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  1610   Thu Jan 19 15:23:02 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report 2.6.1Re: Access to global configuration in v2.6.1
> I just installed v.2.6.1 coming from the previous 2.6.0 (on Win2000)
> When I access the "configuration" function from a logbook, in the cfg page I only see two buttons in the header
> (save or cancel); in the previous version I saw more buttons there ("global config", "create new logbook" and so
> on), so here I'm unable to access global configuration or logbook management (except for current logbook options).

I tried to reproduce your problem, but could not. In my windows installation it looks fine. You only see the
(save and cancel) buttons only if you go to "Change [global]", otherwise you see the "Change [global]", "Delete
this logbook" etc. buttons. Have you tried with the default elogd.cfg which comes from the distribution?
  1611   Thu Jan 19 16:59:38 2006 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chQuestion 2.6.xsettings for "show only new entries"
how ca i set the date for the "show only new entries" button? maybe i missed somethin on the elog.cfg description?
thank's for hint! Smile
  1612   Thu Jan 19 17:05:22 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion 2.6.xRe: settings for "show only new entries"

Ulrich Trüssel wrote:
how ca i set the date for the "show only new entries" button? maybe i missed somethin on the elog.cfg description?
thank's for hint! Smile

That button works as follows: When you are active browsing entries, your activity is recorded (only the time) in the password file. Now when you are inactive for more than one hour, you are considered "logged out", and your last activity is taken as a filter for new entries. That means you see new entries since your last activity in the logbook. If you want to see the last day/week/month etc. you can define a quick filter on the date instead.
  1613   Thu Jan 19 20:50:29 2006 Cool Mark Coudrietmarkcoudriet@yahoo.comBug report 2.6.0Re: In version 2.6 the themes do not work right on Windows.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The URL is fixed at whichever logbook that is selected (e.g. ELOG 2.5.9-4 is <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"> & ELOG 2.6.0-1 is <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost:8080/demo/default.css">).

So what is your problem? Can't you access http://localhost:8080/demo/default.css ?

If so, you could use an
URL = http://{your host}:8080/

option in your config file, where you replace {your host} with your real host name.

No, because they would have to be in every logbook instead of coming out of the theme directory.
But I just updated to your new version 2.6.1 & everything is fine now. Thanks for your help! Big grin
  1614   Thu Jan 19 20:53:01 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report 2.6.0Re: In version 2.6 the themes do not work right on Windows.

Mark Coudriet wrote:
But I just updated to your new version 2.6.1 & everything is fine now. Thanks for your help! Big grin

Japp. I switched back to relative links for CSS again, seems to give less trouble. Pleased
  1616   Sat Jan 21 14:02:57 2006 Reply Giorgio Croci Candianig.crocic@libero.itBug report 2.6.1Re: Access to global configuration in v2.6.1
> I tried to reproduce your problem, but could not. In my windows installation it looks fine. You only see the
> (save and cancel) buttons only if you go to "Change [global]", otherwise you see the "Change [global]", "Delete
> this logbook" etc. buttons. Have you tried with the default elogd.cfg which comes from the distribution?

Yes, I tried that. Maybe I'll have some other try on other PCs and investigate further, I'll surely let you know. Thanks
for the prompt response and compliments for your very good work! ELog is really a great piece of software.
  1620   Mon Jan 23 17:32:20 2006 Reply mark jamesmark@majames.comQuestion 2.6.0b5Re: Quicklink does not work for one field

Stefan Ritt wrote:

mark james wrote:
I am not so bold as to log this as a bug but one of my Quicklink fields just do not work.

Sorry my late reply, but now I have fixed this problem. The update is under SVN and will be contained in the next release.

Thanks for that. I am now using ver V2.6.1-1622. So I guess that doesn't qualify as a "next release". I wonder if there is anything I could do to work around the issue?

  1621   Mon Jan 23 18:35:52 2006 Reply mark jamesmark@majames.comQuestion 2.6.0b5Re: Quicklink does not work for one field

mark james wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

mark james wrote:
I am not so bold as to log this as a bug but one of my Quicklink fields just do not work.

Sorry my late reply, but now I have fixed this problem. The update is under SVN and will be contained in the next release.

Thanks for that. I am now using ver V2.6.1-1622. So I guess that doesn't qualify as a "next release". I wonder if there is anything I could do to work around the issue?


In fact now the dropdown seems to be working but when I 'tick' an entry, it is not being written to the ascii file.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6