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  69599   Wed Jan 4 09:33:25 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493a hack around
> - rsprintf("<textarea rows=%d cols=%d wrap=hard name=\"Text\">\n", height, width);
> + rsprintf("<textarea rows=%d cols=%d name=\"Text\">\n", height, width);
> my vote is to remove "wrap=hard":
> 1) I try to read the specs and my head explodes:
> 2) textarea should just accept input typed by user, should not try to "neatify" it. if user wants long lines, we should let them.
> 3) this bug (introduced in recent safari, the best I can tell)
> K.O.

I agree with K.O. Does anybody see a problem in removing "wrap=hard"? 

It was there more for historical reasons. In the old days screens were not so wide and wrapping was more of an issue.
People tended to write longer lines and complained that the long lines got reformatted differently for different screen
sizes. So by adding hard CRLF the formatting looked the same on different screens. These days this is not such an issue
any more and I agree with 2) above. If the user wants a long line, the user should get it.

  69600   Wed Jan 4 09:39:38 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493a hack around
Ahh, now I remember. Well, the I put that in like 25 years ago ;-)

Let's assume the user write a very long line and relies on the wrapping of the text box. So the input might look like the 
first attachment. Then the user hits submit and gets just one long line (second attachment) and has to scroll one kilometre
to the right to see the full line. So there is an inconsistency between the entry form and what the user sees after the
submission. Having "wrap=hard" tells the browser to put CRLF where the wrapping in the textarea happens, so the text looks
the same during entry and after submission. If we remove the "wrap=hard", we would be back to the situation below in the two


Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-01-04_at_9.38.51_.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_2023-01-04_at_9.39.09_.png
  68714   Fri Jan 12 09:54:41 2018 Question Xuan attachment

Hi all,

Some elog users of our site(CSNS) mentioned some advice about attachment:

1.Can imagemagick create thumbnail for .bmp file now?

2.Can re-sort the attachments after attachments uploaded by dragging or clicking up/down arrow or anything except deleting and re-upload attachment again?

3.Can add some description under the thumbnail of uploaded attachment? I've suggested them adding the description to the name of attchment or writing the detail in the text area. They are seem not very satisfied with this solution.

Any advice and suggestion will be appreciated.


  68799   Tue May 15 04:41:23 2018 Question Xuan shiftcheck

Hi all,

I try to implement a shift check list for our facility. The attributes called "a1, a2, b1, b2 etc" are used in original shiftcheck.html, However, we would like to use "1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 etc". So I try to change the name of checkbox in shiftcheck.html and the attributes in elogd.cfg file to "1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 etc". The elog web page can display the attributes like "1.1, 1.2...", but the checked value of "on" seems not working. And I have used wirshark to monitor the http package, the request message seems correct, but the service response seems can't deal with attributes like "1.1, 1.2...", so is there a way to work around?

Attachment 1: shiftcheck1.png
Attachment 2: shiftcheck2.png
Attachment 3: shiftcheck3.png
  68971   Tue May 14 09:40:58 2019 Idea Xuan a little function--go to the specified page number

Hi all,

I added an input widget for pagination. I'd like to share it here, maybe someone needs. If there are many pages,  specifying the page number will be useful. 

The picture and patch code are in the attachment



Attachment 1: pagination.png
Attachment 2: goto.patch
---	2019-05-14 10:12:01.891558950 +0800
+++ elogd.c	2019-05-14 10:44:38.165898395 +0800
@@ -19407,6 +19407,26 @@ void show_page_navigation(LOGBOOK * lbs,
       rsprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", ref, loc("All"));
+   sprintf(ref, "");
+   build_ref(ref, sizeof(ref), "", "", "", "");
+   rsprintf("<input id=\"setPage\" title=\"Goto\" type=number size=\"6\" onChange=\'getPage(\"%d\");\'>", num_pages);
+   rsprintf("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n");
+   rsprintf("<!--\n");
+   rsprintf("function getPage(max)\n");
+   rsprintf("  {\n");
+   rsprintf("   var value = document.getElementById('setPage').value;\n");
+   rsprintf("   value = parseInt(value);\n");
+   rsprintf("   if(value > max)\n");
+   rsprintf("      value = max;\n");
+   rsprintf("   if(value < 1)\n");
+   rsprintf("      value = 1;\n");
+   rsprintf("   var url = 'page' + value + \"%s\";\n", ref);
+   rsprintf("   window.location.href = url;\n");
+   rsprintf("  }\n");
+   rsprintf("//-->\n");
+   rsprintf("</script>\n");
  1840   Thu May 25 19:41:51 2006 Idea Mark Bergmanmark.bergman@uphs.upenn.eduRequestLinux2.6.1add field type to automatically email CC
I've got logbooks where I'm submitting entries on behalf of other users, or where other people should be notified of the ticket. This isn't a fixed list of people, and shouldn't be hard-coded into a config file. I've got a field to enter the user's e-mail address, but there's no action associated with that data.

I'd like to see a new field type that allows the entry of e-mail addresses, where each addresses supplied with the logfile entry would be automatically "CC'ed" in the notification e-mail. Ideally, people on the CC list would be (optionally) CC'ed when there are replies or edits to the original elog entry.

For example (snippet of fictional elogd.cfg):

[web site]
Welcome Title = Issues regarding the web site
MOptions Category = Add links, Change content, Broken Link, Other
CCMailTo = Notification List
Attributes = Author, Category, Severity, Subject, Entry ID, Status, User, Login
Extendable Attributes = Category, Severity, Subject, Status, User, Login, Notification List
Required Attributes = Category, Subject, Status, User
  855   Sun Dec 19 17:11:07 2004 Question Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deRequest  admin menu
Could you implemet and option 'admin menu' which gets displayed
when an 'admin' is logged in.  This menu could e.g. also include 'Delete'
while the normal menu would not.
  67342   Tue Sep 18 17:57:47 2012 Question Szu-Ching Pecknerspeckner@nd.eduQuestionLinuxlatestadmin user access admin page, not config page

 We have multiple logbooks. Each user is admin user for his/her own logbook. 

I want user be able to modify config file, but no access to user setting, such as see user list, change password, new user, remove user. 

Admin user = user1
Login user = user1, user2
Allow Config = user1
List Menu commands = Admin, Config

user1 click on Admin, it opens config file, when user1 click on save, user1 is brought to Config page, which has select user list on top, Change password, Remove user, New user buttons on bottom. Is there a way that admin user has access to config file, but no access to user info at all (not even presented to them).  Is there a way after user1 click save, page doesn't go to that config page?

I could put 
Deny Change password =
Deny Remove user
Deny New user

so when user1 click on those buttons, user1 will get command not allowed. However I would rather have user1 not even see that page. 



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886