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  1795   Wed Apr 5 18:56:48 2006 Agree Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequest 2.6.1Re: Simple math within an elog form

Steve Jones wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
Subst TotalRisk = $shell(echo $Risk1 + $Risk2 + $Risk3 > /tmp/elog_out)

What comes out with my simple echo or gawk line is "+ + " so it looks like the attributes are not getting passed into the $shell code?

The reason is that the substitutions get evaluated from left to right, so first the shell is called with $Risk1, and because the shell by itself does a subsitution and $Risk1 is not defined on the unix system, the shell returns an empty string, leading to "+ +" as the result.

I changed that in the current SVN version, so we have first the attribute substitions, then then shell substitution. The "echo $Risk1..." will of course not work, since it gets substituted by elog as "echo 12 + 23 + 45" (or whatever the numbers are), and the "echo" will just return these numbers without adding them. To make the shell to add things, you would need to define the risks as environment variables for the shell, so I guess the "gawk" method will work better for you. I tried it and it worked fine for me.

Sorry, I waSn't clear about just why I was using "echo". Since elog removes the /tmp/elog_shell temporary file I couldn't "see" what was actually being passed to the shell - gawk was giving me an error and I was flying blind. So I used echo to create my own temporary file.

Yes, gawk should now work -- I'l download and compile the latest and provide feedback.


Ok, confirming that this now works. Passing the command:
Subst <attribute> = $shell(gawk 'BEGIN{ print $Attrib1 + $Attrib2 + $Attrib3 }' ) 
will cause the result to be pushed into <attribute>, so gawk in essence becomes a simple calculator and operates on the formula "$Attrib1 + $Attrib2 + $Attrib3".
  1796   Wed Apr 5 20:25:42 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.1-1684Triggering $shell question
Should this work? rev1684 now allows $shell to pass attribute contents to the shell command and whenever a new entry is submitted or when one Edits/Replys the Subst is triggered, but I would like to be able to trigger this whenever a new value in the options pulldown is selected (assume Risk2 and Risk3 are identical to Risk1). Being able to trigger a regular Preset works fine (like {1} preset Date = $date ) but I would like to trigger the Subst. Maybe a better question, what actions (Subst, Preset, Change, Execute, etc.) I've tried Subst and Preset but not much luck.

# Define Risk1
Options Risk1 = 10{30}, 20{31}, 30{32}, 40{33}, 50{34}, 60{35}, 70{36}, 80{37}, 90{38}, 100{39} 
{30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39} Subst TotalRisk = $shell(gawk 'BEGIN{ print $Risk1 + $Risk2 + $Risk3 }' )

  1797   Wed Apr 5 22:48:49 2006 Reply Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.1-1684Re: Triggering Re: Triggering $shell question

Steve Jones wrote:
Should this work? rev1684 now allows $shell to pass attribute contents to the shell command and whenever a new entry is submitted or when one Edits/Replys the Subst is triggered, but I would like to be able to trigger this whenever a new value in the options pulldown is selected (assume Risk2 and Risk3 are identical to Risk1). Being able to trigger a regular Preset works fine (like {1} preset Date = $date ) but I would like to trigger the Subst. Maybe a better question, what actions (Subst, Preset, Change, Execute, etc.) I've tried Subst and Preset but not much luck.

# Define Risk1
Options Risk1 = 10{30}, 20{31}, 30{32}, 40{33}, 50{34}, 60{35}, 70{36}, 80{37}, 90{38}, 100{39} 
{30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39} Subst TotalRisk = $shell(gawk 'BEGIN{ print $Risk1 + $Risk2 + $Risk3 }' )

Hmm, maybe I can answer my own question - until the form is saved with the new value selected the old values still exist. I guess what I really need is to trigger the $shell anytime a save happens or logentry is pulled in for edit. I think I do the latter with Subst on edit/Subst on Reply, but how on any save?

. . . Except that when I change an options field that has a dependencies, doesn't the javascript force a server-side revalidation?
  1800   Fri Apr 7 05:07:20 2006 Reply Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1668Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
BTW, Stefan, unless you can make the most recent version of a Windows eLog available I cannot test the most recent -- I do not have access to a Windows development environment. Solaris-Yes, Linux-Yes, Windoze-No.

There is a 2.6.1-4 version for Windows for download, which contains the most recent code.

Ok, I loaded the new Windows version ELOG V2.6.1-1681. The new version has the same behavior and it is entirely related to Top Group. With a simple Top Group setup things appear to work fine until one attempts to either create or delete a new logbook. There are other quirky things - I don't think Top Group is ready for really complex setups. In fact, this URL that is constructed by elog (http://localhost:8080/Engineering%20Compute%20Change%20Logs/Test/?cmd=Config) will cause elog to coredump but only with a very complex configfile. If I simply remove the "Top" from the "Group" directive I get the expected message "Error: logbook "Engineering Compute Change Logs" not defined in elogd.cfg
Please use your browser's back button to go back".

Another interesting point of reference - I went back to 2.5.9-4 (windows) and get the same behavior.

Now, making things really simple I added Top Group support to the demo that comes with the Windows install. This configfile:
port = 8080

Show top groups = 1
Top Group Demo Groups = demo, test7

[global Demo Groups]
Theme = default
Comment = General linux tips & tricks
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other
Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other
Extendable Options = Category
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type


results in this redisplay after a new logbook create I have included in an attached screenshot. Please note that everything is generally not correct. So, even though eLog does not crash with this simple config it does support my observation that as I render the congfile more complex I corrupt eLog more until it finally crashes. Stefan, I would be interested in seeing how the above config runs on one of your windows systems.
  1802   Mon Apr 10 05:34:40 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.6.1-1684TIMEZONE modifier?
We host eLog for a number of global sites. Our logbooks use datetime attributes but the timezones are wrong attributes that are either preset (like when a logentry is created) or if we fill in an attribute from an action (like when a logentry is closed). Any possibility of adding a timezone designator to FORMAT or does one already exist?

  1808   Fri Apr 14 16:30:56 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.1-1684Any way to move Replies from one logentry to another?
Is there anyway to reattach a reply within a logbook from one logentry to another? I guess it would be "re-associate"?
  1812   Wed Apr 19 04:48:43 2006 Agree Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.1-1684Re: Any way to move Replies from one logentry to another?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
Is there anyway to reattach a reply within a logbook from one logentry to another? I guess it would be "re-associate"?

No, this is not possible directly. You would have to make a new reply, and manually fill in the contents from the original reply. It is however possible by directly tampering the ELOG files, but that should be done only by experienced users.

Kind of what I thought but needed to ask. I think I'll leave things as they are. Thanks!
  1841   Tue May 30 17:54:21 2006 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1681Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes
Stefan, any way to address this? It appears to only be applicable when one defines conditional Options - when javascript updates the conditional lists the input focus appears to shift to the HTML edit area. I am still running ELOG V2.6.1-1681 and this is under Windows (my test system).

With version 2.6.1 rev 1681 I believe this is when I started seeing the behavior such that when a conditional attribute value is selected the focus switches to the message entry window. It looks like when the javascript cond_submit() is called for some reason on returning focus defaults to the message window. This occurs under Windows (rev 1861) and Solaris (rev 1864). I can see in function chkform() that focus is returned for checking Required attributes, but I see nothing for conditional attributes.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886