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icon8.gif   3-level conditional not working, posted by Harry Martin on Thu Mar 20 07:34:24 2025 

Not sure if this is a bug or not; if it is not, kindly reclassify the category.

Following is a small example of what I will dub a 3-level, conditional logbook:

attributes = region, manufacturer, model

show attributes edit = region
options region = american{1}, japanese{2}, european{3}

{1} options manufacturer = ford, chrysler, gm
{2} options manufacturer = toyota{4}, nissan{5}, mitsubishi{6}
{3} options manufacturer = audi, mercedes, bmw, volvo, fiat
{1,2,3} show attributes edit = region, manufacturer
{4} options model = corolla, prius, miata
{5} options model = sentra, murano
{6} options model = starion, outlander, mirage
{4,5,6} show attributes edit = region, manufacturer, model

This example is hardly complete, but it is sufficient to demonstrate the issue I am running into.  This works until I select from the 2nd level (manufacturer); it won't display the dropdown for the model (I think my show attribute edit is supposed to display that).  Is there a restriction on how many levels of conditional I can have?  If there is, it would be disappointing because I am trying to do something similar to this example.

I hope there is something very simple I can do to correct this, or perhaps a completely different approach that accomplishes the same thing.  I'd like to stick with the multi-level selection process as I have done here.

I am running elog 3.1.5 on Devuan Chimaera (approx. Debian Bullseye, sans systemd) in a Virtualbox VM.

    icon14.gif   Re: Participation on development of ELOG, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Wed Feb 19 09:54:38 2003 
> > We are interested in using your ELOG (which we consider to be a wonderful 
> > application) even more. We would like to make a few adaptations in your 
> > source code, above all to add some functionality that we are missing.
> > 
> > I was wondering if there is a way we could coordinate the development 
> > together. For instance, would it be of your interest to receive the code 
> > adaptations we do and implement it in your future releases? 
> Sure, I'm very interested in those and ready to merge it into the main 
> development tree.
> - Stefan

Thanx for your quick answer.
I'll keep you updated as we move ahead with the development.
    icon14.gif   Re: ELOG Skins Showcase, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat May 3 15:06:16 2003 
> Let's share some inspiration. I'll post mine as soon as finished the re-
> look.

Excellent idea. I added a category "CSS File" in the logbook "Config 
Examples" next to this forum. You can login with the same user name and 
password as for this forum. As an example, I posted the new CSS file. Please 
note that one need small changes in elogd.c to accomodate for the new 3D 
look (basically don't display lines between cells), so it won't work very 
nice with pre-2.3.7.

So everybody is invited to post his favourite CSS files an icons there. 
Maybe we can even make a competition about the nicest ELOG icon...
    icon14.gif   Re: runtime error under Mac OS X 10.2, posted by Joseph Giaime on Mon Jun 30 05:15:14 2003 
Sridhar & Recai,

Thanks to both of you for the rapid and effective advice.  Fixing the limit corrected my problem.  
I think I last got tripped up this way 10 years ago...

I suppose that the advice to increase Mac OS X's default stacksize limit might make a fine entry 
in the FAQ or README file.

Thanks again,
    icon14.gif   Re: FreeBSD Install, posted by G on Tue Oct 28 22:40:28 2003 
Thanks for that mate, compiled elog on FreeBSD 5.1 myself no problems just like 
you said, great!

> FYI- the default "make" on FreeBSD is BSD, not GNU.
> The easiest way to build elog on FreeBSD is to install "gmake" (via the port or
> package) and type "gmake".  That's all it took for me to build a freshly
> downloaded copy on 5.1 not 5 minutes ago.
    icon14.gif   Re: Default Sorting Option, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Feb 27 13:25:32 2004 
Thank's!!!  :-)) 
Great solution. Exactly what I need! 
> This can be easily achieved with the configuration option 
> Start page = ?sort=<attribute> 
> or 
> Start page = ?rsort=<attribute> 
> where <attribute> is your date. 
> In your case, you need the URL 
> which can be obtained via 
> Start page = ?sort=Datum+wann 
    icon14.gif   Re: Type date and conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Mar 6 12:47:34 2004 elog.gif
> BUG#1

Has been fixed. New version under CVS.

> BUG#2
> In single entry view, elog returns an unformatted date value for "Type =
> date" attributes - even when it has been manually entered with the date picker.

Can't reproduce that. Used your config, got the display attached.
    icon14.gif   Re: Type date and conditional attributes, posted by Ralph Bearpark on Mon Mar 8 09:52:14 2004 
> > BUG#1
> Has been fixed. New version under CVS.

Thanks for that, Stefan.

> > BUG#2
> > In single entry view, elog returns an unformatted date value for "Type =
> > date" attributes - even when it has been manually entered with the date picker.
> Can't reproduce that. Used your config, got the display attached.

Nor can I in the new version.  Forgive me if I don't investigate further. ;-)
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6