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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
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  Draft   Tue Mar 21 14:25:25 2023 Reply Daniel SajdykHello,daniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-dc4af9b8Re: HTML Editor not working after enabling SSL


I found that someon

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:


After enabling SSL=1 in /usr/loca/elog/elogd.cfg file, HTML editor loading very long. 

After changing SSL to 0, everything work flawlessly.

Does anyone know what can cause this behaviour?

Best Regards


  69658   Mon Mar 13 16:16:09 2023 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: ssl certificate

I do run elog under:

Usr = elog
Grp = elog

But that does not change the location of my certificates: they are in "/usr/local/elog/ssl".
My guess: you just copied the .pem file to the /ssl directory, but did not rename it to server.crt?
And of course you need to overwrite server.key as well.

Kind Regards

Giuseppe Cucinotta wrote:

Hi I'm here again,

According to my conf file I run elog under a specified user and group different from root. So I copied the .pem file I obtained from certbot in /etc/ssl as well as /urs/local/elog/ssl and ssl folder in the user directory (I will call it <user-dir>) but when I launch elog I receive the error that cannot initialize SSL because the old self signed certificate server.crt in <user-dir>/ssl is not found.

I wonder where in elog.cfg or elsewhere is written that <user-dir>/ssl/server.crt must be usedand how to fix it


Giuseppe Cucinotta wrote:

Hi Laurent,

thanks very much! Probably I've copied the certificate in the wrong directory. I'll try ASAP

Laurent Jean-Rigaud wrote:

Hi Giuseppe,

The new certificate files should be copy under ssl folder (/usr/local/elog/ssl or /usr/share/elog/ssl by example, closed to templates and script directories) in place of the embedded (autosigned) certificate files enclosed with ELOG source.

It seems that there is no parameter to set a custom path.

SSL = <0 | 1>
Turn on Secure Socket Layer transport. If SSL is on, one can connect via https://... to the elogd daemon. If the URL = directive is used, make sure to use https://... instead of http://... there. The ELOG distribution contains a simple self-signed certificate in the ssl subdirectory. One can replace this certificate and key with a real ceritficate to avoid browser pop-up windows warning about the self-signed certificate. The default for this option is 0.



Giuseppe Cucinotta wrote:

We obtained a certificate from let's encrypt in order to replace the self signed certificate provided with elog. We copied the new certificates replacing the older server.crt

The problem is that when restarted elog raises an error related to the fact it is looking for server.crt and it doesn't find it anymore.

I searched in elog config file in order to find a way to indicate the new certificate but I didn't find how to manage this issue.

Any suggestion?





  69656   Thu Mar 9 09:44:32 2023 Reply Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-dc4af9b8Re: HTML Editor not working after enabling SSL


I created new certificate, but it doesn't help with resolving this problem.

Does someone have and idea how to resolve it?

Best Regards


Daniel Sajdyk wrote:


After enabling SSL=1 in /usr/loca/elog/elogd.cfg file, HTML editor loading very long. 

After changing SSL to 0, everything work flawlessly.

Does anyone know what can cause this behaviour?

Best Regards


  69655   Thu Mar 2 12:49:16 2023 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-dc4af9b8HTML Editor not working after enabling SSL


After enabling SSL=1 in /usr/loca/elog/elogd.cfg file, HTML editor loading very long. 

After changing SSL to 0, everything work flawlessly.

Does anyone know what can cause this behaviour?

Best Regards

Attachment 1: elog.png
  69654   Wed Mar 1 20:12:54 2023 Reply Illam Pakkirisamyillam@senseeker.comInfoWindows3.1.4Re: Exporting the entries from ELOG

Thanks Stefan for your help.  It works but the only issue is, the screenshots that were included in the body of the entries are not usable.  Not sure if there is any workarounds for that.


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Find -> Export to...

Illam Pakkirisamy wrote:


Is there a way to export the ELOG entries into a file like an Excel sheet or something.  I see import but not export.

Appreciate your help.





  69653   Tue Feb 28 19:22:50 2023 Reply Stefan RittFind stefan.ritt@psi.chInfoWindows3.1.4Re: Exporting the entries from ELOG

Find -> Export to...

Illam Pakkirisamy wrote:


Is there a way to export the ELOG entries into a file like an Excel sheet or something.  I see import but not export.

Appreciate your help.




  69652   Tue Feb 28 18:21:01 2023 Question Illam Pakkirisamyillam@senseeker.comInfoWindows3.1.4Exporting the entries from ELOG


Is there a way to export the ELOG entries into a file like an Excel sheet or something.  I see import but not export.

Appreciate your help.



  69651   Fri Feb 17 14:29:54 2023 Reply Giuseppe Cucinottagiuseppe.cucinotta@unifi.itQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: ssl certificate

Hi I'm here again,

According to my conf file I run elog under a specified user and group different from root. So I copied the .pem file I obtained from certbot in /etc/ssl as well as /urs/local/elog/ssl and ssl folder in the user directory (I will call it <user-dir>) but when I launch elog I receive the error that cannot initialize SSL because the old self signed certificate server.crt in <user-dir>/ssl is not found.

I wonder where in elog.cfg or elsewhere is written that <user-dir>/ssl/server.crt must be usedand how to fix it


Giuseppe Cucinotta wrote:

Hi Laurent,

thanks very much! Probably I've copied the certificate in the wrong directory. I'll try ASAP

Laurent Jean-Rigaud wrote:

Hi Giuseppe,

The new certificate files should be copy under ssl folder (/usr/local/elog/ssl or /usr/share/elog/ssl by example, closed to templates and script directories) in place of the embedded (autosigned) certificate files enclosed with ELOG source.

It seems that there is no parameter to set a custom path.

SSL = <0 | 1>
Turn on Secure Socket Layer transport. If SSL is on, one can connect via https://... to the elogd daemon. If the URL = directive is used, make sure to use https://... instead of http://... there. The ELOG distribution contains a simple self-signed certificate in the ssl subdirectory. One can replace this certificate and key with a real ceritficate to avoid browser pop-up windows warning about the self-signed certificate. The default for this option is 0.



Giuseppe Cucinotta wrote:

We obtained a certificate from let's encrypt in order to replace the self signed certificate provided with elog. We copied the new certificates replacing the older server.crt

The problem is that when restarted elog raises an error related to the fact it is looking for server.crt and it doesn't find it anymore.

I searched in elog config file in order to find a way to indicate the new certificate but I didn't find how to manage this issue.

Any suggestion?




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6