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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  69675   Tue Jul 25 17:50:16 2023 Question Manuela Riganomanuela.rigano@ge.infn.itInfoLinux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other3.1.4export the entries from ELOG to ECSS Word document (Manifacturing Report)


Is there a way to export the ELOG entries to a file like Microsoft Word?
For ECSS-type documents for space missions, I have to report the data that we enter in the ELOG in a Manufacturing Report, foreseen for ECSS, in word format. It's possible to do it?
The data has to go into tables, inserted in the world file, called "as run procedure".
Is it possible to connect the elog to a report template so that it automatically generates the manufacturing report? Or link the tables placed in it so that they are automatically filled in?

Thank you so much

  69674   Sat Jun 17 22:13:01 2023 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionAll3.1.3Re: Nested commands in logbook

Atrributes can only be defined once in a logbook.
But you can select which attributes are shown with the commands:

  • Show Attributes = <list>
    Attributes present in this list are shown in the single entry page. Omitting attributes can make sense for attributes which are automatically derived from other attributes via the Change <attribute> command.
  • Show Attributes Edit = <list>
    The same as Show Attributes, but for the entry form.

Those can be redifined in conditional attribute clauses.


Leonardo Tacconi wrote:

Hi everybody,

I am trying to setup my personal ELog, defining attributes and stuff like that. I just tried to make some nested commands but I really could not achieve that. 

The idea is something like this:

Attributes = Author

Options Author = Tizio{1}, Caio{2}, Sempronio{3}

{1} Attributes = Author, Project

{1} Options Project = Proj1{a}, Proj2{b}, Proj3{c}

{a} Attributes = Author, Project, Year

{a} Options Year = 2017, 2019

Anyway, when I select Proj1 nothing really happens. So, is there any way to set up nested commands like in the reported example?

Many thanks in advance!

P.S. Is there any documentation in which are reported all the possible commands that can be used?   


  69673   Wed Jun 14 21:19:48 2023 Question Leonardo Tacconileonardo.tacconi@unifi.itQuestionWindows3.1.3Nested commands in logbook

Hi everybody,

I am trying to setup my personal ELog, defining attributes and stuff like that. I just tried to make some nested commands but I really could not achieve that. 

The idea is something like this:

Attributes = Author

Options Author = Tizio{1}, Caio{2}, Sempronio{3}

{1} Attributes = Author, Project

{1} Options Project = Proj1{a}, Proj2{b}, Proj3{c}

{a} Attributes = Author, Project, Year

{a} Options Year = 2017, 2019

Anyway, when I select Proj1 nothing really happens. So, is there any way to set up nested commands like in the reported example?

Many thanks in advance!

P.S. Is there any documentation in which are reported all the possible commands that can be used?   

  69672   Fri May 26 13:51:16 2023 Question Gys Wuytsgys.wuyts@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.4 (latest)Step by step AD/Kerberos authentication setup

Newby/noob Q: anybody have a resource other then the orignal doc on how to get ELog working using the domain users/passwords with a Win2K19 AD ?




  Draft   Fri May 26 13:48:14 2023  Gys Wuytsgys.wuyts@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.4 (latest)Step by step AD/Kerberos authentication setup

Newby/noob Q: anybody have a resource other then the orignal doc on how to get ELog working using the domain users/passwords with a Win2K19 AD 

  69670   Wed May 17 17:43:46 2023 Reply Illam PakkirisamyHi illam@senseeker.comInfoWindows3.1.4Re: TEXTSIZE too big message

Hi Xuan,

Sorry for the delayed response.  I just got back from my travel.  I tried your solution, but in my system I don't see elogd.h in the src folder.  Here is what I see and also I don't see any "make" binary in the folders.  I'm running the Windows version.


Xuan Wu wrote:

Hi Illam,

You can find it in src/elogd.h, #define TEXT_SIZE  250000, the original value 250000, you can change it to a larger one like #define TEXT_SIZE    1000000. Then recompile it again, just need typing "make". Elog Version is 3.1.3 in my site. HTH.


Xuan Wu

Illam Pakkirisamy wrote:

Hi,  any help will be appreciated on this.  I have not still figured this out.


Illam Pakkirisamy wrote:


I'm getting the TEXTSIZE TOO BIG message every time I have more text in my entry.  I understand there is a way to increase the TEXTSIZE and re-compile.  Where can I find the TEXTSIZE parameter that I can increase and also how do I re-compile.

Appreciate your help.





  69669   Tue May 9 17:24:37 2023 Question Trevor Moorerogue_boy1@gmail.comQuestionWindowsV3.1.5-fc6679bQuick Filter "New Entries" Button


I would like to utilize the "New Entries" button on the quick filter bar, but it dates back to 1969.  Is there a way to customize this or fix it?

  69668   Tue May 2 02:57:45 2023 Angy cheref mohamed lamine emeland85@gmail.comBug fixWindows3.1.4issue where not all users are able to log into their sessions

I have an issue where not all users are able to log into their sessions and they are still settling on the login page

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6