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  69618   Thu Jan 19 15:28:16 2023 Entry Sebastian Schenksebastian.schenk@physik.uni-halle.deRequestAll-Wikipedia Article deleted


I noticed the wikipedia article of the ELOG got deleted in November 2021.
With the reason: "Poorly sourced article, and I was not able to find good sources myself."

I could access the old article through, but for the project it would be good, if the article got revived.

  69617   Mon Jan 16 20:18:12 2023 Question Laurent Jean-Rigaudlollspam@free.frQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-2e0f4719Fail to upload enclosure in ELOG


I currently testing last ELOG version from git in a docker with LDAP activated ( The goal is to use it on Synology NAS server, associated with local LDAP server.


The reverse proxy is done by embedded DSM nginx, according to FDQN associated to ELOG service ( In Docker, URL is set to

All is good, but when I post any enclosure in any elog post, the elogd exits and docker is automatically restarted. The browser shows an error 405 generated by nginx server.


Do you have any idea of the cause of this problem  ?


Thanks for help.


  69616   Wed Jan 4 14:38:54 2023 Reply Andrey Pashninkowaraj4stuff@gmail.comBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493white-space: pre-wrap"
> I guess we want "white-space: pre-wrap" which keeps the old line breaks.

Yep. You're right. Thanks!
  69615   Wed Jan 4 14:23:12 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
> Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also added some styles to the <pre> tag:
> style="white-space: normal"
> (see the screenshot on my previous post)

Actually the

style="white-space: normal"

makes the difference, the <div> is not necessary at all!

But I'm not sure that "white-space: normal" is what we want. All manual line breaks in an entry are collapsed and you get just one text block without any new line. See here

I guess we want "white-space: pre-wrap" which keeps the old line breaks.

You can try that out by changing elog.css:

--- a/themes/default/elog.css
+++ b/themes/default/elog.css
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ td {

 .messagepre {
   font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;
+  white-space:pre-wrap;

and see the effect. If you like it, just keep it. No need to recompile elogd.cxx.

  69614   Wed Jan 4 14:05:25 2023 Reply Andrey Pashninkowaraj4stuff@gmail.comBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also added some styles to the <pre> tag:
style="white-space: normal"
(see the screenshot on my previous post)
  69613   Wed Jan 4 13:38:29 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.4Re: URL causes elog crash

I added a user name validation in the current version.


Germano Massullo wrote:

Hello, the following URL

causes elog 3.1.4 to crash. I attach full GDB trace

(gdb) set height 0
(gdb) set print elements 0
(gdb) set print frame-arguments all
(gdb) thread apply all backtrace

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fc6d1624840 (LWP 1126)):
#0  0x00007fc6d06c6387 in raise () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007fc6d06c7a78 in abort () from /lib64/
#2  0x00007fc6d0708f67 in __libc_message () from /lib64/
#3  0x00007fc6d07a87a7 in __fortify_fail () from /lib64/
#4  0x00007fc6d07a6922 in __chk_fail () from /lib64/
#5  0x00007fc6d07a5e2b in _IO_str_chk_overflow () from /lib64/
#6  0x00007fc6d070d031 in __GI__IO_default_xsputn () from /lib64/
#7  0x00007fc6d06dd033 in vfprintf () from /lib64/
#8  0x00007fc6d07a5eb8 in __vsprintf_chk () from /lib64/
#9  0x00007fc6d07a5e0d in __sprintf_chk () from /lib64/
#10 0x0000000000423b5b in sprintf (__fmt=<optimized out>, __s=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/bits/stdio2.h:33
#11 get_user_line (lbs=<optimized out>, lbs@entry=0x2833748, 
    user=user@entry=0x7fffc84d0780 "a2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.combasar", password=password@entry=0x0, full_name=full_name@entry=0x0, email=email@entry=0x0, email_notify=email_notify@entry=0x0, 
    last_logout=last_logout@entry=0x0, inactive=inactive@entry=0x0) at src/elogd.c:25739
#12 0x0000000000433d0a in save_user_config (lbs=lbs@entry=0x2833748, 
    user=0x7704fc <_value+1500> "a2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fonomsdfef.coma2seferewd@fono", new_user=new_user@entry=1) at src/elogd.c:13343
#13 0x0000000000456068 in do_self_register (lbs=0x2833748, command=0x7fffc84d2650 "Save") at src/elogd.c:26768
#14 0x000000000045c1f7 in interprete (lbook=lbook@entry=0x7fffc84f92f0 "Shift Reports", path=path@entry=0x7fffc84d4430 "") at src/elogd.c:27594
#15 0x000000000045ecc6 in decode_get (logbook=logbook@entry=0x7fffc84f92f0 "Shift Reports", string=<optimized out>) at src/elogd.c:28393
#16 0x0000000000460970 in process_http_request (request=<optimized out>, 
    request@entry=0x284bee8 "GET /Shift+Reports/?new_user_name=a2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefddsfgfd.coma2seferewd%402sefdds", i_conn=i_conn@entry=1) at src/elogd.c:29201
#17 0x00000000004623d2 in server_loop () at src/elogd.c:30212
#18 0x0000000000404209 in main (argc=8, argv=0x7fffc84fb6c8) at src/elogd.c:3123


  69612   Wed Jan 4 12:38:07 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux 3.1.4-395e101Re: Post using html form --> not solved ...

When you log in manually to a logbook, a session ID is created and stored in a cookie "sid". On your shift check list you need some code to copy this session ID into your current form. In the code form 2010, I used "unm" and "upwd", but this was removed since it's not safe. So now you need somethign like:

<input type="hidden" name="sid" id="sid">


document.getElementById('sid').value = get_cookie('sid');

in your init code.

I haven't tried that in the past 12 years so no guarantee that it should work.



Hayg Guler wrote:

Dear All,

Just want to come back to this issue I faced.

In the config file, I call an html form to format input. The way I call the html file inside my config file is described below.

My point is, even if I am already logged in, each time I try to submit an html form, it sais I am not logged in ...

please refer to the corresponding form to see the screenshots.


Many thanks






that is strange since I logged in ... 

It seems like when I go in the shift check topic in the elog, it does not get my login id ... is there something coming from the HTML file that should be set in order to get the login from elog ?

see in the attached image : I am logged in but I still need to feed the Author item. And even If I fill it, 

And then if I Click on new to write a new filling form, author is not filled as you could see on the second image "Author ?"  ...

so I don' see from where appears the problem


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Probably people have to log in to the logbook before opening the form. I guess the "submit not allowed" comes from the fact that they access the logbook as a guest.


Hayg Guler wrote:

Dear All,

we are trying to post from an HTML form, as included in our config file :


Comment = Shift Check List (exemple a modifier)
Attributes = Author, D, M, Y, Shift, LasE, LasIris, Q, E, Li, TL, RI
Quick filter = Shift, Author
Options Shift = Morning, Evening, Night

Enable attachments = 0
Show text = 1
Custom new form = /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom edit form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom display form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html


we are facing the following problem when trying to submit :

--> Error: Command "Submit" not allowed


is there something missing in our config file ?


Many thanks in advance




  69611   Wed Jan 4 12:17:46 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
Didn't work for me. The text is just truncated after the width and no extra lines are added.
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-01-04_at_12.16.47_.png
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6