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  69848   Mon Dec 9 10:23:32 2024 Reply Olivier MARTINamande.olive@yahoo.frQuestionLinux3.1.5Re: Probleme TLS


Does email notification from a Gmail address work? It is noted that port 465 must be used for SSL use? Is this correct :

SMTP host :

SMTP port = 465

SMTP username =

And, should I enter the password attached to my Gmail email and where?

Thanks in advance.


Stefan Ritt wrote:

TSL is not implemented in ELOG. Maybe I find time some day to do that, but if we have any volunteers in our community who could help me with that I would appreciate.


Olivier MARTIN wrote:
I would like to notify by email as soon as an entry is created or modified.
I declared my SMTP which uses TLS security.
The following error message appears : Erreur d'envoi de mail via "": 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first
Is there a solution ?



  69847   Sun Dec 8 22:00:32 2024 Idea Liam 6ee1005Reuqest to extract X-Forwarded-Name and X-Forwarded-Email when using webserver

When using the Webserver authentication in combination with "File" and "Self register = 3", it is possible to keep track of registrations and control access still. This is very useful, and upon clicking on the logbook for the first time, the user is asked to register by typing their username, full name and email address.

First issue here is that they can still edit the box with their username, which might cause confusion if somebody decides to choose a different username and is then surprised about why they cannot automatically login again. Is it possible to lock this field from being edited?

The second issue is more minor, but the user has to manually type their name and email address, even though the webserver may already be able to provide this information in the headers. Specifically, it would be useful to read the name from the X-Forwarded-Name header and email address from the X-Forwarded-Email header. 

My config file snippet is below:

Authentication = Webserver, File
allow password change = 0
Password file = webserver.passwords
Self register    = 3

  69846   Fri Dec 6 11:06:28 2024 Reply Dr Marta Divallmarta.divall@epfl.chQuestionAll3.1.4Re: Global change of links


Stefan Ritt wrote:

You would have to access the raw elgo database files (which are pure ASCII files) and write some script which goes through all files and changes the URLs. 


Dr Marta Divall wrote:

Dear All, 

 We have been using the ELOG for several years and had inserted hyper-links instead of whole files in order to save storage space. From this month our server is moved to a new location with a new address. Is there a way for me to retrospectivelly replace all addresses with the new server file pass?

Thanks in advance, 

Best regards,




  69845   Fri Dec 6 10:59:52 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.5Re: Probleme TLS

TSL is not implemented in ELOG. Maybe I find time some day to do that, but if we have any volunteers in our community who could help me with that I would appreciate.


Olivier MARTIN wrote:
I would like to notify by email as soon as an entry is created or modified.
I declared my SMTP which uses TLS security.
The following error message appears : Erreur d'envoi de mail via "": 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first
Is there a solution ?


  69844   Fri Dec 6 10:58:57 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll3.1.4Re: Global change of links

You would have to access the raw elgo database files (which are pure ASCII files) and write some script which goes through all files and changes the URLs. 


Dr Marta Divall wrote:

Dear All, 

 We have been using the ELOG for several years and had inserted hyper-links instead of whole files in order to save storage space. From this month our server is moved to a new location with a new address. Is there a way for me to retrospectivelly replace all addresses with the new server file pass?

Thanks in advance, 

Best regards,



  69843   Fri Dec 6 09:39:44 2024 Warning Olivier MARTINamande.olive@yahoo.frQuestionLinux3.1.5Probleme TLS
I would like to notify by email as soon as an entry is created or modified.
I declared my SMTP which uses TLS security.
The following error message appears : Erreur d'envoi de mail via "": 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first
Is there a solution ?

  69842   Mon Dec 2 10:36:41 2024 Entry Dr Marta Divallmarta.divall@epfl.chQuestionLinux | WindowsELOG V3.1.3-a38Global change of links/file path

Dear All, 

 We have been using the ELOG for several years and had inserted hyper-links instead of whole files in order to save storage space. From this month our server is moved to a new location with a new address. Is there a way for me to retrospectivelly replace all addresses with the new server file pass?

Thanks in advance, 

Best regards,


  69841   Fri Nov 15 09:55:11 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAllELOG V3.1.5-fc6Re: choosing the default font ?

Check elog/themes/default/elog.css and look for font-family.

If you just want the elog entries in monospaced font, you can swith to "plain" encoding at the bottom of the entry form. You can also make this a default (check the docu).


Pavel Murat wrote:

Dear All,

is there a way to choose the default "style" for the HTML encoding ? - I'd like to set it to "Typewriter" but couldn't find the corresponding option in the available docs/ sample config files...

-- many thanks, regards, Pasha


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