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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  68408   Wed Aug 31 10:31:19 2016 Warning Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.1Wrong time in attachment "Uploaded ..." date
When an attachment is later added to an exisiting entry, we see that the string "Uploaded <date>" has the wrong
time: in our case it is one hour into the future.
I'm testing it now here in the forum.

I can reproduce it in this forum: the Uploaded time should have been 10:35, but it shows 11:35.

Cheers, Andreas
  68494   Thu Dec 8 15:39:13 2016 Entry Christine Quicotc.quicot@free.frBug reportLinux3.1.2Datepicker not showing

Hello users,


When I configure an attribute with "Type <attribute>= date", in the new entry form a clic on the calendar symbol does nothing.

Reading the source code I see it's trying to open a window named "cal.html" through javascript (function opencal) but this file doesn't exist anywhere in source elog files.




  68495   Mon Dec 12 09:48:14 2016 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.2Re: Datepicker not showing

Just last week I've downloaded the latest version of ELOG, compiled and installed it, and the date picker just works fine.

In my case it was an update of an existing installation. Can you provide a bit more information about your case: I guess it was a first time installation? Was is ELOG V3.1.2-754330e or a different GIT version?

Stefan, could you please add an attribute of type "datetime" and "date" to one of the demo logbooks? Currently there is non. Maybe to elog:Database? Then we can check if it is a client problem.

Cheers, Andreas

Christine Quicot wrote:

Hello users,


When I configure an attribute with "Type <attribute>= date", in the new entry form a clic on the calendar symbol does nothing.

Reading the source code I see it's trying to open a window named "cal.html" through javascript (function opencal) but this file doesn't exist anywhere in source elog files.





  68496   Mon Dec 12 10:14:50 2016 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.2Re: Datepicker not showing

I put one in

Could also be a pop-up blocker problem. Let's see.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Just last week I've downloaded the latest version of ELOG, compiled and installed it, and the date picker just works fine.

In my case it was an update of an existing installation. Can you provide a bit more information about your case: I guess it was a first time installation? Was is ELOG V3.1.2-754330e or a different GIT version?

Stefan, could you please add an attribute of type "datetime" and "date" to one of the demo logbooks? Currently there is non. Maybe to elog:Database? Then we can check if it is a client problem.

Cheers, Andreas

Christine Quicot wrote:

Hello users,


When I configure an attribute with "Type <attribute>= date", in the new entry form a clic on the calendar symbol does nothing.

Reading the source code I see it's trying to open a window named "cal.html" through javascript (function opencal) but this file doesn't exist anywhere in source elog files.






  68502   Thu Dec 15 11:12:09 2016 Question stefano bonaldostefano.bonaldo.13@gmail.comBug reportMac OSX3.1.2elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute


I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.

For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:

Can you please help me?

Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:

port = 8080

[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date

Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date

  68504   Thu Dec 15 13:59:14 2016 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportMac OSX3.1.2Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute

I tried your config file on my Mac and it just worked fine without any crash:

Could it be that on entry has corrupt data and is killing your server? Have you tried on a pristine new logbook?


stefano bonaldo wrote:


I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.

For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:

Can you please help me?

Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:

port = 8080

[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date

Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date


  68505   Thu Dec 15 14:44:32 2016 Reply Stefano Bonaldostefano.bonaldo.13@gmail.comBug reportMac OSX3.1.2Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute

Hello Stefan, thanks for your answer. So I made a new logbook, without entries. I generated, as you, two new entries and I discover that this problem come out when in the URL the command for the sorting follow the command of the display mode. So for example the following URL give me the issue:

But if I put:

This last URL is working. This means that the issue come out, when I change the dispay mode by the buttons "Full, Summary, Threaded" and then I click on the Coloumn "Record date" for sorting it. Hope you understand and you can reproduce it. Many thanks

EDIT: I'm facing the same problem on another MAC with a fresh installation of elogd.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I tried your config file on my Mac and it just worked fine without any crash:

Could it be that on entry has corrupt data and is killing your server? Have you tried on a pristine new logbook?


stefano bonaldo wrote:


I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.

For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:

Can you please help me?

Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:

port = 8080

[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date

Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date



  68508   Thu Dec 15 15:42:06 2016 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caBug reportMac OSX3.1.2Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute

Hi Stefano.

This may or may not have anything to do with your specific problem but I notice you have the single word "date" as part of your attribute name and Date is actually a reserved word in Elog. Although your attribute is not exclusively called "date" I have found that even using "date" as an isolated word within an attribute name (eg: Record date vs Record_date) can cause some issues. In my case, it caused a problem with the elog client when trying to update records which was only resolved when I changed the name of the attribute to Date/Time Received from Date and Time Received. Long story short, I avoid using any reserved words as part of attribute names.


stefano bonaldo wrote:


I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.

For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:

Can you please help me?

Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:

port = 8080

[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date

Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886