whole edit mask is redrawn - and the date shown in "Created" is deleted.
I've been experimenting with this quite a while and as far as can see the following applies:
- Only date format attributes are affected
- Only locked attributes seem to be deleted completely
- If I have a date attribute that is not locked and I set it partially in the edit mask (e.g. only select the month or enter a year), it is also deleted
- If I have a date attribute that is not locked and I set it completely in the edit mask (i.e. day, month and year), it is not deleted
During the experiments I came up with a stripped down version of the non-active logbook configuration, which does show the bug. It only contains Type, Created, Status, Archived. To make an entry to experiment, you'll have to comment out the "Locked attributes" line, make a new entry (with "Created" date), the uncomment that line.
I hope my description isn't too confusing - please don't hesitate to ask if anything is unclear. I'd be much obliged if you saw a chance to fix this at some point...
Best regards,
Thomas |
Attachment 1: elog-bug-test-config-20081013.txt
; General settings
Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Reply, Select, Move to, Download, Find, Logout, Help, Config
List Menu commands = New, Select, Find, Logout, Help, Config
Date Format = %d/%m/%Y
; Attributes
Attributes = Type, Created, Status, Archived
Locked attributes = Type, Created
List Display = Edit, Type, Created, Status, Archived
; Attribute Types
Type Created = date
Type Archived = date
; Options & Tooltips
Options Type = Type1{10}, Type2{11}
Options Status = Status1{a}, Status2{b}
; Conditionals
{10}Show Attributes Edit = Type, Created, Status, Archived
{11}Show Attributes Edit = Type, Created, Status
Thu Oct 23 23:45:01 2008 |
| David Potterveld | | Bug report | Linux | 2.7.5-2130 | elogd crashes when creating new logbook using existing logbook as template | elogd is crashing with a segv when I try to create a new logbook by clicking the "Create new logbook" button
with an existing logbook selected in the dropdown list as a template. I've attached my config file for
reference. As a specific example, I'm logged in as the admin user, viewing logbook "1248", which has no entries,
and I click "Config" -> "Change config file" -> "Create new logbook", Select "1248" from dropdown list, enter
"1250" for the new logbook name, and click "Create new logbook".
The server crashes, and my web browser has the following as the (incorrect) URL it's trying to load:
(Incorrect because the "/ATLAS" shouldn't be there.)
Nevertheless, the config file and logbook directory are properly modified for the new logbook, and on restarting
the server, everything is fine.
Oh, just noticed that if I manually enter the URL:
or actually, any text in place of the "1250", it also crashes the elogd process. So, perhaps there are two bugs?
(1) Incorrect URL being given to the web client after logbook creation
(2) Requesting any incorrect URL of this form crashes elogd |
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
Port = 8080
Ssl = 1
URL = https://localhost:8080
Group Operations = Accelerator, Gammasphere, FMA
Group Experiments = 882-4, 1231, 1257, 1248
Top group ATLAS = Operations, Experiments
show top groups = 1
Password file = passwd
[global ATLAS]
Main Tab = ATLAS Logbooks
Admin user = dhp
Login expiration = 24
Self register = 1
; look and feel
Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Reverse sort = 1
; attributes
Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Category, Subject
Thread display = $Subject ($Author) $Entry time
Quick filter = Date, Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author, Author Email
; only author can change its own entry
Restrict edit = 1
Restrict edit time = 0.5
; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Subject
Subst on reply author = $long_name
Subst on reply Author Email = $user_email
; No Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 1
; Logbook definitions
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Mon Nov 10 13:05:21 2008 |
| Yoshio Imai | | Info | Linux | 2.7.5 | elog init script | Notice that the following is not true when editing the config file outside of the administrator's "Config" page:
# Do nothing since ELOG daemon responds to
# the changes in conffile directly.
In our installation, the sysadmin has therefore added the following section for the reload) part of the init script:
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
echo -n "$DESC to reread config file ... "
kill -HUP `cat "$PIDFILE"`
echo "done"
echo "No $PIDFILE found!"
Mon Nov 10 16:56:08 2008 |
| David Potterveld | | Bug report | Linux | 2.7.5-2135 | elog client can set arbitrary values to locked attributes | When submitting entries via the elog client, I find that I can set arbitrary values for attributes that are supposedly "preset" and "locked".
As an example, I have in my elogd.cfg file:
Group Operations = Accelerator
Top group ATLAS = Operations
[global ATLAS]
Attributes = Experiment, Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Category, Subject
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Preset Experiment =
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Locked Attributes = Experiment, Author, Author Email
Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
This works as intended with a web client (firefox). The Author and Author Email attributes are preset and unchangeable.
However, if I use the elog client, as in:
elog -v -h my.apache-proxy.server -d elog -l Accelerator -p 443 -s -u johndoe xxxxx -a Category=LN -a Subject=Test -a Author=IDoNotExist -n 1 -m entry.txt
(johndoe is an existing user)
The entry is created with "IDoNotExist" as the Author name, instead of the correct name for the user johndoe,
and the Author Email attribute is blank.
Is there a way to enforce preset and locked attributes in the elogd server? (As a client could connect
with any arbitrary software, not just elog.)