Question, posted by nickc1 on Thu May 8 15:12:11 2003
Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers
Revision 1.99 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Fri May 2
10:00:31 2003 UTC (6 days, 2 hours ago) by midas
Changes since 1.98: +10 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.98
Added lock icon for protected logbooks
Does this relate to the request in article 309
and if so is there any flags set to enable it.
Cheers |
Re: Question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 8 15:28:10 2003
> Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers
> Added lock icon for protected logbooks
> Does this relate to the request in article 309
No, unfortunately not (yet). I'm still working on the problem described in
elog:309. This "lock" icon only shows you in the logbook selection page which
logbooks are public and which are protected by passwords (was another
request). |
Re: Question protection selection page command, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Mon May 19 12:21:31 2003
> > Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers
> >
> > Added lock icon for protected logbooks
> >
> > Does this relate to the request in article 309
> No, unfortunately not (yet). I'm still working on the problem described
> elog:309. This "lock" icon only shows you in the logbook selection page
> logbooks are public and which are protected by passwords (was another
> request).
could you add command for main menu guest user
Selection Page guest = .... |
Re: Question protection selection page command, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:00:33 2003
> could you add command for main menu guest user
> Selection Page guest = ....
I added "Guest Selection Page" coming in version 2.3.8 |
rhis logbook, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 4 10:47:36 2003
I suggest to add an attributes like OS
MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003
to indicate on which version we are speaking |
Re: rhis logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 11:14:32 2003
> I suggest to add an attributes like OS
> MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003
> to indicate on which version we are speaking
Good idea, I added a "ELOG Version" as well. |
Re: rhis logbook, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 4 12:57:11 2003
> > I suggest to add an attributes like OS
> >
> > MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003
> >
> > to indicate on which version we are speaking
> Good idea, I added a "ELOG Version" as well.
I suggest MOptions - people are lazy .... :)
by the way any possibilities to have 'multiple icons' ? |
Re: rhis logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 13:11:51 2003
> I suggest MOptions - people are lazy .... :)
Not for the Version! I don't want to update this list on every release (:-(
Plus the list would get too long over time!
> by the way any possibilities to have 'multiple icons' ?
No, you have to use MOptions instead. |
Hosts deny, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Fri May 30 08:04:23 2003
Used to deny a certain command to a list of users. This can be used to
deny a guest user to enter new messages or modify a message.
Hosts allow = <list>
Hosts deny = <list>
could you deny guest user like this
guest is not loggeg ?
hubert is logged
Hosts deny = guest,hubert
does anybody has experience with deny based on IP adresse ? |
Re: Hosts deny, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 3 20:08:27 2003
> Used to deny a certain command to a list of users. This can be used to
> deny a guest user to enter new messages or modify a message.
> Hosts allow = <list>
> Hosts deny = <list>
> could you deny guest user like this
> guest is not loggeg ?
> hubert is logged
> Hosts deny = guest,hubert
> does anybody has experience with deny based on IP adresse ?
You probably mixed up deny of a command to a certain user and deny of hosts
based on their IP. This has nothing to do with each other except the
word "deny". Please read the documentation about how to set up IP
based "hosts deny". This works only for certain IPs, but not for certain
If you want guests not to be able to enter messages, but allow this to
registered users, you should set up a password file, and a guest menu.
Please refer to the elogd.cfg file for this forum which is done in this way.
Have a look at elog:Config%20Examples/4 . |
Simulation of a submit, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 18:50:48 2003
I have another tricky question.
Is there a way to simulate an ELOG SUBMIT?
We developed a module which automatically inserts new submits from ELOG
into an SQL database. The module is in testing phase but we can already
tell it does the job as it should.
This allows us to copy ELOG entries into SQL database. But in some cases,
we would like to transmit data in the other direction too - from SQL into
ELOG (synchronization).
Now, one way to do that is to create .txt files with entries directly, but
we find it too risky (file-locking mentioned in a question earlier today
can be one of the issues). So we're contemplating a possibility that ELOG
does these inserts for us by processing some simulated SUBMITS.
We're assuming that ON SUBMIT, you generate a POST (or a GET ?) over http
which is then processed by the ELOGD server. This should be possible to
simulate in our synchronization application. Are we correct in our
Tomas |
Re: Simulation of a submit, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 2 20:10:48 2003
> Is there a way to simulate an ELOG SUBMIT?
Have a look at the elog utility which comes in the package. It does exactly
this. It "simulates" a browser and does a submit directly to elogd. So you
can either redo the elog code somewhere, or call elog with the proper
command line parameters to insert logbook entries. |
Re: Simulation of a submit, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Sat May 3 11:00:34 2003
> > Is there a way to simulate an ELOG SUBMIT?
> Have a look at the elog utility which comes in the package. It does exactly
> this. It "simulates" a browser and does a submit directly to elogd. So you
> can either redo the elog code somewhere, or call elog with the proper
> command line parameters to insert logbook entries.
Thank you, Stefan! |
Re: Simulation of a submit, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Sat May 17 05:55:53 2003
I guess this question got somehow lost.
So once again : Is there a possibility to EDIT an existing message with
elog.exe ?
> > Is there a way to simulate an ELOG SUBMIT?
> Have a look at the elog utility which comes in the package. It does
> this. It "simulates" a browser and does a submit directly to elogd. So
> can either redo the elog code somewhere, or call elog with the proper
> command line parameters to insert logbook entries.
We did some tests of your elog utility. It does what we need except for one
important thing: EDIT existing messages. Is there a way to edit en existing
message? Adding a new message or replying to an existing message works fine
but in our case we need to have the ability to modify messages that were
created in the past.
Tomas |
Re: Simulation of a submit, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 28 08:30:18 2003
> I guess this question got somehow lost.
> So once again : Is there a possibility to EDIT an existing message with
> elog.exe ?
This message did not get lost, but I'm on a conference right now in Elba and
will come back next week, when I have time to answer all questions. Only so
much for now: Editing in elog.exe is right now not implemented, but I will
put it on the wishlist.
- Stefan |
Re: Simulation of a submit, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 3 15:26:58 2003
> I guess this question got somehow lost.
Got not lost, but I was on two consecutive conferences and just returned.
> So once again : Is there a possibility to EDIT an existing message with
> elog.exe ?
Not at the moment. But I will put it on the wishlist. |
Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=""> not working, posted by Fred Hooper on Mon May 19 19:14:35 2003
Just upgraded (using rpms) elogd from 2.3.5
I am running on RH 7.3
I noticed that my custom start page did not display the Welcome title icon.
It worked fine in prior elogs.
Here's the syntax of the config file:
Welcome Title = <img src="thumb.gif"><p><font size=4 color=white>Elog</font>
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog/
"thumb.gif" is located in /usr/local/elog, and is readable by all.
I also tried the full file name in src=
<img src="/usr/local/elog/thumb.gif"> - same result.
any hints? |
Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 20 14:23:56 2003
> I noticed that my custom start page did not display the Welcome title icon.
> It worked fine in prior elogs.
> any hints?
Indeed there is a bug, it has to do that some icons wnt into the themes
directory and are served now from there. So the bug will fixed in the next
version (the fix is already avaliable from CVS). As a temporary workaround
you just move your image to the themese/default/ directory and it should
An absolute path like /usr/local/... does not work, because this would open
a security hole (someone could access any picture on your computer just by
requesting an absolute path in the URL), so I removed that option from the
software and the documentation. |
Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=, posted by Fred Hooper on Tue May 20 19:09:26 2003
> > I noticed that my custom start page did not display the Welcome title icon.
> > It worked fine in prior elogs.
> >
> > any hints?
> Indeed there is a bug, it has to do that some icons wnt into the themes
> directory and are served now from there. So the bug will fixed in the next
> version (the fix is already avaliable from CVS). As a temporary workaround
> you just move your image to the themese/default/ directory and it should
> work.
> An absolute path like /usr/local/... does not work, because this would open
> a security hole (someone could access any picture on your computer just by
> requesting an absolute path in the URL), so I removed that option from the
> software and the documentation.
I did the work-around (moving icon to theme/default) and it worked. Thanks.
Now if you just port elog over to an apache and mysql enviroment, it would be
perfect! |
Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 20 22:16:47 2003
> Now if you just port elog over to an apache and mysql enviroment, it would
> be perfect!
ELOG runs under apache, as described in the installation documentation, so
half-perfect... |
forum.css, posted by eric wooten on Fri May 16 00:55:20 2003
In the Config Examples logbook you mentioned a forum.css. Do you have a
link to that css and others?
Thanks |
Re: forum.css, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 16 08:34:44 2003
> In the Config Examples logbook you mentioned a forum.css. Do you have a
> link to that css and others?
Sure, that's what the "Config Examples" logbook is for. Just click on the
tab on top of this page. The forum you will find
under elog:Config%20Examples/4 . |
WIshlist Additional, posted by nickc1 on Wed May 14 18:18:05 2003
Is it possible to make the logbook summary screen sort differently
For example on a customer name field it displays as follows :-
Its sorting alphabetically but is putting upper case characters before
their lower case equivalents, which in a customer list where lots of
initials are used its making the list look non sorted rather than truely
based on the character regardless of case.
Thanks in advance. |
Re: WIshlist Additional, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 15 13:37:48 2003
> Is it possible to make the logbook summary screen sort differently
I fixed that problem. The new version 2.3.7 released today contains the fix. |
Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 10:32:57 2003
We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a
problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to
submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.
Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT,
maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its
submitted by the originator or by an administrator.
Many Thanks |
Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 2 10:39:51 2003
> We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a
> problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to
> submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.
> Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT,
> maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its
> submitted by the originator or by an administrator.
No, but I will put it on the wishlist. Anyhow it is hard to implement
something like this. Assume that I would lock a page whenever it's edited
someone. This person can edit it and forget to submit the changes, just
the browser. Since the elogd server does not know when a remote browser is
closed, it cannot determine if the editing is just taking long or if the
person closed the browser. In the latter case, the message would be locked
forever and nobody could change it any more. If I put a timeout, like keep
locked for N minutes, it's again not 100% safe. I saw people doing shift
with elog, opening a page, keeping it open for 8 hours and then submit it.
if I set the timeout to 8h, and someone abandons editing a message, this
message would be blocked for 8h, which is probably also not what you want.
Alternatively, I just can display a messge: Warning: this message is
currently edited by user xxx on host xxx. But if the warning is ignored by
the user, then again we have the same problem.
Do you see a clever solution to that? |
Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 11:05:28 2003
> No, but I will put it on the wishlist. Anyhow it is hard to implement
> something like this. Assume that I would lock a page whenever it's edited
> someone. This person can edit it and forget to submit the changes, just
> the browser. Since the elogd server does not know when a remote browser
> closed, it cannot determine if the editing is just taking long or if the
> person closed the browser. In the latter case, the message would be
> forever and nobody could change it any more. If I put a timeout, like
> locked for N minutes, it's again not 100% safe. I saw people doing shift
> with elog, opening a page, keeping it open for 8 hours and then submit
> if I set the timeout to 8h, and someone abandons editing a message, this
> message would be blocked for 8h, which is probably also not what you
> Alternatively, I just can display a messge: Warning: this message is
> currently edited by user xxx on host xxx. But if the warning is ignored
> the user, then again we have the same problem.
> Do you see a clever solution to that?
I was thinking of having an icon on the page that administrator can click
unlock a record that has been left locked by someone, perhaps using
Allow Unlock = admin (or even just have the option on the top like
(Admin/Config) for administrators
Just like the delete function works, in addition to the Warning message as
you suggested |
Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon May 12 22:47:10 2003
> We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a
> problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to
> submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.
> Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT,
> maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its
> submitted by the originator or by an administrator.
I added some code experimentally to avoid double editing. Whenever a message
is edited, a "stop" sign is displayed in the message list next to the edited
messages and a warning is issued on the single message display page. If the
original editing has been given up (browser closed) one can just ignore this
message. I prefer this solution in comparision with a real locking, since
the mechanisms for unlocking a stale message by the administrator is not
necessary. Get the newest code from CVS, get also themes/default/stop.gif to
display the stop sign, and let me know what you think. |
Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Wed May 14 18:18:31 2003
Thanks Ill grab it tomorrow and try it,
when is the new version out btw ? |
Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 14 20:07:54 2003
> Thanks Ill grab it tomorrow and try it,
> when is the new version out btw ?
When I say "under CVS", I mean what I said in elog:233. The new version I
will release probably next week. |