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  69515   Wed Apr 20 14:19:08 2022 Question Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comRequestWindows3.1.4Dynamic substitution with date

Dear all, 

I would need your help with an incremental index with date information.

I want to have an incremental number made by the last two digits of the year, the two digits of the month and an incremental four digits number. 

Subst Number = %y%m####

The problem is that I don't want to have the incremental number reset to zero every new month, but rather only once a year. Is it something like this possible? 

Thanks for your help! 



  69525   Thu May 5 11:14:20 2022 Question Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.4elog root path

Dear all, 

I have a question for you. On my elog server I have plenty of images not included in any logbook entry, but that nevertheless I would the user to have access to that via the browser. In order words, I would like to have a link like this https://myelog/my_pics_folder/my_pic.png

I have realized that if I put my_pics_folder in the script folder, then it works as I wanted, but I strongly doubt this is the right position. If I put in the resources folder, it is not found and the elogd displays a message saying that my_pics_folder is not a valid logbook.

Do you have any suggestions for this problem? 


Thanks in advance and enjoy your day!


  69571   Wed Oct 19 14:19:39 2022 Question Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comBug reportWindows3.1.4Duplicating attachments when editing an entry via command line elog.exe

Hi there! 

I have noticed this effect when editing entries with the command line elog.exe.

Let's say I submit a new entry via the command line and I'm also submitting an attachment file. If I check the elog entry via the browser I see my entry there with its attachment as expected. The attachment is also present on the server in the logbook folder with the date and time stamp in front of the original name. 

Now, let's say I would like to edit the same entry via the command line, if I don't pass the attachment, the edited entry won't show any attachment in the browser but on the server there is still the old attachment file available. 

A similar situation is when I edit an entry and I want the edited entry to have the same attachment file of the original one. In that case, the entry on the browser will show the attachment, but on the server I have two copies of the attachment file with the two timestamps (original submission and edited submission). Moreover the first copy is unreachable from any client because not linked to any entry anymore.

In general I would not care much, but I have an application that is regularly updating entries and I will soon have the server hard disk full of useless copies of unlinked attachment. 

I have seen that when deleting an entry, also all its attachments are removed. Would it be possible to have attachments removed when editing an entries? 

Thanks for your help! 




  69573   Thu Oct 20 08:37:23 2022 Reply Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.4Re: UNC Pfade

I'm running ELOG on a windows server 2016. Just installed the windows installer and worked out of the box. 

Have you checked the firewall?

Michael wrote:

So there is no way to save the file on the network?! :(

Can i install the elog on a windows server? i tried it yesterday, but i think i missed something, couse i only could open the elog on the server and not with a client pc.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

UNCs are not officially supported by elog, but your operating system might map them if you're lucky, just try. It is however not recommended to do so, since network drives can sometimes be slow during network congestion and the response of elog will then suffer.


Michael wrote:


gibt es eine Möglichkeit das subdir auf ein Netzlaufwerk zu legen?


Der Freigabepfad wird leider immer unter C:\... angelegt

Vielen Dank




  69575   Thu Oct 20 10:10:12 2022 Reply Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comRequestWindows3-1-4Re: Up to date windows version
I'm also supporting this request. 

> Dear Developers
> I know this topic i on and off in this forum but it seems the only updated versions of Elog are in the linux binaries. Have anybody been able to compile a windows versions since 2018?
> Kind Regards Finn
  69640   Thu Feb 2 10:23:45 2023 Reply Antonio BulgheroniCoulantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.4Re: CKeditor Settings Cant Be Changed

It means that you could replace the currently distributed CKeditor with a fresh vanilla installation of CKeditor? 

James Smallcombe wrote:

So it was just a clearing cache issue. elogd was telling the browser to use/not use CKeditor based on the aformentioned, and browser was then using the cached version. Fixed now.

And FYI for anyone who reads this when trying to modify CKeditor themselves, it seems elog needs the iFrame Editing Area plugin included.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

elogd checks for the "scripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" file to detect the presence of CKeditor.

James Smallcombe wrote:

I wanted to change some CKeditor settings so tried modifying elog/scripts/ckeditor to no avail.

I wiped elog/scripts/ and dropped a fresh download of CKeditor4, with only the basic extensions. But when I open the elog it still shows the full toolbar, with elog default style and with all extensions operational.

If I leave elog/scripts empty, I get "CKeditor NOT detected" when starting elogd and the HTML option is empty and shows nothing, all as expected.

Does anyone understand this? Is there some CKeditor configuration file elog is defering to that I've overlooked? I have tried system wide seaches just in case.




  69645   Fri Feb 3 20:26:46 2023 Reply Antonio BulgheroniLooking antonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comInfoLinux | Mac OSX3.1.5Re: New elog version 3.1.5

Looking forward to the windows installer. 

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!




Stefan Ritt wrote:

A new version 3.1.5 of elog has been released with all accumulated fixes over the past actually few years. I made a tar file, a RPM, but I could not compile yet a windows version.



  69745   Mon Feb 26 21:18:23 2024 Reply Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionLinux | OtherLatest versionRe: no availability of el8 and el9 rpm

+1 for a Windows pipeline!


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Many thanks for your files and instructions. I integrated this into the official elog pipeline, so now the RPMs can be downloaded from and they will be updated automatically after each commit. If you succeed with any Debian/Ubunto I'm happy to add that. What's missing now is an easy way to compile for Windows (which I don't have anymore).



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886