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ID Date Iconup Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68886   Fri Feb 8 14:43:13 2019 Question Patrick Sizunsizun@cea.frBug reportLinuxv3.1.1Images in notifications


I am using Elog v3.1.1. When entries contain embedded images, these images are attached to the email notifications but are not properly displayed in the body of the email.
Is it expected?
For example, with an image file myimage.png the email source code contains <img alt="" height="150" src="190208_143305/myimage.png.png" width="200">
Maybe the email should make use of the Content-ID of the attached image?

  68889   Wed Feb 13 09:29:36 2019 Question Finn Junkerfj@tvis.netQuestionWindows3.14Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button

I'm having a minor issue that were getting double entries due to the user is using the "submit" button more than once.

I seems like when there is a lag either on the machine or on the network it is possible to tap the "submit" button more than once resulting i a double or triple entry containing the same text and a almost identical timestamp.

Is there a way to aviod this?, my "solution" so far has been to select the entries and manually delete them. I'm using Elog version 3.14

Kind Regards Finn

  68897   Mon Feb 25 17:03:50 2019 Question Kester Habermannkester.habermann@gmail.comBug reportLinux3.1.4-1elogd hangs on self referencing log entry


Somehow when replying to a log entry, a log entry was created that was referring to itself. How this happened, I have no idea. The effect was that each time this enty was loaded, the elogd started to hang, going to 100% load and not responding to any http requests anymore. This problem can be reproduced by manually creating such a self-referencing log entry (see attachment). The problem entry that leads to the crash can be made by editing any elog entry and adding a line "Reply to: X" and a line "In reply to: X" where X is the MID of this entry.

1) Maybe it is possible to add a check when writing files that ensure, that is a log entry does not reference itself.
2) Maybe when loading files are preparing the thread view, elogd can detect cycles and abort.



  68903   Fri Mar 1 19:18:53 2019 Question Frank Baptistacaffeinejazz@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.4Mirror synchronization and file servers

We have a number of temperature chambers – each has its own laptop running a local ELOG server, with unique logbook for each.  Using the mirror feature, these individual logbooks periodically synchronize to a single remote desktop server, which has a copy of each of the logbooks.  All of that works great, as long as each of the ELOG servers are storing the logbook(s) to their respective local hard drive.

I wanted the remote server to store its copy of the logbooks on the network file server.  I changed the global options of the elogd.cfg file, adding the following:

               Logbook dir = S:\SHARED\LOGBOOKS

That change worked fine on the remote desktop server – new logbook entries were now being stored on the network file server.

Unfortunately, I lost the ability to sync from the individual logbooks to the remote desktop server.  During synchronization, I now get the following error message: “Error sending local entry: Error transmitting message". 

Has anyone run into this? Does this make sense? Am I missing something? Is there a workaround? Is there a wrong time to drink beer? wink



  68905   Mon Mar 4 18:55:09 2019 Question Michal EPELChain certificate

I tried to run elog with SSL so I created key and crt files. In crt file I added client certificate and intermediate certifacte. Unfortunately, when I try to run openssl s_client -showcerts -connect I got only the first certificate from the chain. Anyone has idea why this happens?

  68909   Mon Mar 11 11:18:02 2019 Question Heinz Junkesjunkes@fhi-berlin.mpg.deBug reportAllelogd 3.1.4elog program does not respect "Allow edit" list

submissions via the elog - program can overwrite entries even if the user has no edit rights

  68910   Thu Mar 14 06:38:12 2019 Question Johnsecondcomingtechnologies@fastmail.comQuestionLinux3.13How to edit Elog landing pages.

Hi and thanx for such a wonderful program! I was wondering how I might edit, change or add to the landing pages. In other words the first pages that show up (or any for that matter) when you login to a book. I can view the code ok in my browser using that function, but when I search for the actual page and it's locale, I cannot find it. Is it created on the fly by the server? If so, how can I change them.. as I want to add for instance javascripts to manipulate the pages and data more, without actually loosing the main essence of the program (log books). Thanx

  68912   Tue Mar 19 06:13:03 2019 Question Takashi Ichiharaichihara@ribf.riken.jpQuestionLinux3.1.4 Reverse proxy setting of Elog for Apache httpd 2.4 so that changing password windows works ?

In CentOS 7.6 + Apache httpd-2.4.6 + ELOG V3.1.4 environment with Reverse Proxy setting of

ProxyRequests Off
RedirectMatch ^/elog$ /elog/
<Location /elog/>
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath   /      /elog/
It almost works fine.  But Changing password has problem. 

When clicking the "Forget password?" link in login window and displaying "Entering your user name or email address"
and entering it, an email is sent to the user:

This is an automatically generated account recovery email for host
Please click on following link to recover your account:

ELOG Version 3.1.4

Clicking the URL above in the Firefox Browser results invalid URL:

These parameters does not pass to the elog by the Reverse Proxy setting above.

 While accessing the URL of (native elog port: 3333)

displays the normal page for Changing password windows for the user.

Is there any suggestions for the Reverse Proxy setting in Apache httpd 2.4 
so that the changing password windows works fine ?

Thank you for any suggestions.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886