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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  65659   Wed Nov 28 19:53:05 2007 Entry Uweuweho@web.deQuestionWindowsV2.7.0-196Summary view - Umlauts


when using the summary view, the text field displays umlauts as HTML-charachters, for e. g. diesbezüglich. 
Is there a chance that also this view displays umlauts as ä, ü, ö?

Thank you!



  65668   Thu Nov 29 21:40:29 2007 Entry Uweuweho@web.deQuestion 2.7Icon comment


one idea for improvement. When using the option 'Icon comment' this comment is shown when creating a new entry and moving with he mouse over the icon but it is not displayed in full or summary view. In full or summary view the filename is shown. Not really important, but perhaps an improvement.



  65690   Thu Jan 10 15:24:53 2008 Entry Kristján Jónssonkj@raunvis.hi.isBug reportLinux2.7.0-1954"Default encoding" default is not as documented

"Default encoding" appears to have the default value of 2 (HTML) instead of 0 (ELCode) as documented in

ELOG V2.7.0-1954 : elog.c line 8952

  65712   Sat Jan 26 08:59:35 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux | Windows2.7.1.2007Several attachement at the same time


I would like to make several attachement at the same time. I would be great cause I have lot of attachements to do every day. I try wiht CTRL or SHIFT key but I failed in.

Is it possible at this moment ?

Kind regards


  65732   Mon Feb 11 22:16:33 2008 Entry Richard Ecclestonerichard.ecclestone@cern.chBug reportLinux | WindowsV2.7.2Data Export:: Date Problem


Im currently experimenting with Elog to see if we can use it to track maintenance work. But Ive come up against a problem, When I export the data to a csv file,

the date has a comma inserted between the day of the week and the rest of the date. This means that all the fields are then shifted to the right after the date.

This looks like a bug to me, the test records included in the demo does not exhibit this problem, until a new record is added.

cheers Richard


  65751   Thu Feb 21 12:50:53 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frOtherLinux2.7.2.2041elog hand on destination mirror server


When I start elogd on the mirror destination server, until cron job started, I can access to the website normaly. Once cron job started, I can't access to the website of the elog mirror destination server.

How can I solve this problem ?

Kind regards



  65910   Tue Jun 17 11:42:20 2008 Entry Franck Cfranck.c95@free.frQuestionWindows2.7.3Icon and Quick filter


I have defined a quick filter based on an icon attribute and it does not work: no result. I have defined something like your "forum elog" (with Icon comment ): in the quick filter, i see the comments (that a good thing) but whatever i'm selecting, i have no entry.

Is it a bug or i miss something in the configuration ?


ELOG is a really helpful application

Thanks a lot !!

  65937   Wed Jul 30 19:54:28 2008 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govBug reportLinux2.7.4-2113Exploit Browser Tabs to Make Anonymous Entries

One of my shifters just managed to make an anonymous logbook entry even though the Author attribute is required.

It turns out that he had two tabs in his browser opened/logged into the Elog.  He logged out in one tab only.   Then he

did some other work on the desktop.  Then he returned to the browser to make a new logbook entry, finding the tab which

still showed the logged in menu, including the link for "New".  The Shifer is on day two, so he did not give any special

notice to seeing Anonymous in the Author field instead of his name.  He did point it out when I came in, and noted that

no warning was given about making an anonymous entry.


I tested the same scenario myself.  One cannot preview an anonymous entry (when Author field is a required attribute).

A warning is given.  However, one can submit the anonymous entry, and no warning is given.


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886